D&D (2024) New One D&D Playtest Includes 5 Classes & New Weapon Mastery System

Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard

The latest playtest packet for One D&D has just landed, and features five classes (Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard) and the new Weapon Mastery system.

In this new Unearthed Arcana document for the 2024 Core Rulebooks, we explore material designed for the next version of the Player’s Handbook. This playtest document presents the rules on the Weapon Mastery property, updates to weapons, new and revised spells, several new feats, and five classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard. You will also find an updated rules glossary that supercedes the glossary of any previous playtest documents.


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Michael Linke

Something that I've felt since early on in 5e, is that the fighter should get their 4th attack at 17th level, keeping pace with cantrip upgrades. It's closer now since they get it at 18th, but I'd probably swap that 4th attack with unconquerable.
Depends how you approach D&D. My feeling, both as a player and the DM, is that every player character’s resources benefit every other player at the table. The fighter may not have that fourth attack, but at least their buddy the wizard has that extra cantrip.

From that perspective, it’s actually better if power isn’t equal across all classes at every level. You want one character to get something cool at 17th level, and someone else to get something cool at 18th level. If everyone makes a simultaneous quantum leap in capability together, it can have a disruptive effect on the game.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Man I really dislike the fighter stuff and mastery the longer I think on it.

Oh well, if it goes to print like this I’ll still have my variant features like Heroic Actions in place of action surge that act like legendary actions, and heroic determination later on that replaces indomitable with the ability to turn one save, or ability check, that fails into a success, x/day.

I may just translate the 4e weapon properties to 5e and use that in place of mastery.


Some personal feedback on this playtest doc#5:

  • A bit surprised/puzzled by 'class features' being 'spells', now. I certainly hope they are located next to the class rather than among the spell list. It makes the playtest document difficult to read. Let's hope the PHB won't make the same mistake.
  • Not sure why we are back to previous exhaustion system which is very much more detrimental to martial classes than to spellcasters
Weapon mastery:
  • OK. Good idea for boosting martial classes incl providing tactical options. Very flavorful, too.
  • However, the system should not slow down the combat pace. For instance adding saving throws will have a detrimental effect on the duration of the combat turn
  • On the other hand, some effects might be too powerful if automatic... for the playtest to say I guess
  • Doesn't this system reduce the interest of the battle master maneuvers ?
  • Weapon mastery at level 1: doesn't this encourage 1-lvl dip ? If so, isn't it in contradiction with the aim of providing martial class with a specific boost ? This feels like too much front-loaded to me
  • 3-4-5 weapon masteries: not sure there is a huge advantage in having so much masteries (esp considering you can change after a long rest) ; however it could be interesting if masteries were linked to properties rather than weapons (just a thought)
  • Second wind to be usable several time in a single combat or several times if no long rest possible : seems like a good idea ; why is the Action Surge following a different design ?
  • Weapon expert & adept (strange having 'adept' as the ultimate mastery): this should makes the single class fighter shines !
  • Indomitable : great boost to the feature
  • Unconquerable : and now you feel invincible ! Very good 17th level feature
  • 4 attacks per round is the ultimate 18th level feature - seems appropriate
  • New champion subclass seems more interesting than the previous one
  • Weapon mastery at level 1: same comment than above
  • Rage damage (unchanged) continue to seem weak
  • OK for extending Rage voluntarily (Bonus action) but why removing automatic extension when receiving damages ?
  • Primal Knowledge : love that you can funnel your rage to specific actions like Intimidation or physical prowesses
  • Brutal critical : much better than +1d
  • Berserker subclass : much better without the exhaustion
  • I love the specific spells (Sorcerous Burst, Sorcerous Vitality, Arcane Eruption, Sorcery Incarnate) that gives a very specific flavor to the Sorcerer
  • Metamagic options seems improved ; Careful Spell could depreciate the value of Invoker Sculpt Spell feature
  • Draconic Sorcery : let the Sorcerer fly at will at level 14
  • love the Pact of the Blade at level 1
  • Spellcasting change (1/2 caster) is "why not" ; I understand the reasoning and indeed the Warlock loose the unique feature of gaining back its spell slots on a short rest but I also believe that lack of slots (and hoading) led to a poor variety of use of these slots
  • Contact Patron: welcome addition
  • Hex Master: OK with 4 spell slots but is it so useful when you've got 14 spell slots ? I would expect a more iconic ultimate feature.
  • 3 Invocations 'absorbed' as part of the Pact Boon 5th level improvement : nice
  • Lifedrinker lives up to its name !
  • Fiend Patron: free casting is nice (do we need so much spell slots after all ?) ; nice that you don't need to drop down an enemy yourself for Dark One's Blessing however the 5 feet range makes the feature really for the Pact of the Blade only
  • love the new theme around spell manipulation ; regarding modify spell: I view this as a personal optimization of the spell ; maybe having several modification on a single spell with no spell level change is too much ; "Targets" depreciate the Invoker Sculpt Spell ability ; Create Spell might be limited by time constraint (such as 1-month of previous study per spell level) to prevent abuse
  • Academic: good addition
  • Evoker subclass: OK with all changes
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Fiend Patron: free casting is nice (do we need so much spell slots after all ?) ; nice that you don't need to drop down an enemy yourself for Dark One's Blessing however the 5 feet range makes the feature really for the Pact of the Blade only
Yeah that’s a great point.

They could have made Hex at-will at a lower level, kept the patron spells as 1/day cast free spells, and all those lovely spell invocations but make none of them cost a spell slot (bc that is weird) , and pact magic doesn’t seem so terribly restrictive.

Especially if you can get the slots back by doing a 1-minute ritual, twice a day.

Michael Linke

I actually just now read through the Wizard changes. I don't like the idea that all of their class feature actions are considered spells now, and I think they're doing too much to make all of the spellcasting classes behave too similarly. At some point, there's an amount of universal similiatry they can apply across the Cleric, Bard, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Druid, after which you wonder if you can start downsizing some of those classes and converting them to subclasses of one another, and it looks like they're getting close to that point.

I think I saw someone pointed out an issue where a Wizard might be unable to reproduce their spellbook if they lose it while they don't have Scribe Spell prepared?


Book-Friend, he/him
I actually just now read through the Wizard changes. I don't like the idea that all of their class feature actions are considered spells now, and I think they're doing too much to make all of the spellcasting classes behave too similarly. At some point, there's an amount of universal similiatry they can apply across the Cleric, Bard, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Druid, after which you wonder if you can start downsizing some of those classes and converting them to subclasses of one another, and it looks like they're getting close to that point.

I think I saw someone pointed out an issue where a Wizard might be unable to reproduce their spellbook if they lose it while they don't have Scribe Spell prepared?
I like making the Mage abilities Spells, because it makes use of general rules (magic use) to differ them from other casters.


I actually just now read through the Wizard changes. I don't like the idea that all of their class feature actions are considered spells now, and I think they're doing too much to make all of the spellcasting classes behave too similarly. At some point, there's an amount of universal similiatry they can apply across the Cleric, Bard, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Druid, after which you wonder if you can start downsizing some of those classes and converting them to subclasses of one another, and it looks like they're getting close to that point.

I think I saw someone pointed out an issue where a Wizard might be unable to reproduce their spellbook if they lose it while they don't have Scribe Spell prepared?
I'm not a fan of that either, especially the wizard. Not a fan of some of the spells they're forcing on sorcerers either. This playtest is the first one that's made me think that maybe I won't bother with the new books.


I actually just now read through the Wizard changes. I don't like the idea that all of their class feature actions are considered spells now, and I think they're doing too much to make all of the spellcasting classes behave too similarly. At some point, there's an amount of universal similiatry they can apply across the Cleric, Bard, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Druid, after which you wonder if you can start downsizing some of those classes and converting them to subclasses of one another, and it looks like they're getting close to that point.

I think I saw someone pointed out an issue where a Wizard might be unable to reproduce their spellbook if they lose it while they don't have Scribe Spell prepared?
Wizard features being spell is really on brand for me.

Wizards are all about spells. Finding a spell that lets you Modify a spell in a dead wizard's spelbook is very on theme.

You want to turn Fireball into Coldball. Well that'swy you are in the dungeon. Because the WizardArtica who did that died there.

The issue is that a Wizard should have these spells memorized. These are spells your master taught you and beat you over the head with while studying. That's why wizards are older than other classes. You have to first learn the science behind Scribe Scroll before you do anything.

All the 3e item creation feats should be spells.
Generic Arcane spells. Just Wizards get them for free and always have them prepared.


Man I really dislike the fighter stuff and mastery the longer I think on it.
Don't worry... you still have probably another 15 months or so to think on it before you have to make a decision.

I might even suggest it's not even worth ANY of us thinking on it right now because we have 15 months for things to quite possibly change. :)

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Don't worry... you still have probably another 15 months or so to think on it before you have to make a decision.

I might even suggest it's not even worth ANY of us thinking on it right now because we have 15 months for things to quite possibly change. :)
Tough to avoid thinking about it when we're being given documents and asked to provide feedback, although I agree that very little of what we're seeing is likely to change.

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