D&D (2024) New One D&D Weapons Table Shows 'Mastery' Traits

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.


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Jedi Master
I wonder if 'sap' is disadvantage on the target's next attack? Or maybe cause temporary exhaustion (1 round) using the new exhaustion rules?

I think 'graze' and other damage on miss weapon attacks will actually work out fine in 2024 (as will a lot of 4e pieces that were previous maligned)

Warriors I believe get mastery options from any weapon, other classes will get access to mastery of specific weapons.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Note it seems it’s not the entire list and may have been recreated from his notes or photos
Rapier's not on there. I cannot imagine it vanishing completely, although hopefully it will be less dominant.

EDIT: OK, there's the second page. Still no reason for a rogue to use a shortsword over a rapier, which feels like a miss. Give them different properties, please, and make it a choice. (Slashing vs. piercing isn't a meaningful choice, IME.)

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