WotC non-OGL alternative to D&D


I thought they did there own version?
Anyway I'm sure you could do a non OGL D6 game if you really wanted to.
Yeah, it would be tough to argue additive dice pools are copyrightable. Now, if you used exactly the same attributes and skill break downs as another game, maybe? But then I am not sure where the line is (and I don't gather that anyone else can be sure either).

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Yeah, it would be tough to argue additive dice pools are copyrightable. Now, if you used exactly the same attributes and skill break downs as another game, maybe? But then I am not sure where the line is (and I don't gather that anyone else can be sure either).

Well it's also because WEG isn't around anymore so if you copied there system there's no one around to enforce any claims to the system afaik.

D6 fantasy bisnt very good but the D6 system isn't to bad. I'm sure someone could do a better job than D6 fantasy.


The AGE system has been mentioned more than once but really encompasses a lot of properties you can play in:

- Generic Fantasy AGE (which is getting a new, updated core rules manual), can be played in Freeport, Blue Rose, Lost Citadel, and Titansgrave.

- Dragon AGE (the progenitor of the entire AGE system) I ran a Dragon AGE campaign for years and it was a blast. There was even a Midgard bestiary produced by Kobold Press at one point. Ran a converted N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God in this system, it was awesome.

- The Expanse - Only played the Quick Start adventure but it was a lot of fun, a great refinement to the overall AGE system IMO. They've done a great job capturing the feeling of the novel series.

- Modern AGE - As the name implies, a Modern Setting implementation of the AGE rules, it can be used with their Threefold setting to have Modern, plane hopping adventures.

- Green Ronin also has a new campaign coming out on Backerkit for their Fifth Season RPG which is also powered by AGE.

And I'd be remiss to not mention Free League (though they've been mentioned already too), the Beta for Dragonbane has been released and looks like a lot of fun. The "Mirth and Mayhem" approach is right up my players alley. When the full game is released I will definitely be running a campaign using those rules


The AGE system has been mentioned more than once but really encompasses a lot of properties you can play in:

- Generic Fantasy AGE (which is getting a new, updated core rules manual), can be played in Freeport, Blue Rose, Lost Citadel, and Titansgrave.

- Dragon AGE (the progenitor of the entire AGE system) I ran a Dragon AGE campaign for years and it was a blast. There was even a Midgard bestiary produced by Kobold Press at one point. Ran a converted N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God in this system, it was awesome.
what is the difference between Dragon Age and Fantasy Age, sounds like they both work for generic fantasy?


what is the difference between Dragon Age and Fantasy Age, sounds like they both work for generic fantasy?
Dragon Age is based off the video game including setting and lore.

Fantasy Age uses the same rules system but is generic fantasy not set in the video game. I could not say how much races and magic and monsters and class type stuff varies.




OK, here's the question. Why is Fate OGL?
In the first few years of this century, releasing your game under the OGL was a good will gesture as well as a way to generate a self-perpetuating cottage industry out of your fan base. It was a win-win for everyone as long as you didn't plan to replace your old OGL game with a deliberately non-OGL version a few years down the road.

Voidrunner's Codex

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