Immortals Handbook: Ascension 3.5E Print you want one?

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The font on the statblock headers is a little wonky. I will echo the comments that the new art is absolutely incredible, and can't wait to see it on paper. Especially like the dark pages where the text goes to white on black alongside the art, kind of sells the notion that these beings are so powerful the rules themselves become eclipsed. Will admit I was hopeful for a bit more stuff for Eternal level, even just a couple of sample statblocks.

Yes sorry about that Chess435 buddy. As I noted in a previous post, Affinity Publisher cannot do column width underlines/overlines, so it would have taken some serious work to get the Appendix titles looking like the titles in the main book, plus I no longer have the exact header font from the main book - though I have something similar. I could have done the changes, but it likely would have taken me about a week's free time to get all the headers in the Appendix right.

Ascension 2023 was initially meant to be 2 weeks work (ended up taking 6 or 7) and adding the Gods & Monsters stuff in the Appendix was sort of a last minute thing - although I am glad I did it.

To be fair I probably should have delayed it another week and just fixed the Appendix titles as well. I hope it doesn't ruin anyone's enjoyment of the book/pdf.

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Okay so wait til you hear this story...

I carried the first 7 books the mile and a half to the Post Office (I work out and I could just about carry 7 so that tells you how crazy heavy they are - must be the gloss coating on the pages).

I get to the Post Office and apparently ALL International Shipping is currently cancelled (until at least Monday 20th) due to ongoing Cyber Attacks.

On top of that the Price (to North America) has went up slightly from $29.50 to $33 (but I will take that extra on the chin and pay it myself).

So my options are to wait til Monday OR use an independent shipping company called Parcelforce.

Looking at their rates Parcelforce are the same price as the Post Office provided I drop the packages to the post office or +$2.50 if I get them picked up from my house.

So I will decide what's best over the next 24 hours. Still looking into the Parcelforce shipping - perhaps they have a discount for 10 Parcels?

  • One thing to note is I did get Elpp's book posted (since he is in the UK).
  • Shipping to Europe will have to wait until the post office resumes posting again (Monday at the earliest) as Parcelforce prices to the EU are basically the same as to North America.

I contacted Parcel Force, about setting up a business account. They have yet to reply (I think the guy on the phone didn't get my email down right, if I don't hear from them by the morning I will phone again).

I'm guessing that will be the best thing. Cheaper rates (although no idea how cheap at the moment) and faster postage times - they are saying 5-9 days tracked (even at the economy rate).

Howdy elpp mate! :)

Just got the book, it looks great.

Flippin heck - that was quick. Only posted it yesterday!

Well you are the first to get it buddy, I'll assume it arrived safe and undamaged - I packed it as best I could.

I still can't get over how good the page quality is; the gloss coating just makes it feel outstanding.

Howdy elpp mate! :)

Flippin heck - that was quick. Only posted it yesterday!

Well you are the first to get it buddy, I'll assume it arrived safe and undamaged - I packed it as best I could.

I still can't get over how good the page quality is; the gloss coating just makes it feel outstanding.
It came safe and undamaged, the page quality is great.

Okay finally a tiny bit of good news as regards Postage.

Parcel Force were in touch about setting up a business account. Unfortunately due to me only shipping about ten books to North America, it wouldn't be worth my while signing up to the contract. Had it been notably more than 10 books the saving is about 10%.

But that's not the good news. I went to the Post Office again today (to post 2 more books to the UK). While there, the girl behind the desk took pity on me and offered me a fractionally cheaper rate with Parcel Force - so $32...better than $33 I suppose.

But there's a catch. I need to fill out a form prior to shipping (for tracking/delivery purposes) and that form requires (among other things) a phone number for the person receiving the package.

So if you see this and you are one of the people in North America getting the Mixam copy, email me your phone number. I'll be emailing those people later anyway.

FWIW Parcel Force are saying delivery within 4 business days. So once I get these posted it won't take long before you have them.

Hey all! :)

Those who gave me their telephone numbers yesterday evening all got shipped today:

Lunar Squid

Post Office says they don't get collected until Monday and Parcel Force are claiming 3-4 Business Days for delivery. So hopefully you should all have the books by next Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. 🤞

To Those in Europe, I need to double check on Monday if the Cyber Attack on the Mail service is over. If so I will post your books immediately. Sorry for the delay.

My signed one arrived today, number 15! Very happy, it has a little bash in the top left corner but that's fine as its mine and I'm never gonna sell it anyway 🤩. Was surprised it showed up so quick. Thanks again for the hard work!

My signed one arrived today, number 15! Very happy, it has a little bash in the top left corner but that's fine as its mine and I'm never gonna sell it anyway 🤩. Was surprised it showed up so quick. Thanks again for the hard work!

Aw buddy, sorry it got damaged even a tiny bit. I packed it in bubble wrap and a sturdy mailer.

Not sure how I could pack it better. Any ideas guys?

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