News Digest for September 22, 2023

Planescape preview, Pathfinder Wizard changes, Final Fantasy TTRPG, and more!

Hello everyone, Darryl here with the summary of this week’s gaming news from EN World.


EN Publishing News

For a quick summary of the week’s news, Jessica Hancock will bring you up to speed with EN Live's This Week in TTRPG every Friday.

Don’t forget, you can keep up with all the week’s gaming news in detail with Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk. This week, Morrus and Jessica discuss the secrets behind a million-dollar RPG Kickstarter.

The Kickstarter for the Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Starter Box is now live and already funded! You can find out more about the boxed set and see a preview of the pre-gen characters Diamond, Planetouched Cleric; Gywven, Dwarf Rogue; and Mara, Halfling Sorcerer.

EN5ider #535 is an adventure Wizards of Grimbilly Hill that sends the party to the rural village of Wiksby to find the missing wizard Fenthrymr.

Full Set Standard Cover.PNG

EN World Exclusives

Beth Rimmels got a sneak peek at the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons boxed set Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse.

Charles Dunwoody spoke with Grant Dalgliesh from Columbia Games to talk about the 40th anniversary edition of the medieval fantasy RPG HârnWorld.

Rob Wieland reviews the new Cyberpunk RED faction and NPC sourcebook Danger Gal Dossier.

Egg Embry interviewed Bunni Daniel about the new Shadowdark project Unnatural Selection on Backerkit now.


EN World Feature Columns

M.T. Black continues his journey through RPG periodicals past with Dragon Reflections #70 covering the February 1983 issue of Dragon.

Michael Tresca’s newest RPG Evolution talks about what happens when roleplaying gamers retire and finally have time for their hobbies.

Don’t miss out on the newest RPG crowdfunding projects ending soon with Egg Embry’s RPG Crowdfunding News.

Keep up with all the new print RPG releases with Charles Dunwoody’s RPG Print News.

Find the big TTRPG sales, bundles, and charity fundraisers with the Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles News.


Tabletop RPG News

Paizo detailed changes to the Wizard class and spellcasting rules in the remaster of Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

Square Enix leaked the pre-order page for Final Fantasy XIV Starter Set for the first licensed tabletop RPG for the Final Fantasy franchise.

TSR alumni Bruce Heard announced there will be no future updates to the World of Calidar setting for Dungeons & Dragons.

That’s all from me for this week! Don’t forget to support our Patreon to bring you more gaming news content. Until next time, may all your hits be crits! Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, and/or DriveThru may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

Voidrunner's Codex

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