Level Up (A5E) Meet Diamond, Planetouched Cleric

This time it's the turn of our 4th level planetouched cleric (oracle), Diamond!

The Level Up Starter Box launched on Kickstarter last week. We’ve already taken a look at T’lingbet, the dragonborn rangerand Akanni, the human adept. Now it's the turn of Diamond, the planetouched cleric.



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Space Jam Confirmed
I used a re-skinned version of this character when my group played Memories of Holdenshire. Most fun I’ve ever had playing a cleric.

When I saw the picture then I remembered when I thought if the tielflings, minotaurs and other humanoids with horns. Can they helms or all type of hats?

In the D&D movie Doric the druid was wearing an armour for a brief moment after being discovered for an almost failed infiltration. And in BG3 there are tielflings PC with horns.

Fashion sense ability: So people can tell my Charisma score by how I dress?

Honestly if we are having a discussion on the ability to coordinate a appropriate outfit maybe it should be tied to Wisdom?

When I saw the picture then I remembered when I thought if the tielflings, minotaurs and other humanoids with horns. Can they helms or all type of hats?

In the D&D movie Doric the druid was wearing an armour for a brief moment after being discovered for an almost failed infiltration. And in BG3 there are tielflings PC with horns.
Diamond has the Aasimar gift, so she's suppose to be one of the celestial planetouched. As for headwear, it would have to be custom-made. ;)


Space Jam Confirmed
Diamond has the Aasimar gift, so she's suppose to be one of the celestial planetouched. As for headwear, it would have to be custom-made. ;)
She's actually a tiefling - or at least, has the tiefling ancestry abilities like the free produce flame cantrip and being able to speak Abyssal.

She's actually a tiefling - or at least, has the tiefling ancestry abilities like the free produce flame cantrip and being able to speak Abyssal.
You might be right. I saw the Guidance cantrip, which is a free cantrip that those of the Aasimar gift happen to have, and thought Aasimar. The Guidance cantrip might be something she picked up as a Cleric. But where is her free Arcane Riposte spell? She's a 4th level cleric. It should be at the top of her list of 1st-level spells.


Space Jam Confirmed
You might be right. I saw the Guidance cantrip, which is a free cantrip that those of the Aasimar gift happen to have, and thought Aasimar. The Guidance cantrip might be something she picked up as a Cleric. But where is her free Arcane Riposte spell? She's a 4th level cleric. It should be at the top of her list of 1st-level spells.


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