D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED


The High Aldwin
... But it goes to show that games of this high level are complicated. I mean, look at how many mistakes we've made, and I would think that we count as "very good" at this game!
I wouldn't really say it is that complicated, honestly.

The first mistake about lair actions is something that is an experience issue. In 4 years of playing 5E, I think I have only used creatures with lair actions twice... maybe... Most such creatures my PCs encounter outside of "lairs", so I don't use them.

IMO, the whole "not using the same lair action twice in a row" is a needless complication to the mechanic. 🤷‍♂️

As for the second mistake, the sunblade, that is something the player should remind the DM of IRL. Besides which, as I noted before, the (fairly) important aspect of the light is sandwiched in between two lines about the range of light emitted:


When I was scanning the item and working on the dynamic lighting for the game, the numbers were what was important do me.

IMO, the highlighted sentence should have been earlier in the text, where it first talks about igniting the blade.

Finally, I would agree we are "very good" at the game, but how much to any of use play at 20th level??? Not many people play at tier 4 IME, so I don't think any of us are experienced at this level of play. It is also a bit slow playing by post, which unfortunately makes us forget details I think we might remember IRL.

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The High Aldwin
I forgive us, because this being a "test", we are trying harder than I think it normally "matters" in a "real" game to get it "right"
This is also an important point here, because when I often hear of people trying such things I feel like things get overlooked--which (personally) I would rather NOT do here. I want this to represent an accurate test of Vecna as it would be "in a real game."


The High Aldwin
OK, here we go. Reset to 4.4.12 (Ezabard's Turn), just after Pyre missed Vecna. Ezabard got his hp and some STR back, but is still severely weakened. I still have to double-check Pyre's HP, they should be higher, but have to get to work so I'll do that when I get home.

UPDATE: I double-checked Pyre's HP and she has 4 more hp, at 161 currently, with Strength 4.

Here is the map. I've expanded it in cast @Stalker0 still wants to meteor swarm the room.


@Stalker0 it is Ezabard's Turn on Initiative 19.
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Ok, so based on the positioning the hopelessness ruling might not matter anyway, at least not yet. So now the question is, can I "throw myself against the wall" and block line of sight between vecna and I using that corner wall?

If the answer is no, second question, how much strength do I have left?

Third question: If I were to move to the west (triggering an OA from red) where would I take the OA? This is very important because if my shield activates, will Vecna be in line of sight to dispel it?


The High Aldwin
That would require the player to know that Shadows have sunlight sensitivity, which they may not if the DM doesn't mention it.
Well, or at least suspect it... ;)

Like I said, I actually checked the weapon myself, but in scanning the last paragraph, just overlooked those few little words amoungst the numbers/distances--which is what I was focused on. 🤷‍♂️

Ok, so based on the positioning the hopelessness ruling might not matter anyway, at least not yet. So now the question is, can I "throw myself against the wall" and block line of sight between vecna and I using that corner wall?

If the answer is no, second question, how much strength do I have left?

Third question: If I were to move to the west (triggering an OA from red) where would I take the OA? This is very important because if my shield activates, will Vecna be in line of sight to dispel it?
Excellent questions!

1. can I "throw myself against the wall" and block line of sight between vecna and I using that corner wall?

No. I remember looking at the map when it was Selossen's turn and he wanted to get out of line of sight of Vecna--there is no place that does not allow line of sight without resorting to magic. All the squares in yellow border are reachable, for example, with misty step, but only if you risk "the fall" to the next lower tier (orange-border squares) will you be out of line of sight (since you will fall 10 feet down to the next tier).

Another possible option (Ezabard thinks) is to get to the red squares and "duck" below the balcony wall. With the altar, statue, and wall, you might get total cover to block line of sight.


2. how much strength do I have left?

Your Strength is 2. Even with disadvantage, the shadows hit you twice for 2 points and 4 points of Strength loss.

3. If I were to move to the west (triggering an OA from red) where would I take the OA? This is very important because if my shield activates, will Vecna be in line of sight to dispel it?

As soon as you try to step out of your current space, you are leaving the shadow's reach and provoking the OA, of course with disadvantage due to the sunblade. ;)

FWIW, Vecna has line of sight for the entire hallway, so even if you moved past Selossen to the back square he can see you.
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Alright then, screw it, we are going for broke. With a raging scream uncharacteristic of our intelectual gnome, Ezabard will release the most damaging spell in the world....METEOR SWARM!!!

Assuming vecna fails to counterspell it:

RULING NEEDED: I can only affect each creature with only 1 meteor. However, there is nothing that says I can't choose which meteor. Do you allow me to choose the best damage meteor as the hit? (kind of like how a paladin can choose which of their attacks is a crit before they choose to activate smite).

If the answer is yes, I'm going to drop the rocks so that they all hit vecna, the shadows, and the tower, the exact position I'm not too picky.

If the answer is no, I'll drop the other 3 on the areas where their were symbols, trying to damage the floor and disable the symbol (no idea if that is possible, but I don't really see any other good targets).

I will of course have me, my friends, and the woman on the alter unaffected by the blast.

I will choose not to move.


The High Aldwin
RULING NEEDED: I can only affect each creature with only 1 meteor. However, there is nothing that says I can't choose which meteor. Do you allow me to choose the best damage meteor as the hit? (kind of like how a paladin can choose which of their attacks is a crit before they choose to activate smite).
You don't roll damage for the meteors, you roll damage for what the creatures take inside a meteor, and all creatures take the same damage (depending on making or fail the save, of course).

It's like fireball, you roll damage once and every creature targeted by the AoE takes the same.

Of course he will try to counter it, so let's see if he does or not:


Yep. On the bright side, you only take 4 psychic damage from the dread counterspell.

Any bonus actions?

Voidrunner's Codex

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