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[OA/FR] Rokugan - Updated 12/13/03

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Notes from Mir

Black Omega said:
The tactics followed had been Verick’s, but Volar silently approved. He suspected the tactic was to let the Volodni get pounded by the Tsuno, an excellent idea in his own mind. Still, with the battle done, all that was left was the clean up.

While I did not create the plan that lead to the slaughter of many Voladni, its results did actually end up working in my favor. I was given plausible deniability in the weakening of the Voladni. Ever since learning of the grove I envisioned setting up my own power base there, safe from Rokugani politics. After meeting the Voladni and learning they claimed the grove this became more dificult. I was not sure how to easily gain control of the grove, but now that has been taken care of for me and I can do so while at the same time being a good guy. While I regret the destruction any children of nature, some were going to die whether it was Voladni or Spiders. At least this way I can be sure the grove will be in proper hands.


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Black Omega

First Post
A sort of epic adventure, with one character death and others coming very close. Overall I liked how it went but it could have been much better. Three battles in a row against the Tsuno were too much, IMHO. Looking back at it, I should have broken it up with a battle against some other type of creature. Live a learn.:)

Black Omega

First Post
In the aftermath, there was a lot of work to do. Mir was praying to the Oak Father and was lead to find a staff that would aid her cause.

It was found Hawk was after the assassins of the King of the centaur nation. And evidently one of them was Yukiyo. After some discussion on what to do with Hawk, which didn’t rule out a shallow grave, they decided to find some other way of working it out. They wouldn’t allow the samurai’s reputations to be sullied by any connection to a possible assassin, though. Further questioning revealed it had to have happened during a period when Yukiyo was with the group. And Hawk’s travel papers were signed by Lady Shinjo Sadoka of Mimura. Something the group knew was fake. But who knew of the group’s connection to Sadoka and Mimura, who was still alive? Viktor and Taka. The assassination involved some fancy bow work, which led again to Taka. Obviously Bansho Kishu was being framed.

[GM Note – Hawk is the new character from Yukiyo’s player.]

Meanwhile the Spiders sent thanks for the hunting, then simply disappeared. The Volodni faded into the forest as well to recover from their losses against the Tsuno.

The trip back to Ryoko Owari was quick enough, thanks to teleport spells. The little old lady helping run the estate had heard of Mindra’s hairless condition and quietly took him aside toe reveal there was a old herbal remedy that helps with hair loss. She had made a gallon of it for him, just in case.

News from around the empire was waiting as well. Toturi Tsudao and the Imperial Legions had won a great victory over the Tsuno on the northern part of Shinomen forest. Akodo Kaneka had taken over the Yasuki lands as a way of ending that feud, facing down the Crane and forcing the Crab to agree to it as long as the supplies from the Yasuki lands are given to them.

Back on the job, Kaz found his ‘sidekick’ was learning fast, but getting into too many fights. He was trying to show the way for the boy, though. “Fight when you need to. Don’t back down but don’t go looking to start fights either.”

Mindra was finding there was less and less work for him, since the rumors about the monkey being tainted had gone around. Hawk gave him a jade necklace to help dispel those rumors. At the same time, Hawk revealed the Centaur nation had jade mines and he started trying to network to set of some type of trade relations.

Doji Shiima met with Mir, passing along information about the impending Scorpion celebration to announce the Imperial Chancellor. And a friendly warning, the new Jade Champion was a Crane and would not be as tolerant toward foreign magic as the previous Jade Champion, a Crab who was found to have been tainted.

For Toshiro the news was mixed. His area of the city had been peaceful. But the fighting against the Scorpion was growing more intense, even if it was covert. A Unicorn vassel had changed sides to the Scorpion and a second near had before his wife had convinced the person otherwise. Food was also getting short in the city. No official blockade, simply a ‘bad year for rice’ according to the Scorpion rice merchants.

Toshiro also received a invitation for him and such members of Bansho Kishu as he cared to bring, to attend to introduction of the Imperial Chancellor. Akodo Verick also received an invitation. And a commendation from Akodo Jusho, of sorts

“Well done, Verick. I see you got an individual invitation for the party. You’ve been making the right friends. Just be careful with that. The Scorpion are very devious. And while we are on this subject. We’ve been doing some checking around. The usual things, nothing special. It’s turned up your house girl used to keep house for one Yasuki Kome, a smuggler and criminal. I’m sure you can see where this is going. She’s a potential security risk. Is she a spy? Who knows. But she could be, and if she’s not she could still be compromised. Something for you to think about, Verick, my boy.” The smartly dressed samurai offered in advice before tucking his riding crop under his arm and walking off.

Verick moved out from the Akodo estates and back to the Bansho Kishu estates soon afterwards. Where Toshiro was doing some plotting of his own. He had Mindra riding Hawk, carrying a lance, running the two through what looked like military maneuvers, in plain view of the Akodo estates.

Volar also had a meeting, but this time with Lord Jyaku. Who wished to know why Volar was training a Scorpion in his school. Lord Jyaku was very clear the Scorpion were his enemies. Volar didn’t see the problem, the Scorpion were not his enemies, not really. But it finally came down to the Scorpion student being expelled from the school. And Lord Jyaku’s student there would leave as well.

The party was certainly elaborate. The Bayushi estates were the most beautiful outside Ryoko Owari. Proper, traditional gardens, sophisticated music. Perfect, traditional Rokugani food. And the introduction of Bayushi Kaukatsu as the Imperial Chancellor. Not a good sign for the Unicorn in Ryoko Owari.

The party took full advantage of networking, Mir hearing about just how badly things were going with the Lion and the Crane. The Crane attack had taken Toshi Ronbo, but Kaneka had killed the Daimyo of the Kakita in a duel. Apparently part of the Crane difficulties in the Yasuki lands were due to them being betrayed by their allies, the Mantis. Who were getting quite a track record in this area. The Mantis were joining an alliance of Akodo and Unicorn backing Akodo Kaneka.

Mindra and Hawk were approached by the ever curious Miya Gensaiken, who had many questions about the Centaur, their jade, where they were, what they were. What relation they had with the Vanara. It turned out he had heard a most curious rumor, that somehow Hawk was the son of Kaz from one of the Crab samurai’s more drunken days. Hawk denied it, of course. And Kaz did as well, clearly quite surprised when the question came up.

Angry over his meeting with Lord Jyaku, Volar was actually trying to network a little. Bayushi Ogura certainly could sympathize. “So many people here simply see our masks, rather than the individuals beneath.” Less friendly was the meeting with Torisk Hawt, who more or less accused Volar of passing along information that doomed their expedition to kill the vampire. The Red Wizard and all traveling with him had been killed.

Mir was given a new assignment by Lord Jyaku during the party. “Go around and be seen. Be as traditional as you can. While making sure the foreign part of Bansho Kishui is being seen, the Scorpion are using this as proof of the barbarous ways of the Unicorn.” This was a task Mir was well suited to.

Verick was having a more peaceful evening. Bayushi Sakura was simply teasing him about how much more fun it was to be a Scorpion. “Everyone is so suspicious of you. You can tell the truth and let them fool themselves. And if they find it’s the truth, they wonder why you are telling the truth, what deeper plot lies behind that.”

The chat was interrupted by a Phoenix samurai, however. A polite bow before he began “A pleasure to meet you at last, Akodo Verick, of Setei-kai. Given your background, you have accomplished an amazing amount. It’s interesting to imagine how much better you would be if you were not encumbered by the outdated teachings of Akodo Setei.”

The Phoenix was very polite and had nothing bad to say about Verick himself. But every compliment was laced with some subtle insult to Verick’s teacher. Inevitably, they agreed to continue the discussion in the morning in a more pointed fashion, involving steel. An iaijutsu duel. Verick asked Bayushi Sakura to be his second, a request she accepted.

Toshiro finally got to have the meeting with Akodo Jusho he had been dreaming of. Jusho had questions about the centaur and Vanara training on the estate. Toshiro switched that over to questions about fighting the Tsuno. Challenges to why Jusho was not on the front lines. Jusho responded he went where his duty compelled him. And the conversation traveled on, to the Yasuki estates, to the Akodo taking over there. Toshiro danced around insult without ever quite crossing the line, though it came perilously close to a duel a couple of times. Still, it was a very unexpected performance from Toshiro, one he had been preparing for some time.

Black Omega

First Post
Letters from the Front


It’s been a long year and as it gets colder it gets grimmer. We’ve only been holding out in Shiro Hiruma with the aid of the ratlings. They have stood by us loyally and helped smuggle supplies in at great risk to themselves. Daily assaults have depleted our stores of jade, but we will endure this storm as we have endured every other attack. That bastard Akodo Kaneka has claimed the Yasuki lands and we are too weak to dispute it. So we have been forced to accept that in exchange for the supplies the Yasuki lands once gave us. When we have dealt with the Shadowlands, there will be a reckoning, I promise. I hope you have been fighting bravely in Ryoko Owari. And don’t forget, I expect news of a grandson soon.

Hiruma Tetsuo


I hope you are doing well in Ryoko Owari. Things here in Otosan Uchi have quieted down as winter draws near. The Winter court is Rumored to be in Miya lands this year and it’s believe all three of the children of the Splendid Emperor will be there, as well as the less recognized Akodo Kaneka. It should be very interesting to see how it goes. There will be some vicious maneuvering for position I’m very sure.

And…I was very sorry to hear about attack on your samurai. I understand it was Shiba Aikune, not the will of the Elemental Council of the Phoenix. Not that it helps much. Blood is spilled and I’m not sure what can prevent a conflict now.

Isawa Oroko
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Black Omega

First Post
The next morning the group rode out toward the grove where the duel was set to take place. But along the way they were attacked by Hordeland barbarians and a wizard that looked very much like a half orc. The battle was sudden and unexpected and the assault was almost totally on Volar, Mindra and Mir, who were peppered with arrows while the fast riding barbarians did their best to keep distance from the fighters.

Kaz and Toshiro used their Bansho Kishu badges for the speed boost, while Volar teleported far from the battle. Mindra ran up a tree, while Mir traded arrow shots with the riders. Eventually they chased down the wizard, though killing him left a pile of snow instead of a body. The other barbarians were killed or run off, save for one who was captured. Under interrogation that involved body parts being removed while the samurai found something else to do, he revealed little save he worked for Stavros and was sent to kill the group. Something the group could well believe, they knew he was an enemy of theirs. Volar noticed there was an enchantment spell on the barbarian but didn’t have any dispel magic spells handy, so they simply killed the barbarian. Investigation revealed the attack was by a Moto hunting party who had disappeared. Volar conjectured they were dominated, but was concerned about how many dominations that would take.

The grove was already prepared for the duel, sections set out for the Phoenix, the Akodo and the Unicorn. Lord Jyaku was in attendance as was Akodo Jusho and Akodo Setei. One the Phoenix side was another group, also wearing mon very similar to the Setei-kai emblem. Their aged teacher bearing a suspicious resemblance to Akodo Setei.

Among Bansho Kishu there was some discussion over if Jusho would be angry with Verick for picking a Scorpion second. Bayushi Sakura was present in her Emerald Magistrate armor, however, and as a former Emerald Magistrate himself, Jusho didn’t seem inclined to object.

Stepping up to face each other, Verick and the Phoenix looked each other in the eyes. The first test of wills that started the duel. After a moment, Verick knew the Phoenix had little chance of defeating him. But the Phoenix was not backing down, either. Seconds passed as the tension built, until with a blur of motion both struck. Verick was faster, however, slashing with the precision of a Lion into his target, then sweeping back with the flat of his sword to knock out his opponent. The fight was over in seconds.

Verick was a little puzzled why the Phoenix had not been more skilled. But the way the other Phoenix were watching made it obvious. This was the test. The battle over Setei-kai had only just begun.
Back to work, Mindra had been wearing around the jade necklace Hawk had given him. And he had started noticing people watching him on the way home. Verick passed along word that some thieves were planning on robbing him, but he didn’t believe it until on his way home with his panda a young thug stepped in the way. While Mindra was pausing to talk, a beam of brilliant green nearly struck him. Without wasting a moment, Mindra teleported himself and his panda home.

Mir found there was a problem at her grove. Cracked Nut was in trouble for getting in the way of some Moto who were riding through the area on a hunt. A –hunt- through her grove. That did not sit well with her, anymore than the fact that the Moto were starting to aggressively patrol the area, testing the Shinjo defenses. Mir arranged a meeting with the Moto commander, a man named Moto Kiyomasu. She first wished an end to the hunts going through her grove. The Moto smiled and agreed. After all, if Mir can talk to animals, she can tell them not to run through her grove when fleeing the Moto hunters. Not exactly the result Mir wanted. But she did finally work out an agreement to avoid the grounds of the grove, in exchange for Cracked Nut being sent to Shinomen forest, a sort of exile.

Later, Mir was called in to a meeting with Lord Jyaku at the archery range. A discussion over Volar and how to handle him. As well as some better news. Lord Jyaku had heard about the agreement with the Moto and quite approved. In fact, he was expanding the area granted to the grove for a mile in all directions. Mir was responsible for taxes there, and for the peasants in that area. But as long as it was clearly marked, it would block off the Moto patrols even more effectively.

Following up on a meeting with a Scorpion at the party, Hawk met with a merchant named Subtle who was eager to open up trade relations with the Centaur nation. And offered an expensive, custom tailored kimono as a way to start this relationship. Not really a gift, but there are many ways to pay it off, favors being the preferred. It was an offer Hawk gladly accepted.

Toshiro was left looking over reports at home. Until he heard a voice where there should not be anyone. Going into the room, he found one of his three pet monkeys outside it’s cage, though it crawled toward the cage guiltily as Toshiro walked in. Seeing that Toshiro was only watching, the monkey paused and said clearly “Oh, you don’t mind me being out? Sorry, I always try to be back before you notice.”

A moment of shock passed before Toshiro exclaimed “You can talk!”

“Yes, and very well. I’ve been listening to everyone here. No one ever thinks we can understand what you say.” The monkey replied. “And..um..on the subject. I’ve noticed you have problems with picking the right words sometimes. If you ever run into trouble, you can just come over and whisper your question, and I’ll be happy to help.” The monkey offered. Toshiro was so pleased with this, he even convinced the monkey to teach him ‘monkey’.

Though when Toshiro went up to Mindra and made monkey sounds, it was nothing Mindra understood. Taking Mindra and Mir back to his house, Toshiro introduced them to the monkey. He was silent. No magic. After some questioning, Mindra finally admitted it had been a prank he was playing on his friend. Even so, Toshiro gave the monkey to Mir as a gift.

Kaz found that some of the guards he had dismissed from the Thunderguards in his area had signed on with a Scorpion vassal merchant named Subtle. And was invited to help Shinjo Nihao with a raid on a tea house at the edge of their territories. An invitation Kaz accepted.
While walking home from his patrol, Toshiro was approved by a worried Mindra with dire news. There was a plot against Toshiro’s wife. Mindra had overheard it while working, and convinced the man he heard refuse the offer that he should speak to Toshiro about the plot. But it had to be Toshiro himself, with Mindra only. And right away, since the man was leaving town. Toshiro sent off his bodyguards to let people know where he was going, then followed Mindra to the teahouse. A real dive as it turned out. Opium and all manner of vice clearly on display once you got inside. And despite his Thunderguard armor, Toshiro was allowed inside. Going to meet with the man, Toshiro was almost there when the doors at the front and back were broken in, men in Thunderguard armor yelling “Everyone surrender, this is a raid!” Looking around for Mindra, Toshiro found the Vanara had disappeared…
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Black Omega

First Post
“So, you got my message?” Toshiro bluffed, arms crossed as she looked to Nihao and Kaz calmly.

Shinjo Nihao looked over the criminals in the den then to Toshiro and Kaz “I’ll clean up here. Kaz, I’m assuming you would prefer to take Toshiro back to headquarters to get his statement?”

Kaz was perfectly agreeable to this and Toshiro was taken back, relating the story of how Mindra came to him with news of that plot. Then the two went quickly back to the Bansho Kishu estates to track down Mindra. Just as well. Toshiro had mentioned the monkey led him into a trap. If Mindra had been in the city and met one of Toshiro’s loyal guards, the guard might have taken it upon himself to avenge his master’s honor.

Toshiro had believed the incident was a joke by Mindra, right up to the point where he confronted the Vanara and saw the complete shock in the monkey’s face. It wasn’t Mindra who had set the trap. But then…whom? Someone trying to discredit Toshiro, certainly. Rumors started to curculate about a tea house full of people who were massacred to protect Toshiro’s pursuit of dubious pleasures. The exact details were not known, all the witnesses were dead. But it must have been pretty bad for so many people to be killed. On the plus side, Toshiro found himself treated with greater and greater deference by the commoners in his area, clearly they were afraid of his wrath.

Between that, the ambush on the way to the duel, and the shadowing of Mindra by thugs, the group decided it was time to get some answers. Volar could not cast divination spells, it was a school he could not learn. But Mindra and Mir certainly could. Summoning the group to her grove on the Bansho Kishu estates, they worked on questions, then she cast a Commune. The questions began with the ambush on the way to the duel. Was it Stavros or anyone from Kuzo? No. Scorpions? No. The plot against Toshiro was confirmed as a Scorpion trick. Perhaps the most surprising was that none of this was being done by the bandits of Kuzo. The group knew they were hated by the Sons of Rodrigo. But the answer to how to find who was attacking Mindra was to go to the Dead Rat. And to find out who had been behind the ambush?

Seek your old friend
The frightened rat
He lies to the north
Fleeing the cats

This gave the group ideas. But a sending to Nezu got no answer. And a scrying was blocked. Which wasn’t reassuring. They knew Nezu had sent a letter saying he was leaving to find out what happened to his old village. But nothing beyond that. Basic searches in Unicorn lands revealed no news of Nezu.

Hawk was in favor of asking Shinjo Nihao over to dinner and asking some pointed questions. But the group wasn’t ready to go that far.

In Ryoko Owari rumors were flying about Toshiro, the great hero of Bansho Kishu. About how he had taught Verick how to win the duel against the Phoenix. And Toshiro’s affair with Mir. While Mir was amused over her side of the rumor, Verick seethed. But quietly. He would prove himself.
The Bansho Kishu estates soon had a surprising visitor. Akodo Jusho stopped by to meet with Toshiro. Despite the harshness of their previous meeting, this time Jusho brought words of encouragement. “I’ve heard the rumors about you, Toshiro. In 15 years as a Emerald Magistrate I’ve heard plenty of rumors. When criminals and the Scorpion can’t defeat someone with swords, they do so with lies. My advise is to stand firm. This is the sort of challenge any honorable man faces at some time in their life. Don’t let it eat at you or you might become the sort of man the rumors make you out to be.” The Lion and the Crab weren’t friends, but for once there was some understanding between them.

Mindra was summoned to meet with Lord Jyaku. He’s had word the Vanara had made contact with the Centaur Nation. Since Jyaku vassal merchants were working on a deal to bring over a shipment of jade to Ryoko Owari, he was a little surprised and concerned with this. As was Mindra, he had no idea what Vanara was doing this, but he didn’t think it was his tribe.

Volar wanted to deal with the people behind the ambush first, he strongly suspected the Red Wizards now. But the attack on Mindra was closer to home. And probably more easily dealt with than the plot against Toshiro. So Bansho Kishu traveled to the Dead Rat to gather information. There they were met by a broad shouldered man, his face covered in scars. The man introduced himself as Otsuka the Butcher, the man in charge of food and drink at the Dead Rat. After a brief meeting in which gold passed from Bansho Kishu to the Butcher it was revealed the Black Snake gang was responsible for the attack on Mindra. They were one of the gangs in an area called the Crab Caves. An area built by the Kaui engineers when the Crab Clan captured Ryoko Owari centuries before. It was a twisting area of strongly built brick and stone buildings and narrow allies. Easily defensable.

It was night by the time Bansho Kishu went into the area and found just how unpleasant this slum was. Only 30 feet down the alley they were attacked by arrows from ahead and above. Verick and Mir went up top to deal with the archers as Kaz charged forward, following the archers into a side room. The door closed behind Kaz and he was immediately assaulted by five men, shirtless tos how off their tattoos, their only armor was forearm bracers, their weapons were fists and feet. But they fought well. Volar opened the door with a spell and Toshiro charged in to help his friend. But the leader of the men immediately slammed a fist between Toshiro’s eyes, stunning him, leaving him vulnerable to the following kicks and punches that left the burly crab reeling. Mindra was simply standing back on watch. His keen monkey eyes spotted someone peeking around the corner, watching the fight. Acting quickly, he cast an Ancestral Vengeance, striking down the 13 year old boy who had been watching the fight. The other gang members were killed relatively easily, but the man who had stunned Toshiro was able to escape, a swift leap grabbing the doorframe, then a kick off Toshiro’s body sending him swinging around the corner and out of the room where he expertly disappeared into the dark.

Toshiro, Kaz and Mindra tried to chase but settled for kicking in the first door they came to. From the bedroom to the side a burly man covered in tattoos came into view, pants hastily pulled on, two kama held before him as he growled “Who the hell are you?” Behind him, a woman pulled up the covers on their futon, watching warily.

“We’re looking for Black Snakes.” Toshiro said, his bloody katana held at ready.

The man shook his head and gestures with one kama “Down the alley, it curves to the left. Watch for the triple snake markings on the walls.”

To the man’s surprise, the two samurai and the Vanara simply left. Toshiro pausing only to prop up the door that had been kicked in.

Verick and Mir had met with the leader of the Tonpachi Arrows, another of the gangs, and found a guide to lead them to the Black Snakes.

Black Omega

First Post
It was not a long search. Like most others in the Crab Caves, the Blacksnakes wore little armor, only forearm guards and didn’t bother with kimonos, instead showing off the vivid tattoos that covered most of their visible flesh. The first battle was a trap. The Black Snakes had heard the group was on their way and one gang member challenge the group, leading Kaz onto an ice slide that sent the Crab plunging down 30 feet onto spikes while the Black Snake simply ran up the wall and stood there as if it was level ground.

While Verick, Mir and Volar went up top, picking off the Black snakes up there. A flight spell cast on Toshiro allowed him to get at the Black snakes on the wall, though he was set on fire by a viscous liquid that burned hotter and hotter with each passing second. Mindra once again cast a spell on someone peeking around the corner, though this time it was a Hold Person. The figure shook off the spell and then stepped into view, stalking toward Mindra with two kama held at ready. Mindra and his panda bodyguard took the route of least resistance and slide down the ice slide. Mindra caught himself in time before smashing into Kaz. The panda didn’t. Despite the silliness, the group managed a victory but not before Kaz was taken close to the point of death. Hawk did manage an impressive jump that cut off the escape of the last few Black Snakes.

The single prisoner captured offered to lead them to the challenge square. Though only after being doused in cold water and left to shiver in the snow for a few minutes. Traveling on quickly to the challenge square, they found a crumbling, open area that had previously been an enclosed yard for drilling soldiers. Torches flickered from the tops the remaining pillars and snow covered the ground in a pristine white sheet.

A shouted challenge from a single guard was met by Verick declaring the group was here to kill the Black Snakes. Within minutes men and woman came running into view, all Black Snakes. Little armor, many tattoos, most carrying nunchaku, though a few had long, weighted chains. The leader was a thin man carrying two nunchaku. Beside him a sinisterly silent girl in black sharkskin armor that covered every inch of skin except for her white painted face. She carried a weighted chain.

The leader introduced himself as Black Snake and declared his intent. To kill Toshiro. He knew the Scorpion didn’t like Toshiro and felt they would reward him with membership in the clan if he gave them Toshiro’s head. And again, Verick seethed as he was ignored.

The battle was a long, drawn out affair. The Black Snakes vastly outnumbered Bansho Kishu, but many of them were simple thugs who fell after one of two strikes from a katana. Toshiro was rocked by the chain wielded by the black armored girl, though, the dishonorable weapon striking to the core of his honorable soul.

Verick circled invisibly around to strike directly at the Black Snake, but was nearly killed when Mir’s Briar wall cut him off from the rest of the group, also allowing the black armored girl a spot where she could fight Hawk and Toshiro one at a time. Safe behind the Brian Wall, Black Snake called out orders, directing a flanking attack that came close to killing Kaz once again.

But Bansho Kishu persevered, cutting down the thugs every chance they got. Volar summoning up earth elementals to help Verick try to corner Black Snake, though the swiftly moving gang leader simply ran up a stone pillar to avoid the flanking move. And when the tide of battle went to much toward Bansho Kishu, Black snake simply fled along with his lieutenants (the girl in black armor and two spell casters). The girl with the chain ran up the wall by Volar, trying to get a last attack in on him. Volar surrounded himself with an Otiluke’s Sphere. The girl paused only long enough to glare at Toshiro and draw her thumb across her throat before giving a thumbs down. Volar made silly faces back at her as she disappeared down a hatch on top of the building.

Bansho Kishu had won, but had failed to kill any of the important Black Snakes. And as they healed up, on top of another building a large number of men with Ghost Dragon tattoos appeared. The tallest of the men lifted his kana and shouted down to the square “I’m Daikubo of the Ghost Dragons! Are you here to attack us as well, Bansho Kishu?”

There was a moment’s indecision before Toshiro spoke up “No, not you.”

“Then the attack was an individual action, that is all we needed to know.” Daikubo replied and the Ghost Dragons turned to leave.

Volar piped up, asking “What attack are you talking about?”

“The monkey attacked killed one of our people and attacked another with a spell. We needed to know if we were dealing with all of Bansho Kishu, or simply him.” And with that the Ghost Dragons were gone.

Mindra finally admitted to casting the spell on the Ghost Dragon, adding in defensively “What was I supposed to do, wait for him to attack?”

Bansho Kishu decided to teleport back to their estates and rest up, making preparations for their next attack on the Black Snakes. Verick put out word that he’d pay gold for any Black Snake gang members killed, with a much larger bonus for the heads of Black Snake himself, as well as the two spell casters and the chain girl.

[GM Note – Thanks to Kill Bill, the girl with the chain will be forever known as Go Go. It’s a bit of happy chance that I’d gotten the idea for the Black Snakes as well as their weapons of choice well before ever watching Kill Bill. But I did steal the idea of mass mooks for the PC’s to kill from the movie.]

Mindra had his own concerns as well. An air spirit was buzzing around him, trying to get his attention. The spirit had a message from someone the group had fought in the past. He wished a meeting with Mindra alone, in some safe place where they could talk. He had information he thought the group would want. Mindra said no, but left the door open for negotiations on the meeting.

The next day the group traveled back to the Crab Caves, refreshed and ready to fight. Verick had to pay out a little gold; a few of the Tonpachi Arrows had caught Black Snakes the night before and were ready to collect the reward. Their captive started them on the first building they found, guiding Verick, Hawk and Kaz to the rooms of Black Snakes. Kaz and Hawk focused on killing the gang members but Verick killed everyone he found without mercy. At the top floor they found two men, Iron Butterflies judging from the tattoos. Both were spiked to the wall, disembowel, their rip cages ripped open and the hearts removed. Also left was a warning ‘This is what happens to those who hunt snakes.’

Before coming to the Crab Caves, it had been decided the group should stick together from now on in combat, at least long enough to get spells cast. Even so, outside waited Toshiro along with Volar, Mindra and Mir. The ambush could not have been unexpected. Black Snakes suddenly coming into view, including the leader himself. Mir and Mindra both closed in around Volar and as a result all were caught in the chain web cast by the sorceress of the Black Snakes.

Black Snake himself closed in on Toshiro, the twin nunchaku striking with devastating skill. The only thing that saved Toshiro was Mindra ability to walk through obstacles like webs, and the fact the ambush was impromptu. He had been so clear he intended to kill Toshiro, Black Snake had not planned to have do an ambush right away, he’d simply planned to watch at first, then strike at the right moment. As Volar dispelled the web, Mindra and Mir healed Toshiro and the chance to kill the samurai passed. And just that fast, the Black snakes melted away again into the twisting alleys of the Crab Caves.

Hawk took it upon himself to do some interrogating, placing a heavy hoof upon one of the Black Snake thugs and demanding information, in exchange for sparing the man’s life. As the pain grew, the man finally revealed he knew where the Black Snake treasury had been moved. Hawk thanked the man for the information, then put his full weight forward, crushing the man’s chest.

Much like Mindra’s little comment about attacking the Ghost Dragons; this was brushed quickly aside in favor of going after the Black Snakes. Volar in particular was eager…a treasury meant gold.

Traveling to the building (and followed by members of the Ghost Dragon gang), the group charged inside. Verick led the way, disabling traps as they went down the hall to the treasury. As soon as the door opened, a gust of wind raked down the hallway, blinding Kaz and Toshiro. Verick avoided easily and tumbled inside the room. The Black Snake shugenja was there as was Black Snake himself. Gogo was no where to be seen. But in her place stood a imposing figure in immaculate black armor trimmed in jade green. On the armor’s breast place was the kanji for ‘Poison’.

“I know you, Poison Sawada!” Verick called out “”You should not have chosen to join this fight!”

“Our reputations precede us, Akodo Verick. But my contract has nothing to do with you.” Poison Sawada calmly replied.

The battle was cut off suddenly, though. Volar had rushed forward and thrown up a wall between the Black Snakes and Bansho Kishu, giving time to cure Toshiro and Kaz’s blindness and for the group to reform. When the group was ready, they broke through the wall; only to find the Black Snakes and Poison Sawada were gone…
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Black Omega

First Post
Also no in evidence was the Black Snake treasury, much to Volar’s disappointment. Just empty rooms, open boxes, and windows. Black Snake and the others had escaped without a trace.

Departing the building, the ground found a pile of Ghost Dragon bodies, sliced up and battered, the gang members who had been following them, keeping an eye on Mindra.

There was no time to investigate, however. A tough looking bald man was calling out the group, back in the Challenge Square. And this time it was different, the ‘Black Snake Elite Guard’ was on hand. The first people from the gang Bansho Kishu had fought who actually wore armor. Apparently not very elite, however. Their opening spell volley was a sleep spell and several of the Elite Guard fell in the snow while running into view.

The battle started easily enough, with several of the Elite Guard falling to the katanas of Kaz, Verick and Toshiro. But then the tone of the battle changed. After a spell took control of Kaz and sent him after Mir, the archers who had been firing one shot a round suddenly picked up the pace. A second shugenja made her presence known with a fireball. Volar used a spell to protect himself from the arrows, but Mindra was not so lucky, getting peppered by volley after volley. At least one real fighter was mixed in with the ‘Elite Guard’ and he was left open shots at both Mir and Mindra in turn. Mir was saved by a handy dispel magic that freed Kaz from the spells mental effect.

Even so, Bansho Kishu endured. Verick tried to chase down the female shugenja, who simply vanished and reappeared on the top of a building. Chasing her up there, she easily avoided him again but then the brash Lion saw a chance at the other spell caster. Leaping off the building, he let his momentum carry him down onto the shugenja, his katana flashing once, slicing the spell caster perfectly in half.

The other spell caster turned to wind and disappeared quickly while the group finished off the rabble. Not much of an elite guard at all. But several people in the group had been hurt badly, Mindra coming close to death. Most of the so called Elite Guard had no tattoos at all, causing Volar to speculate they were probably mercenaries.

Deciding to play it safe, the group retreated using teleport spells to take them back to the Bansho Kishu estate, rather than taking any chances by trying to walk through the Crab Caves. Mindra’s Iron Monkey charm had been destroyed in the battle against the ‘Elite Guard’. Verick had a meeting with a certain Scorpion lady he was fond of. And the group wanted to meet with Agnar Glitterune to get some items identified.

Along the way, they ran into a procession. A number of local men dressed in paper and paper mache armor colored to resemble the armor of the Crab Clan. As they marched along, they were trading bits of armor for drinks, tobacco and kisses from lovely ladies. Toshiro and Kaz fumed as they watched this, while a helpful Scorpion vassal merchant explained the story behind Liberation Day. How the Crab Clan had conquered Ryoko Owari while the Scorpion were fighting the Lion. And how their samurai had grown corrupt and soft in the City of Stories.

Volar cut off the story, he had little time for talk. He needed to know what the items recovered from the Elite Guard were, and how much gold they might be worth to him.

Their friend the gnome looked over the items. Sandals of Spider Climb, Ring of Protection, nothing too exotic. While discussing what to do with the items, Mir heard the sound of someone on the roof. The Gnome quickly ducked into a hidden room. Keen survival instincts had kept Glitterune alive for years now. Mir sent her familiar out for a look, but it was quickly shot with a couple of arrows. There was time to get a glimpse of figures on the rooftop before a vial was swung down into the door, the front of the building erupting into flames.

Mir ran outside the put out the fire while Volar followed and Toshiro, Kaz and Mindra went out the back. Finding themselves in a silence field, Toshiro was struck by a painful weapon he had met before. Go Go’s dishonorable chain. Toshiro saw the leather armored girl on the roof and fled along the side of the building after gesturing for the others to follow. They didn’t, Kaz climbing up after Go Go to attack her while Mindra waited in the alley. Volar cast a stinking cloud over the rooftop and Mindra waited just below it, feeling along the rooftop for Kaz’s leg. Not much use, since Kaz was following Go Go up the roof. And losing the battle slowly. Her trip attacks slowing him down for the other savagely dishonorable strikes. When Kaz succumbed to the Stinking Cloud, a final strike sent him falling off the roof to land with a sickening thud by Mindra, who was finally able to heal the Crab. But only a little, the area of silence stifling his more potent spells. Kaz and Mindra both ran inside to escape Go Go while a stone wall outside from Poison Sawada cut Toshiro off from the others. Black Snake himself jumped over to the other side of the wall to challenge Toshiro. Only to find the fierce Crab was…gone. No where to be seen.

In fact, as peasants stared on, Toshiro had run inside a ceramics shop and was hiding in the corner, using his family katana to try and pry open a spot behind Volar so he could ask for help. Volar didn’t even say a word to Toshiro, but he did use a Passwall spell to open up a spot for Toshiro to come out. Toshiro’s recently awakened katana had quite a lot to say, however. The katana of honor and truth was not at all pleased about being used as a implement of woodworking and made sure Toshiro knew it.

Black Snake was forced to chase down Toshiro, jumping back over the stone wall to finally confront the Crab samurai. Even then, Toshiro held back, forcing Black Snake to attack first. To Toshiro’s disappointment, Black Snake jumped in with lightning speed, getting one single attack off, then backing away out of reach.

Trying to neutralize the enemy spell casters, Mir sent her familiar out with ‘Curse of the Brute’ trying to catch the Black Snake shugenja. Failing that, the thrush went after Poison Sawada, who was otherwise standing in place, arms crossed, as unmoving as a statue as he watched the battle. The attack failed to effect him, and a moment later he had summoned a earth elemental to pound the bird. The thrush would have died if not for Volar and Mir both casting spells to dismiss the elemental.

[GM Note: Another close call for the familiar, one where I really did expect the thrush to die. I won’t be at all surprised if the thrush dies before the campaign finishes. I wonder if raise dead works on a familiar? It should, I suppose. But the loss of Con for a 1HD creature would only affect the Fort save since it’s based on the Master’s base saves and it’s own fort. It’s hit points would be unaffected it seems like.]

Toshiro finally attacked, supported by Kaz and Verick. Volar alertly cast a spell to teleport Toshiro and himself away from the battle, 40 feet away. Mindra healed up Toshiro again and he joined the battle one more time. When Black Snake called for healing, Poison Sawada healed him up, from a distance. Then announced his contract at an end. With a flourish, Sawada drew his arms over his chest and simply disappeared into the ground.

The last of the battle was brief and to the point. Black Snake tried to fight then flee, but the fighters of Bansho Kishu were too fast for him. Corner, Black Snake fought to the finish. But it ended inevitably, with his bloody death, by Verick’s hand.

Go Go had not appeared again, except for a brief moment, her firebombs turning the back of the gnome’s building into an inferno. Poison Sawada was gone as well. All that was left was dead bodies, fire and perhaps an end to this feud.
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Black Omega

First Post
Woohoo! And now, I've finally caught the story hour up with the game. Which means no more fast forwarding and a little more detail since it's all fresher in my mind.

The Axe

First Post
Much happiness!!

I'm a long-time reader and fan but have been unable to post recently due to some stupidity (on my part) in changing stuff on an old account (Axeboy).

I was saddened by the hiatus, but unable to comment; the summary format has been good to get caught up, but I look forward to hearing some crunchy details!

Thanks, Black Omega (and crew), and keep up the good work!

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