Not DnD - Shadow of the Weird Wizard with Rob Schwalb

Shadow of the Weird Wizard was voted as one of the most anticipated TTRPGs of 2023 by EN World readers. Join us as we discuss Rob Schwalb's family-friendly incarnation of his Shadow of the Demon Lord ruleset. Announced in 2020, this game went through numerous names, and has been long in the making, and redesigns the Demon Lord system for a new audience. The Weird Wizard is an eccentric...

Shadow of the Weird Wizard was voted as one of the most anticipated TTRPGs of 2023 by EN World readers. Join us as we discuss Rob Schwalb's family-friendly incarnation of his Shadow of the Demon Lord ruleset. Announced in 2020, this game went through numerous names, and has been long in the making, and redesigns the Demon Lord system for a new audience. The Weird Wizard is an eccentric character who lives in Clockwork City, and whose magic has transformed the lands.

NOT DND is our weekly streamed show where Jessica Hancock interviews tabletop RPG creators about their games -- focusing on those which are not D&D! You can catch it every week at 10-pm on our Twitch channel, catch up on past episodes on YouTube, or listen to it as a weekly podcast wherever you get your pods! Past episodes include Dune, Star Trek Adventures, WFRP, Blade Runner, and many more.


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Doing the best imitation of myself
I think this KS is going to be quite successful, but we're not talking about that 1Million mark for a game like Shadowdark. Where I think it will be much more successful is after the kickstarter is over. I was one of the people who didn't back the last one, and I've been kicking myself about since then. I've picked up a bunch of the books and actually played it a fair bit.

I think something similar will happen here. Weird Wizard doesn't have the production values of Shadowdark, but I've looked at the preview material and it looks to be a great game. And after launch, that's what keeps people picking it up and generates revenue over time.

I saw the recent post about the big kickstarters and I had to wonder how many of them are we still talking about today. Assuming we can get this one into Foundry, I'll actually be playing it. And I think others will as well.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I think this KS is going to be quite successful, but we're not talking about that 1Million mark for a game like Shadowdark. Where I think it will be much more successful is after the kickstarter is over. I was one of the people who didn't back the last one, and I've been kicking myself about since then. I've picked up a bunch of the books and actually played it a fair bit.
I've been going back in the last few months and getting books that I didn't back at the time and have spent six months or more (depending on how the campaign went) kicking myself. Those books have so far all been really worth it.

That might be one of my new tests for purchasing game books: How long have I been kicking myself for not having it? My impulse buys tend to be the ones I regret. (Did I mention I've got another dozen items to sell to Noble Knight this week?)


New Publisher
I've been going back in the last few months and getting books that I didn't back at the time and have spent six months or more (depending on how the campaign went) kicking myself. Those books have so far all been really worth it.

That might be one of my new tests for purchasing game books: How long have I been kicking myself for not having it? My impulse buys tend to be the ones I regret. (Did I mention I've got another dozen items to sell to Noble Knight this week?)
I'm basically selling most of my hard copy books though that's been a pain and people are offering barely over shipping......and I still have hundreds of minis and so MUCH terrain, even though I only play on line right I feel your pain.

On this KS specifically, I just don't think I'll ever play it, so if I back it, it is about giving an artist I like some support.....

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I’m not quite that bad, primarily because it’s been a rough four years financially, but I do have more to sell to them.
By the standards of most people, I'm pretty conservative in my collection, I think. But with a new uptick in how many games I'm running, I took a step back and looked at my book case (and storage box in the garage) and said "how many of these am I really going to run?" I certainly don't need a million D&D screens, for instance.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'm basically selling most of my hard copy books though that's been a pain and people are offering barely over shipping......and I still have hundreds of minis and so MUCH terrain, even though I only play on line right I feel your pain.
Noble Knight pays a less per game than you could in theory get on eBay, but they pay for shipping. I'd send them the list of the tough to move stuff, at the very least.

Voidrunner's Codex

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