Immortals Handbook: Ascension 3.5E Print you want one?

Still annoyed that book was even slightly damaged so I have just purchased secondary packaging. I'll have the first packaging inside the second packaging.

For the sake of another $1.50 (don't worry I'll take care of that myself), I'd rather pay that and ensure no more damage, no matter how small. Shouldn't affect the postage price.

Nothing I can do about the books already shipped. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed on those. 🤞

If any do get badly damaged I will try to replace them (until I run out of books, even if it means giving up my own copy).

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Still annoyed that book was even slightly damaged so I have just purchased secondary packaging. I'll have the first packaging inside the second packaging.

For the sake of another $1.50 (don't worry I'll take care of that myself), I'd rather pay that and ensure no more damage, no matter how small. Shouldn't affect the postage price.

Nothing I can do about the books already shipped. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed on those. 🤞

If any do get badly damaged I will try to replace them (until I run out of books, even if it means giving up my own copy).
Your dedication to your fans is highly admirable.

Howdy FleshEating BlackFlutterby! :)

Your dedication to your fans is highly admirable.

Just trying to do the right thing.

As a creator, when you put a lot of time and effort into making a book, its a little heartbreaking to think it doesn't end up in the hands of a fan undamaged. I thought I had these books well packaged, but I guess not well enough. I suspect the weight of the book (as noted previously the glossy pages give this book proper weight) might be acting against it here. But either way its my responsibility to ensure safe delivery. I also feel doubly duty-bound to these fans because they have stuck by me for years even though I haven't released anything in over a decade*.

*Though that will be changing soon enough. 🤞

Hey guys,

I checked the Royal Mail website and it looks like the Cyber Attack has been resolved.

So as soon as I get this secondary packaging to keep the books extra safe (Amazon are saying Wednesday for that). I will get the rest of the books shipped.

A few people still to give me their addresses (I'll private message those people on Wednesday if they haven't got back to me by then).

Hey guys,

I checked the Royal Mail website and it looks like the Cyber Attack has been resolved.

So as soon as I get this secondary packaging to keep the books extra safe (Amazon are saying Wednesday for that). I will get the rest of the books shipped.

A few people still to give me their addresses (I'll private message those people on Wednesday if they haven't got back to me by then).
This is excellent news. I failed to check this yesterday. Probably should have.

Question...How much conversion have you done for AD&D 2E? I still play 2E from time to time and have adopted a few minor house rules from your 3.5 stuff. Stats above 25, virtual size categories, quintessence rules, d20s for immortal HD, thaco and AC beyond standard limits, and scaling damage categories. So far it works well. I use deity rules from Faiths & Avatars (as they were the most up to date for 2e) as a base.

Hello again FEBF buddy! :)

This is excellent news. I failed to check this yesterday. Probably should have.


Question...How much conversion have you done for AD&D 2E? I still play 2E from time to time and have adopted a few minor house rules from your 3.5 stuff. Stats above 25, virtual size categories, quintessence rules, d20s for immortal HD, thaco and AC beyond standard limits, and scaling damage categories. So far it works well. I use deity rules from Faiths & Avatars (as they were the most up to date for 2e) as a base.

Well our main Immortals Campaign back in the day (80's/90's) used primarily 1st Edition and 2nd Edition (basically the same thing in all but name).

As for what I have personally converted back into 1E/2E that would be very little beyond the conversion chart on my original website (planning to have a new website when I get the 5E book finished).

My friend S'mon (on these forums) who was (and is) the DM, did create a TON of epic/immortal level stuff for the adventures he ran. Though that said I think a lot of the inspiration for those things came from different genres (Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, Mortal Kombat*, etc.). When I visit him again in the summer I will see if he still has his old campaign notebooks and post some pics of the stats. 1E/2E is of course very light on mechanics.

*I once left some Mortal Kombat II book with Simon and I remember he converted all the villains into high ranking generals for the Mabden; the mortal armies of Michael Moorcock's Sword Gods.

For IH-style divine play in AD&D 1E/2E games, I'd recommend finding a first-printing copy of The Primal Order, which has the AD&D-specific conversion rules in the back.
Have it. I'm a bit of a collector. It's a good system, but too simplistic for my campaign. It gimps some abilities while giving other abilities that would derail the setting. Hence my piecemeal use of Immortal's Handbook rules. They're easier to adapt.

I received my Mixam copy today and have fallen in love with this book - and I don't even play 3E or 3.5E anymore!

I can't put my finger on it but it has the charm of a 1E book but with great artwork, far, far higher production values, and a logical layout. Even though I'm a non-epic, 5e devotee now, the contents are inspiring. For example, some of the feats that don't already exist in 5e could easily be toned down and converted to a non-epic 5e campaign. And the information on deity types and powers are a boon for any worldbuilding DM. Each time I dip into this book, I discover something new I can use.

In short, I can't recommend Immortals Handbook: Ascension 2023 highly enough. It's a delight!

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