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No Man's Land (IC)


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"Antimagic fields would seem to be the only potentially safe way to stay close enough to observe the Disciple's actions," Thorn muses.

Something about the priest's reaction niggles at her, and she can't quite pin it down. It certainly wasn't guilt. It wasn't her job to protect a whole bleeding nation from the ruin it brought down on its own head! She wasn't some silver-armored hero out of storybooks...she was a professional. An operative. She'd come with a specific objective and...and that was that.


"Sylvie," she said slowly. "How big can a field like that be?" She paused and added, "How much of the city could we realistically protect like that?"

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Jareel Arinthis, Monk 20, Hp:201/201

"I don't have a good feeling about this encounter tonight. And I feel powerless to prevent its occurance. But, with all of us working together, we may very well indeed be able to prevent or reduce the amount of collateral damage to the townsfolk."

"Even if we are not able to capture or defeat him tonight, we can at least hope to study his methods, strengths and weaknesses, so that we can prevail the next time we meet."

OOC: Jareel really doesn't have any buffing or preparations to make. He will be present this evening with the rest of the group, ready to battle and size up the strengths and weaknesses of this disciple.


First Post
Shayuri said:
"Sylvie," she said slowly. "How big can a field like that be?" She paused and added, "How much of the city could we realistically protect like that?"

Sylvie says, "Thorn, I can no more protect the town then I can level it. But for us... hmm... Antimagic field is about 10' in radius, while my protective wards are about 5' maximum. The plus to wards is your magical stuff will still work and you are free to strike outside of the ward, unlike the field."


*OOC: OK, I checked 3.5 and apparently (though I don't know WHY), they took out Refocus, but I wanna get on with the zombie-slaying, so I'll just forget it.

IC: Whin ponders for a moment before shrugging and unleashing a stream of Energy focused through his magical rod (Maximize) at the nearest Zombie while flying forwards, hoping to eliminate one at range.

Twinned Maximized Force Orb followed by Quickened Twinned, Maximized Magic Missile.
Attack rolls for the Force Orbs: 35/36 Damage = 70 each
Spell Resistance for the Magic Missiles: 37/35 Damage = 30 each


First Post
"I suspect that this woman who is connected to the Disciple will have few answers for us. But perhaps we can glean something of use in this confrontation. From what the paladin said, we may not get the opportunity to retreat, or may be immediately tracked down even if we teleport away." The tone in Lowryllyth's voice suggests that she has accepted the likelihood of death.


First Post
OOC: Ok, I'm gonna wait until after I get off work tonight (about 13 hours from this post) for all the preparations to be finished with the ambush of the disciple, then I shall start the encounter. As for the others...

Whin unleashes a hail of magical orbs, the first being easily dodge by the zombie targeted, but the others refusing the let the creature be and eventually battering the zombie into a useless lump of flesh. (OOC: Force Orbs missed, Magic Missiles killed it.)

I'm still waiting on everyone else.


First Post
It is one minute to midnight. Everyone is assembled in the hall where the trap is set. A cry comes from outside.

"He's here!"...

OOC: Everyone in the disciple storyline needs to roll initiative and post their first actions. Its party time.


First Post
Darimaus said:
OOC: Ok, I'm gonna wait until after I get off work tonight (about 13 hours from this post) for all the preparations to be finished with the ambush of the disciple, then I shall start the encounter. As for the others...
OOC: I take it that the Lady had no useful information? I had some plans in terms of trying to extract any information she had but was unwilling to let slip. But if that was just going to be a waste of time, I guess skipping ahead to the action is better.

Is she in the same room as us? Are we in the trapped tower or elsewhere? Are we or is she in the area where the Anti-Magic field is set to go off?

gain psionic focus
dump a bunch of boulders from her Enveloping pit onto the ground in front of her
Greater Metamorphosis (Pit fiend)
Claws of the Beast 5d6
Metaphysical Claw +5
Offensive Precognition +7
Defensive Precognition +7
Mind Blank

Other active effects:
Soulmeld: Girrallon Arms
Greater Mage Armor

Upon hearing that the Disciple has arrived Lowryllyth will do the following at initiative 38:
Temporal Acceleration
- Spirit of War
- Divine Power (scroll)
- Inconstant Location
activate her Tabard of the disembodied to become Ethereal

Total pp cost for preparations and actions this round 165 (295pp remain for fused self).

Voidrunner's Codex

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