D&D General New Summary and Release Date for 'Dragons of Deceit'

There's a new Amazon Kindle page for Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's new Dragonlance novel, Dragons of Deceit with a release date of August 9, 2022.

There has been an older Amazon page for the book for a while, with a now-expired release date of July 2021. The existence of the new trilogy from the Dragonlance Chronicles authors was revealed in 2020 when they initiated a lawsuit against WotC for breach of contract.


The book description reads as follows (typos are on the actual Kindle page):

The first new Dragonlance novel from Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman in over a decade, and featuring fan-favorite characters from the iconic first two trilogies, Dragonlance Chronicles and Dragonlance Legends--books that brought a generation of readers into the fantasy fold.

Destina Rosethorn--as her name implies--believes herself to be very much a favored child of destiny. But when her father dis in the War of the Lance, her carefully-constructed world comes crashing down. Not only does she lost her beloved father, but the legacy he has left her: a wealthy fiance, and rule over the family lands and castle. With nothing left in the world to support her but wits and determination, she hatches a bold plan: to secure the Device of Time Journeying she read about in one of her father's books and prevent her father's death.

The last known holder of the Device was one of the Heroes of the Lance: the free-spirited kender, Tasselhoff Burrfoot. BUt when Destina arrives in Solace--home not only to Tas, but to fellow heroes Caramon and Tika Majere--she sets into motion a chain of events more deadly than she had ever anticipated: one that could change not only her personal history, but the fate of the entire world, allowing a previously-defeated evil to once again gain ascendancy.


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it should apparently be available August 9, 2022, which is considerably passed the last release date we heard about.
I wouldn't place too much significance on this at least. The previous release date was from the Amazon page, and Amazon is notorious for (among other things) just plain inventing release dates out of whole cloth for books that may not have even been fully written yet, with a gleeful disregard for author or publisher.

It something like that can happen in Krynn, also it could do in the rest of the D&D multiverse.

Will be it a good story? We can't judge yet, but I guess we can grant a vote of confidence because they are the original authors, and with more years of experencie as writters.

I wouldn't place too much significance on this at least. The previous release date was from the Amazon page, and Amazon is notorious for (among other things) just plain inventing release dates out of whole cloth for books that may not have even been fully written yet, with a gleeful disregard for author or publisher.
Which seems odd, given that according to the court case the book was finished and just needed clearance from WotC to go to the printers...

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