Immortals Handbook: Ascension 3.5E Print you want one?

im fine with waiting with as long as you need

Cheers amigo,

I have reloaded the pdf. It is now 50 Mb, instead of 947 Mb. Hopefully that sorts all the issues. 🤞

I still do not know how it got to 947 in the first place, the AfPub file is only 16 Mb! I think it must have been some feature in the Export to pdf function. Instead (this time) I used the Print to PDF function, which got it to 90 Mb (which still seems weirdly high) and then used a file compressor to get it to 50 Mb, quality of the pdf still seems good.

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I also just double checked and both previews (Quick Preview and Full Size Preview) are working - so that should be it.

I need to get some sleep here, so lets hope no more problems for at least the next 8 hours.

For those who get to see the pdf, post here if the quality is fine and/or any issues with it and I'll get to it as soon as I wake up.


The EN World kitten
For those who get to see the pdf, post here if the quality is fine and/or any issues with it and I'll get to it as soon as I wake up.
Looking the previews over now, they look great! (Also, that artwork is un-frickin-believable!) The only thing I'd note is that the text of the full-size preview (once you turn off the watermark layer) doesn't seem to be OCR'd; looking at the table of contents, you can clearly tell that the entry for Appendix 2 is a more recent addition, based on how it seems sharper than the rest of the lettering.

But it's entirely possible that's an issue that's specific to the preview, so it might be nothing.

Hey Alzrius buddy! :)

Looking the previews over now, they look great! (Also, that artwork is un-frickin-believable!)

Well in fairness the heavy lifting was done by Midjourney although EVERY image had to be repainted by me to some degree. Some were massive the cover (which took almost 30 hours), others only required minor touching up - for those that know Midjourney they'll know every single hand in the book would have to be completely repainted because they generally turn out like a wild octopus.

But really glad you like the art, there is a ton of it in the book and a handful of big double page spreads, one of which features a certain golem. ;)

Pages 58-59 are my favourite though. You can all discover that for yourselves.

The only thing I'd note is that the text of the full-size preview (once you turn off the watermark layer) doesn't seem to be OCR'd; looking at the table of contents, you can clearly tell that the entry for Appendix 2 is a more recent addition, based on how it seems sharper than the rest of the lettering.

But it's entirely possible that's an issue that's specific to the preview, so it might be nothing.

I am looking at my Print Copy and the Contents page text looks seamless. So hopefully its only an issue with the Preview.

Hey all, any thoughts from any of you guys who picked up the PDF? (I noticed a few people have grabbed a copy - I'm assuming one or two from the forums here).

Just curious to know if it all downloaded smoothly and looks good enough. Plus any other feedback. Thanks in advance.


Hey all, any thoughts from any of you guys who picked up the PDF? (I noticed a few people have grabbed a copy - I'm assuming one or two from the forums here).
i was able to download it and i love it
there are entries like the mirror masks that dont say what they do and the epic new special weapon ability gets cut off for echoing
i think the font for hectate items are different to the rest but it could just be me

Hey Roydude buddy! :)

i was able to download it

Fantastic news and apologies again for my error with the file size the first time around.

and i love it

That's the response I am hoping for.

there are entries like the mirror masks that dont say what they do and the epic new special weapon ability gets cut off for echoing

Fiddlesticks. How the heck I miss that. :unsure:

i think the font for hectate items are different to the rest but it could just be me

I was using the same body and sub-header font (Celestia Antiqua), but I must have originally done something with the kerning back in 2007 and I couldn't get it replicated precisely. So if it looks a tiny bit off, that's why.

The Header fonts in the Appendix should of course be the same as the rest of the book (they didn't embed in the Gods & Monsters document - likely my fault) but because of the split underline (underlines being Affinity Publisher's biggest weakness vs Pagemaker* and InDesign** ) I decided to leave it alone, it was going to be a massive pain in the bum to fix. Plus I no longer had that original Header font though I do have a near exact font called Willow.

*Pagemaker 6.5 used for the original Epic Bestiary (2005) and Ascension (2007).
**InDesign used for the Vampire Bestiary (2012), but since they switched to a subscription model its just not financially viable so I am now using Affinity Publisher which seemingly does everything InDesign can do except (bizarrely) underline to column width.

Thanks again for the feedback. Much appreciated RoyDude.

Hey guys,

the Mixam copies were delivered a day early!

A1 Mixam Books photo.jpg

As you can tell from the images these are the 'special edition' versions, there is no title, so you can see the full cover art. Orange end sheets, orange ribbon (in keeping with the fiery theme). Glossy pages look amazing. The whole book (as you can see from the image) is at least 33% thinner than the Drivethru version.

Very happy how they turned out (although the spine is not as 'orange-y' as I had hoped).

If you email me at your address (or private message it to me on this forum) and paypal me (my paypal is the same as my email address):
~ $60 (if you are in North America) - postage from here to US is $29.50 or something crazy like that.
~ ÂŁ30 (if you are in the UK)
~ €40 (if you are in Europe)
~ If you are elsewhere in the world, email me your address first and I will check the minimum I can post it for.

The above covers printing, postage & packaging, I am not making money on these.

Voidrunner's Codex

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