Level Up (A5E) Meet Mara, Halfling Sorcerer

Mara the halfling grew up in a hill dwarf culture!

The Level Up Starter Box launched on Kickstarter last week. We’ve already met at T’lingbet, the dragonborn ranger, Akanni, the human adept, Diamond, the planetouched cleric, and Gywven the dwarf rogue. Now let’s take a look at Mara, the halfling sorcerer.


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Mara has claws because of the Halfling Gift that she has: Burrowing Claws. Having claws that can be used in combat is one of two traits (the other trait included in this gift is Burrowing) that help differentiate this type of halfling from others. Gifts, for any heritage, are taken at 1st level when a character is created. At 10th level, a Heritage Paragon becomes available, which can be a further development of the gift taken at 1st level.
That’s cool and all, but the character art depicts someone that looks like she’d break a nail rather than tear an opponent a new one with her fierce set of claws. Does she have the claws on her feet?

Also, A5E halflings sound like badgers! 😂

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That’s cool and all, but the character art depicts someone that looks like she’d break a nail rather than tear an opponent a new one with her fierce set of claws. Does she have the claws on her feet?

Also, A5E halflings sound like badgers! 😂
Maybe burrowing halflings have something like Wolverine in their DNA.

Stoat - Wikipedia

The Shaper was buried, tricked into a deep hollow made their tomb by those they trusted most. The Shaper wept, until they felt a touch. A family of stoats at their feet, fearless and consoling. The Shaper asked, “How are living things here? They meant to sever me fully…” The stoats responded in their simple tongue, “Weep not great Shaper, luckless we sought nought but a hollow from the rain. At least you’ll not be severed alone.” The Shaper reached out and said, “Not luckless little ones, least, never again. You brave kind things who would console me as I wept, you’ve no claim on my loathsome fate, and my work can live on yet.” The weakened Shaper worked, and the stoats were reshaped, given the gifts of ken like those the Shaper had trusted. The Shaper gave a half measure in earnest, as only a half measure remained, and in dying breath thrust their halfling creation up through the hallowed rock to the hills above. And halflings they would remain.—Passage 12 from The Poem of Kin

The Shaper is one of the deities in Level Up (pg. 629 in the Adventurer's Guide). Their domains are Community, Friendship, Hospitality, Loyalty, Halflings, Humility, Surprise.

Those Halflings with the Burrowing gift retain a bit of their stoat ancestry.

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