Unearthed Arcana New UA Paladin and Bard.

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 10.13.40.png

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I dunno, wonder what would fit with those Classes and Black or Green Mana?
Fighter could take a swing at a Green Knight or a classic Black Night. If Blue were an option here, I'd say a rogue that specialises in nullifying the efficacy of magic users and magical creatures. A Druid could go full "counter summon deck", and gain dispel magic and counterspell, and get features to summon creatures when they use those spells, while a wizard could go full "counter-burn".

A rogue that is all about spying, turning the enemy's own strength into their weakness in some way, and turning allies against eachother, could fit Black quite well.

A Hedge Mage could be fun.

A Druid that turns into Fey and Monstrosities instead of just beasts could also be fun.

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Book-Friend, he/him

I think that may have been me. Well, I know I suggested it, but I don't know if I'm who you are remembering. Anyway, yes, I really think we are going to get Chandra's/Nyssa's/The Gatewatch Guide to The Multi-Verse/The Planes, which will detail several MtG worlds, at least 1 or 2 classic DnD worlds, and some or all of the Planes of DnD, with rules and guidelines for playing in a multiversal campaign, as such, as well as worldbuilding advice, etc.

I'm intrigued by what they're laying down,for sure.


I LOOOOVE that Paladin, particularly Mighty Deed. That is going to be a lot of fun. Glorious Defense is also interesting even though it comes so late. The Bard is interesting. I like the Inspiration dice being used for a social pillar ability. I don't love it being used for damage and healing but I rather like Undeniable Logic outside of that fact.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Yep, extremely powerful, and opens the way for some smitable crit fishing if you are somehow able to get advantage on the roll. Interesting ability.

Oath of Vengeance granting advantage is almost the same amount of crits as the extended crit range, and a lot more hits. This is nice, but I wouldn't classify it as unbalanced or "extremely powerful".


Guest 6801328

Oath of Vengeance granting advantage is almost the same amount of crits as the extended crit range, and a lot more hits. This is nice, but I wouldn't classify it as unbalanced or "extremely powerful".
An elf/halfelf with elven accuracy rolling with advantage has a 28% chance to crit.


I love them both. I have been thinking about a sort of Paladin of Awesomeness concept for a long time. Bard of Talking Good is also very fun . . . could play it as a Greco-Roman orator, or a warrior-poet a la Bragi, or magically-empowered storyteller, or Face from "A-Team," or maybe even Cypher from "New Mutants."


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
BARD - College of Eloquence
Undeniable Logic is too strong in my opinion. Completely renders Heightened spell metamagic obselete.

Gives an alternate way to do the same sort of thing, also with a limited currency, against a largely different spell list.

I don't see a single thing there that obsoletes Heightened spell. As a matter of fact, I see precious little overlap since it's against a fairly different spell list.

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