D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED


It's Selossen's turn, isn't it?

Selossen plans to play a game with Vecna, using quickened spell to fire two spells per round during certain rounds. Sometimes I will quicken a cantrip, sometimes I will quicken a high level spell.

Selossen begins casting a spell for his action
Sacred Flame as my action targeting the green Shadow, followed by a quickened Sunbeam, targetting the yellow shadow only.

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The High Aldwin
It's Selossen's turn, isn't it?

Selossen plans to play a game with Vecna, using quickened spell to fire two spells per round during certain rounds. Sometimes I will quicken a cantrip, sometimes I will quicken a high level spell.

Selossen begins casting a spell for his action
Sacred Flame as my action targeting the green Shadow, followed by a quickened Sunbeam, targetting the yellow shadow only.

No, it is Vyrlim's turn so I am waiting on @sleepyInsomniac ...

@sleepyInsomniac it is now Vyrlim's Turn on Initiative 2.

Then it is Selossen, so your actions are noted (you don't mention moving at all, however, and given that the wall is closing at the trap line, you might want to mention any movement you are doing...) unless you decide to change them after @sleepyInsomniac posts.

If they don't post by noon today, we might have to look for someone else to control Vyrlim's actions. 🤷‍♂️ We can't wait forever, after all, and I think 24 hours to post should be sufficient. If the rest of you want to give sleepy more time, then we can of course.


The High Aldwin
Ok, I see @sleepyInsomniac has been on the forums at least twice since I posted it was Vyrlim's turn on Initiative 2 (almost 36 hours ago) without posting about Vyrlim's actions.

So, to keep this moving along, I feel compelled to ask if anyone wants to run Vyrlim's actions for this turn? Here is the link to the character sheet: D&D Beyond Character Sheet

If anyone is interested, please review the scenario so far and post what you would like the Paladin to do. Thanks.


The High Aldwin
Not to be 'that guy' but if everyone agrees and there isn't another player (who hasn't played yet) to step in, I'd be fine throwing my hat into the ring.
You might as well, it has been over 36 hours and I started this with the stipulation that people shouldn't make characters if they can't participate regularly in the scenario. @sleepyInsomniac has been on the boards at least twice that I've seen since I posted the last turn--we can't wait forever.

So, if you're comfortable with it, and I know you played a Paladin in a prior battle, take Vyrlim's turn so we can move on. Please note this was Sleepy's last post:
I am going to preemptively say that Vyrlims reactions until further notice will be using his Protection trait to impose disadvantage on the shadow or shadows attacking Selossen. If need be I will change the target in a later post.

It hasn't come up yet, however, but review the character and post what you think is best.

"I will clear a path for you Selossen! Bring Pyre along!" and Vyrlim will go all Assimite (oops wrong game :) ) Assimar on the Yellow and Red Shadows "In the name of the Gods, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation! Amen!" and then move Parn like to square 9 besides Ezzy.


The High Aldwin

4.2.2 (Vyrlim) The paladin brandishes his sunblade against the shadows, crying out "I will clear a path for you Selossen! Bring Pyre along!"

He swings at the Yellow Shadow in front of him, "In the name of the Gods, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation! Amen!", and HITS (Roll 15+11=26 vs AC 12) for 38 radiant damage (double 19).

As Vyrlim steps past the destroyed shadow, the Green Shadow makes an opportunity attack against him, but misses! (Roll 3+4=7 vs. AC 21).

The Paladin lays into the Red Shadow, HITTING again (Roll 9+11=20 vs AC 12) for 36 radiant damage (double 18), obliterating a second shadow.

Advancing forward between the crumbling door frame, he glances to Ezabard, "Where is the vile creature?"

Ezabard answers, "Just around the corner!" pointing to Vyrlim's left.


@DragonBelow it is now Selossen's Turn as we begin Round #3 ... :)


Current Sorcery Points: 20

Selossen casts Sacred flame at the shadow "Begone! may your soul find rest at last!". If the shadow makes its save, Selossen uses 2 sorcery points quicken Eldritch blast .

If the shadow is destroyed by the Sacred Flame, Selossen quickens Dispel magic to get rid of the Flesh to stone affecting Pyre, using Magical Guidance feature to reroll the ability check if necessary.
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Pyre wanted to run forward to join her friends, but her legs just wouldn't move. She looked at her feet, and saw that they were turning to stone (even her shoes, bought from a gnome at High Hall market, were gray and heavy). She hoped that her innate magic would fight it off, but for now she felt helpless.

Voidrunner's Codex

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