Immortals Handbook: Ascension 3.5E Print you want one?


Hey all, any thoughts from any of you guys who picked up the PDF? (I noticed a few people have grabbed a copy - I'm assuming one or two from the forums here).

Just curious to know if it all downloaded smoothly and looks good enough. Plus any other feedback. Thanks in advance.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think something untoward has happened during pdf creation. I can see the same issue as @Alzrius, where the newly-added text and images are sharp but the old text is pretty badly compressed. Here are some pairs of images comparing the new version with the 2008 version at the same magnification:



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Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think something untoward has happened during pdf creation. I can see the same issue as @Alzrius, where the newly-added text and images are sharp but the old text is pretty badly compressed. Here are some pairs of images comparing the new version with the 2008 version at the same magnification:
View attachment 275507
View attachment 275508
View attachment 275509View attachment 275510

Thanks for the heads up - must be due to the most recent round of compression. I double-checked both print books and the text looks perfect on both (albeit those were from 947 Mb files).

The uncompressed file is (now) 92 Mb (down from the 947 Mb used in both print books), the Compressed file I went with is 50 Mb.

I will do another pdf tonight - fix the errata and upload that without compression and we will see how that goes. Hopefully 90 Mb will be small enough.

The massive file size came from me 'Exporting' as a pdf. Whereas the smaller size was from 'Print' as a pdf.

i remember that there was a comic bestiary around and i just found the word doc about it
it has stats for a few things but the dragon stat blocks for the age categories are messed up somehow
Yeah I put that together from entries from the forum, it's an old file type, I think a .docx it barely functions anymore sadly, but you should be able to look it up in compatability mode. Should work to some degree.

UK, I am on the limited edition copy list correct?

Absolutely amigo.

Although either way you want to do it buddy is fine by me.

If anyone wants the Drivethru copy instead of one of these Limited Edition versions I'm fine with that. The Drivethru version was better than I anticipated. Although the quality of the Mixam version is incredible.

Hey all,

minor delay, took me slightly longer than expected signing and packing the books. So I didn't get any posted today (If I had ran the mile and a half to the Post Office with the packages I might have made it a few minutes before the place closed, but I decided I'll just wait until tomorrow).

Ascension production line.jpg

On each copy I noted on the inside end sheet at the top "Book 'x' (of 20)". However, Mixam sent me 21 books and while I initially thought what a stroke of luck; a free book, I noticed when I laid them all out on the table; a glint of light off one of the covers differently which had a small 1 cm bubble warp on the cover (where the Tarrasque bites Surtur's kneecap). So one of them must have warped a bit and they printed another and just sent me the warped one as well.

So I'll keep the warped copy, technically Book #21 (of 20). Meaning there is an extra copy up for grabs.

A few people on the list have not messaged me about their copy - I will private message them later. I'm guessing a few couldn't wait and just bought on Drivethru - which is totally fine.

Hey guys I uploaded the Ascension 2023 v1.2 document to Drivethru. Two lines of text are fixed and two images were tweaked.

I did remove the (unfinished) Mirror Mask item from No Cha's entry. One reason being the image in the book is No Cha before assuming his "Mythic Form" (the giant 3-headed version), but the other reason is I just couldn't remember what the heck I was going to do with the mask in the first place.

I will think of something for when I release the 5E version (No Cha is actually one of the sample deities therein) and it will be a bit more comprehensive.



The font on the statblock headers is a little wonky. I will echo the comments that the new art is absolutely incredible, and can't wait to see it on paper. Especially like the dark pages where the text goes to white on black alongside the art, kind of sells the notion that these beings are so powerful the rules themselves become eclipsed. Will admit I was hopeful for a bit more stuff for Eternal level, even just a couple of sample statblocks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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