Doing the best imitation of myself
I just have to call this out as disingenuous. Coming from a game where we were running 3.5 at high levels (13) with all the options from WotC available, that was unplayable. The same group is now playing the same campaign in 5E and it runs at a totally acceptable level. That's not to say it couldn't run better (I would say PF2 would be better, but I'm biased) but it is a functional game that we're having fun with.Just because your Pinto didn’t explode doesn’t mean they weren’t broken.
And, as I just slammed 3.5, I feel I should also say that I know people who managed to play 3.5 at high levels and had the same result: a working game.
We all have our perspectives, and I am not really even a big 5E fan, I just see that it is playable, and we are having a fun session. What we're seeing here is a lot of hyperbole (and my own comment about 3.5 counts, I'm not immune) and saying essentially "this is unworkable/unplayable" when the real answer is: this doesn't play to my table's tastes.
Yes, 5E has design issues that show up quite strong at high levels, but that doesn't mean it can't work or it doesn't.
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