D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

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Pyre held up her hand and took out her tools, selecting small but strong metal pins and a little hammer and pliers. She held each with her pliers, and knocked them into the appropriate cracks, carefully prying at each one to make room for the next. She worked incredibly quickly and professionally, but it took her a minute to complete the task.

(Does that put us up to 4/10 mins in some of our durations used?)


The High Aldwin
(Does that put us up to 4/10 mins in some of our durations used?)
Technically it puts one spell at 5/10 and the other at 4/10 since Ezabard cast both (so one is further along by a round as he cast the other).

@Stalker0, which spell do you want to say was cast first: fire shield (on yourself) or protection from evil and good (on the paladin)???

What do you all want to do (if anything) while Pyre is trying to disable the trap???


I will follow our paladin as we move in, I'm mainly looking for abnormal things with my truesight, and if I see any magic goings on I'll try to suss it out with arcana.

I'll move in as the vanguard after the all clear keeping my shield ready and casting daylight on it, spreading in a half-sphere in front of the shield. Side note: as a paladin above level 18 I am constantly under the effects of a protection from good and evil spell.


The High Aldwin
PYRE: You pull your spikes, hammer, and some cloth to muffle the noise from your pack, lean over and look for the best place to set the first spike. The cold of the lair begins to penetrate your bones and for a few moments, you freeze in your stance. Suddenly, you realize your fingers won't move! In the shadow of the sunblade's light, you see your hands have become STONE! (DC 22 CON save failed, roll 10+4=14). You cannot move, and you feel the tightness growing through your entire body...

EZABARD: You intently study the symbol from a distance, and after a few moments you notice Pyre isn't moving, and realize she hasn't moved for quite a few seconds...

VYRLIM: As you begin to cast your spell, a strong pain erupts in your head and the spell fails (you take 11 psychic damage).
(Yeah, I know about your permanent pro-evil/good, I was waiting to see if you or @Stalker0 would mention that... We can back-roll that spell slot for him--this time. ;) )

SELOSSEN: You keep a weary eye out on the hall behind you as Pyre begins her work.

So, what do you do now...
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Voidrunner's Codex

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