D&D (2024) New One D&D Weapons Table Shows 'Mastery' Traits

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.


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During the playtest, almost every pactedt had a completely revamped fighter which revamped a significant part of the playtest rules each time.

Other classes jand race and almost EVERY monster just got one pass and if not overly negative responded did not receive a second look.

Thats how the weak ranger and monk got printed and the boring sorcerer was approved.

The DNDB designers were spending most of their time one the PHB and most of that on the Fighter.

Okay, but many of the variations on the fighter weren't directly working with this "Simple Fighter" we ended up with. They changed a lot, tried a lot of different angles. IF your point was "they put in a lot of effort, and this was the result" then sure, but it sounded like you were saying "they put far too much effort into this specific concept" which they didn't, as seen by the multiple different variations.

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Okay, but many of the variations on the fighter weren't directly working with this "Simple Fighter" we ended up with. They changed a lot, tried a lot of different angles. IF your point was "they put in a lot of effort, and this was the result" then sure, but it sounded like you were saying "they put far too much effort into this specific concept" which they didn't, as seen by the multiple different variations.
My point is that they spent so much time creating, designing, and playtesting the Simple Fighter that could scale that they didn't have time to look at many other aspects of the games. Including expansion of combat via optional variant rules.

The place those would go, The DMG, was rushed.

Better yet, is there ANY modern RPG, not published by a small indie title, that has a "basic" and an "advanced" version in print at the same time? Has anyone done this other than TSR back in the day?
Traveller, I would say. It's got Traveller 5, and Mongoose Traveller 2e (and Cepheus Engine based off MgT 1e). You could certainly make an argument that both companies involved are pretty small, though that argument applies across most of the "industry" and of course it's two(+) different companies doing it rather than one company making different versions. But most Traveller fans acknowledge there are multiple versions on sale.


My point is that they spent so much time creating, designing, and playtesting the Simple Fighter that could scale that they didn't have time to look at many other aspects of the games. Including expansion of combat via optional variant rules.

The place those would go, The DMG, was rushed.

I can defintely agree, with the new information, that the DMG was rushed and that meant they couldn't do as many optional variants as they originally wanted.


Traveller, I would say. It's got Traveller 5, and Mongoose Traveller 2e (and Cepheus Engine based off MgT 1e). You could certainly make an argument that both companies involved are pretty small, though that argument applies across most of the "industry" and of course it's two(+) different companies doing it rather than one company making different versions. But most Traveller fans acknowledge there are multiple versions on sale.

So all we need is two WoTCs to pull this off...


Traveller, I would say. It's got Traveller 5, and Mongoose Traveller 2e (and Cepheus Engine based off MgT 1e). You could certainly make an argument that both companies involved are pretty small, though that argument applies across most of the "industry" and of course it's two(+) different companies doing it rather than one company making different versions. But most Traveller fans acknowledge there are multiple versions on sale.
Except none of those games are sold by the same company. Traveler 5 is Far Future Enterprises, Cepheus Engine is made by Moon Toad publishing, and Mongoose Traveller is obviously Mongoose Publishing. This isn't a company selling a simpler and a complex version of the game, it is 3 different companies selling 3 different versions of the same game.

If a different version of the same game made by different companies counts, we would have dozen of versions of D&D be published today, i.e. Pathfinder.


You can go with a shortsword and a dagger, having 2 oportunities to attack thanks to the light property of both weapons with out using the bonus action and and having adventage to the shortsword attack thanks to the Nick and and Puncture masteries, having better demage and 2 opportunities to apply the sneack attach if you fail the first attack. . Or use a rapier beter dice demage but less demage in total compare to the 2 attack but hou have 1 free hand to use a shield, a magic item or anything else. I don't think rapier is stonguest know, just situational.


It’s even worse! In this table Shortsword and Rapier have the same damage type and the same mastery! That’s dumb! Only thing in its favour is that the Shortsword is 'Light'!
You can go with a shortsword and a dagger, having 2 oportunities to attack thanks to the light property of both weapons with out using the bonus action and and having adventage to the shortsword attack thanks to the Nick and and Puncture masteries, having better demage and 2 opportunities to apply the sneack attach if you fail the first attack. . Or use a rapier beter dice demage but less demage in total compare to the 2 attack but hou have 1 free hand to use a shield, a magic item or anything else. I don't think rapier is stonguest know, just situational.

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