Unearthed Arcana New UA Paladin and Bard.

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 10.13.40.png

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I got the "ancient greek" vibe myself. Odd, that. Is there an "ancient greek"-like area in Planescape?
All of the places in Greek Mythology are in Planescape coexisting with other mythologies in the Great Ring, notably Arborea which was also known as Olympus in 1e before the setting existed. Planescape embraced the Hellenic Pantheon and other real world pantheons over most campaign world specific deities.


I like the paladin. Allows one to play a supernatural hero without the chivalry baggage of the devotion paladin.

Increased critical hit range combined with smites is powerful. And as a bonus action to be able to smoothly open with it to boot. Might make some DMs groan.

I like the paladin. Allows one to play a supernatural hero without the chivalry baggage of the devotion paladin.

Increased critical hit range combined with smites is powerful, and as a bonus action to be able to smoothly open with it to boot.

Yep, extremely powerful, and opens the way for some smitable crit fishing if you are somehow able to get advantage on the roll. Interesting ability.

I like the flavor of Glorious Defense. Seems a bit weak for a 15th level ability, but also fun to use. The capstone also looks interesting.

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