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Not With a Bang, I: Its Own Reward


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Baril flashes a friendly smile. "Yes, it is like my friend Brevin says. Allow me to introduce myself - I am Baril Kibizin, an artist and adventurer, but my speciality is finding missing items of delicate nature, just like it seems to be the case here. I'm sure this group here is more than qualified to find your precious gem." Baril reaches out his hand. "Can I look at the map, please?"

OOC: Is there anything familiar about Melian now that we can actually see him? I'll use knowledge nobility and royalty to find out if he's a noble. What about the gem? Can I get any information with bardic knowledge?

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"Of course I'll help, it should be fun, out thieving a gang of thieves." Replied Tuli from the safe on which she was seated. a glint of excitement in her eyes at the thought of the challenge to her professional skills. She kicked out with her feet lightly, swinging them about since they failed to touch the ground.

"So where exactly are we going? Is it in the city, or outside it, or maybe in the forest? That would be kind of silly, I mean if I was a thief I would want to be in the city where there are people to steal from." she said winsomely. "Oh, and I want to know what everyone is contributing, since I don't know all of you. I mean, I know, Brevi is a Cleric of Litsi, with his faith to aid us, and Baril seems to kow just about everything everything not to mention the fact he is pretty good in a fight, and Grinder of course is a mage. I'm just great with traps and moving about stealthily."

"I intend to do what I failed to do with my brother and protect yer hides." Nojin says with a forelorn look as he contemplates his failings. "Ill be especially carefull to look after ye little half-orc," he says to Tuli with a wink and a returning smile, now knowing his foolish actions of a few nights earlier, "although I do expect most of me time to be spent protecting Balling Bellows being that hes still kind o' shrimpy no matter how much I try to tuffin em up" Saying this he gives Grinder a godd elbow to the gut, luckly it is a rare occasion where his armor is off and therfore no spikes were impaled.


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OOC: Baril can remember no legends or stories about the gem or any similar gems. [BK roll 5+3=8]

Melian certainly doesn't resemble any noble family either you, Nylarra, or Grunlor have known. He's dressed in very fine clothes, but he wears no sigil or crest, either familiar or unfamiliar. If he's a noble posing as a trader, or a trader posing as a noble, he's not doing very well at either one.


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Grinder grunts as Nojin's elbow digs in. He gives him a dirty scowl and mutters quietly enough so just the two of them can hear, "Best be keepin a skin of water handy...never know when that beard of yers might just go up in flame."

Grinder composes himself and turns to Melian. "You can count me in. Having goblins to pound on only sweetens the job."


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"Well then," says Grunlor as he looks about the room. "I only have the acquaintance of one other member of this 'Group', but will sign on for this search for your gem. This has been brought upon you as a result of your efforts to stop theiving goblin-friends. I intend to restore your property to you Master Melian."

Perhaps I can find out a bit more about Nojin and his quest for his brother as well. That dwarf seems to be truly in need.


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Nylarra listens to the others... it seems as if a lot of these people already know each other, nodding occasionally. "I would like to join you in this quest," she boldly states durring a lull in the conversation. After her abrupt statement, she sits back down, nervously playing with the edge of her tunic.


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That voice sounds familiar... Baril turns to look at the young woman, who just spoke. Well, could it be? Yes, that's the daughter of the nobleman I used to work for back in Colinna. But how could she be here? Her father wasn't exactly the type who would let his daughter out adventuring with the common folk. This should be interesting... "Greetings, m'lady. A pleasure to meet you again", Baril says to Nylarra nodding politely in a courtly fashion with a clever and charming smile.

Then he turns back to Melian again. "Yes, the map. Can we have a look at it?"


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Melian unfurls the scroll with the map on it and spreads it on the table as Kelta brings in chairs for the group. The map is a sketch of the route, and is highly detailed. "The thieves' hideout is about two days' journey west of here, in the forest right about... here," says Melian, pointing at the map. "If you follow the Hallis road toward Hyderis, then turn northward at Mettelford, and follow Mettel Creek for about a league, you'll come upon their encampment. Goblins and thieves both like the mountains, and they've dug their hideaway into the side of the hills there."

Grinder scowls at Melian. "We dwarves tend to dig into the hills a fair bit ourselves, Master Melian."

Melian smiles. "No offense, of course, Master Dwarf. The dwarves tend to dig for reasons other than hiding, of course. I think you'll find the place easily enough. Otherwise, if there are no more questions, I'll be on with my business, and let you get on with yours." He takes his purse out of his pocket, and begins counting out two hundred gold coins, then does a quick double-take, and pulls a coin-like object from his cloak. "I'm also leaving you this. When you return, you'll be able to contact me simply by squeezing this trinket and speaking."

He finishes counting out the coins, leaving a small pile. "So... unless there's anything else...?"

OOC: 1. Yes, that'll be the road to Hallis Hill. :)
2. Any more question for Melian?
3. If I'd had time, you'd have an actual map to look at... but alas, I've not had the time. My apologies.


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Grinder steps forward at the sight and smell of gold on the table.

"A detailed map, a clear objective, and gold on the table," he says to everyone in general and Melian in particular. "I believe we have a deal." Grinder offers his hand to Melian to seal the deal.

Looking around at the rest of the would-be adventurers, Grinder says, "I take it everyone here intends to be a part of the action? Smaller loot shares for each, but with more folks we're more likely to be alive to spend it. Anyone who wants out better speak now, though I can't rightly imagine anyone skipping out on the chance to bash some goblin heads."

While waiting for a response, Grinder picks up the magic summoning trinket and begins to give it a professional inspection.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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