You don't need to move silently to hide.
To be effectively stealthy in 3.5E you do.
It's baked into the class.
No it is not, as I pointed out earlier. Those things are options, which you do not have to take.
You get to put in a number of skill points into a skill = to level+3.
This is not true. Your maximum for cross class skills is half the number for class skills. Hide is a cross class skill for fighters, so the maximum is level +3 divided by 2. At 9th level fighter that is (9+3)/2=6.
He's not limited to 7 unless he's purely fighter, and then it's 6, not 7 since 12 points is max and that's 6 ranks.
He is purely fighter and 6+1 for dexterity is 7 ..... like I said.
I've already given several non-exhaustive examples.
Not any that I can do in 1-3 levels and accomplish what I want to accomplish.
Like the one you told me to use as an example. You told me to use the equivalent to Greater Weapon Specialization which requires. 1) Weapon focus, 2) Weapon specialization, 3) Greater Weapon Focus, and 4) level 12. I mean if you didn't want me to use examples like that, why'd you ask me to come up with comparables to it?
What I asked you to do was give me an example that was as good as GWS but required no prerequisites. I didn't ask for example of 6 more feats a character can't take, in addition to GWS.
Your claim is you can take all these great feats without preparing for them at all. Name some if this is true.
GWS is an example of a great feat you can't take. So are the examples you gave. Give me examples that are equal to that in power but don't require prerequisites - either other feats or skill levels.
You will coincidentally qualify for many good feats. You can be more selective if you prepare, but preparation isn't necessary in the least.
Then provide the examples of feats that don't require preparation!
Sorry, but it's not for story if you want it in one night.
It is for story, more importanly as the PC I am the one who decides my story.
This is gatekeeping - you have to make your story this certain way or it isn't real.
Those dervishes who are of the class to actually use it had to train far longer.
Maybe in your story they did, but this is my story.
You're kidding, right? The DMG literally says the DM defines the game. Also, and I'm quoting here, "Good players will always recognize that you have the ultimate authority over the game mechanics, even superseding something in the rulebook."
Players as a whole, not the DM.
DM fiat was part of 3e as it has been in every incarnation of the game.
Reference page number please.
Yeaaaaah, math proves you wrong. It's quite literally impossible for you to be correct.
Nope. Math has nothing at all to do with it.
Average is 12.24 no matter how you try to twist it. You don't get to use poor rolls, because I don't get to use good ones. The instant you are free to use a 9 or a 5, I get to use 15 and 17.
The average array with 4d6d1 is 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
Absolutely you can use a 15. Presumably you are using it on strength, and then you are using a 13 on Dex (you said he had a 13 Dex on an earlier post). Presumably the 14 is on Constitution. That leaves 9, 10 and 12 and the average of those three rolls is 10.
12 is the only acceptable number for these discussions since stats were rolled and 12 is average for 4d6-L.
No it isn't.
For one thing we are talking about characters I can build, you are saying all these builds are available and then saying I can't actually build a low-intelligence fighter.
It is not like I am trying to build a low-intelligence Wizard or a Figther with a low Strength and Dex.
Math again proves you to be objectively wrong. You're using 3d6, not 4d6-L which was the default rolling method.
No I am not and you do not understand probability.
The chance of rolling 6 numbers all 12 or higher is 5.7% if using 4d6d1
No. That's average. We don't know what will be rolled or where someone might put the various stats, so you can't assume 9 any more than I can assume 15. Average has to be used.
No it is not average when you already have 3 higher stats in your array. If you believe this you do not understand probability or types of averages.
If you roll median roll you will have a 9, and a 15.
I am not assuming anything I am using the actual median array for 4d6d1.
13 has to be there for you to take ranger. If we are assuming 9 or even 12, then you can't multiclass with your 5e character.
There is a 13 on Dex and it is my character. I also gave other options to achieve this besides Ranger (Bard and Rogue).
Yet your whole house of cards is based on this idea I need to put a 12 into my character's intelligence and there is no way I ever wouldn't
You don't get 3 levels, though. You only get 1. You just said this in the post I am quoting here, "I want to grow it in one level. Or at least to effectiveness in 1 level."
Yep and that is what I get, effectiveness in 1 level.