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[OA/FR] Rokugan - Updated 12/13/03

Black Omega

First Post
Toshiro said:
Post Script---
Now as a player talking, I had hoped one of the other players in our group would be the leader. Several of them have the knack of seeing or knowing what the GM has in store for us. As a player I am terrible in this area. But it is great for the GM, he can lead me just about where he wants me to go.

Toshiro has many virtues. But he's not really a leader. But the leadership mantle seems to be one that get passed around so people can enjoy someone else getting to suffer. Right now Toshiro's enjoying Verick being the leader. the other type who could lead are very happy it's always on someone else.

I think that is why he made me the leader. Many times I see him across the table just grinning and smiling as I go thru all kinds of pain to try and stay out of trouble. He always has a way of twisting it so. But that is what makes this campaign so fun. I will say he keeps all of us on our toes.

Now now, I didn't really make Toshiro the leader. It started with Toshiro being built with a feat that makes him the descendant of a great Crab Champion. Then the group fixed on Toshiro because at the time he was the only samurai in the group. Now the group has three samurai, but Toshiro's still the one most easily manipluated by the gaijin in the group.

The GM has so many things going on around us I don't know how he keeps track of the events and the different chars. we deal with.
Spreadsheets and flow charts;)

Of course it's possible to have too much going on, so we're giving the group a chance to solve a few mysteries. Before returning to the City of Lies.;)
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Draken Korin

First Post
Black Omega said:
Toshiro has many virtues. But he's not really a leader. But the leadership mantle seems to be one that get passed around so people can enjoy someone else getting to suffer. Right now Toshiro's enjoying Verick being the leader. the other type who could lead are very happy it's always on someone else.

Player Comment:
It's not that Verick can't lead. It's more that the things that Verick is into, his views and methods, could very easily lead him into conflict with the party. He's been a tough character to be consistent with, since he's grown into his role through roleplay.

Originally Verick was intended to be a western character with a tie-in to Rokugan through his heritage. Then I got caught up in the environment, and the character evolved into what he is now. The GM is very interested in the Rokugan campaign world, and all things aisan, and that interest shows in the stories he tells.

Verick is caught, now, between a lifetime of roguish western sensibilities, the teachings of his father, and the environment of Rokugan. He chose to become samurai, embracing his father's life, through a romantic notion that it would be like the stories he'd heard growing up, all battle, glory, and honour. Now, he's seen the reality of the samurai life, and the strange, often counterproductive attitudes and methods that shape that life, he's trying to introduce some of the western ideas into his approach to life.

The problem is, that things are changing too fast to really keep track of everything. After all, it's only been fourteen months, or so, since the party came together in Bugaisha, and he was sixteen when he arrived in Rokugan, now seventeen. Verick's ties have grown closer to the Scorpion, because above all the clans, they seem most practical about living. Of course he doesn't truly grasp the deception and duplicity inherent in the Scorpion, but he's hoping to keep his head above the water until he does.

In the end, Verick is just very young, and ill equipped to lead in this group. The requirements of duty, and society clash with his upbringing, since he lacks the advantage of being raised in Rokugan to give him a real understanding of why things work as they do.


Brown Jenkin

First Post
Notes from Mir

Black Omega said:
Now now, I didn't really make Toshiro the leader. It started with Toshiro being built with a feat that makes him the descendant of a great Crab Champion. Then the group fixed on Toshiro because at the time he was the only samurai in the group. Now the group has three samurai, but Toshiro's still the one most easily manipluated by the gaijin in the group.

Now why would sweet little me be interested or even capable of manipulating the great Toshiro [bats eyelashes]. Now that elf on the other hand is another story. We all know what elves are like. I am but a traveler taking a short break on my journey. I am just trying to be helpful to Toshiro. I noticed that sometimes he has problems saying the right things, so I am only trying to be helpful when I create a lesser telepathic bond with him and tell him what to say. My efforts to tell stories about his great and brave deeds is only because I want the rest of the empire to know the truth about him. Toshiro has always been kind to me so I am just repaying the kindness.

Now Verick on the other hand has never expressed that same kindness toward me. I will of couse defer to him when he is in charge, but I would much rather have Toshiro in charge since he seems to trust me. There is though a small bit of satifaction right now as Verick learns what it is like to be in charge. I had that experience not long ago in our trip to the Shinnomen and it is fun to see Verick have to make the complicated decisions for a change.

I wouldn't mind too much if Kaz were to lead. He seems a fair and practical person who will keep his word. His lack of standing in society seems to basicly related to his off hours partying. Now of couse if Kaz were in charge I would have to make more of an effort to be discreet about some of my off hours activities (Not that of couse I am doing anything innapropriate, I just like my privacy in taking care of personal matters).

Now of course Leadership in the group is a more nebulus afair than it might seem. Only Mindra and Kaz are tied directly to Toshiro and even those ties are not neccesaily immutable. Mindra is following the wishes of his ancestors in looking after Toshiro, if the ancestors had a change in plan I am not sure what he would do. Toshiro is equl in rank to Kaz, but in charge because he is Lord Jayku's son-in-law. Kaz is also with us not due to personal ties but because the Crab assigned him to keep an eye on Toshiro and help him remember his Crab heritage more that his Crane behaviors. Verick has no formal ties and considers himself an equal to Toshiro, he seems to follow only because it suits him in some other way I don't understand. Volar has sworn loyalty to no-one and seems to be in things for himself, I'm sure he will follow whoever it is in the best intrests of Volar to follow. Hawk is not a full member yet and it is yet to be determined what his place is. I have sworn an oath to Lord Jayku and the Unicorn, not Toshiro. Toshiro is the leader because more people are willing to follow him than Verick, not because anyone has sworn loyalty to Toshiro directly. As with the case right now, and in our trip to the Shinomen, leadership can and is assumed by others when they are the more natural choice in a given situation.

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