Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)

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The 5th worst Star Wars movie aside, at least it, at least in theory, put a pin in the whole "everyone is about the Skywalkers and also mostly Palpatine" thing

Wrong place to do it though since they marketed the movies as VII, VIII and IX and the conclusion of the Skywalker saga.

They should have doubled down on that and come up with something a bit more detached from the Clone Wars/,Rebellion era for the TV shows and other movies.

It's Disney though they won't stray to fair from the formula.

For rpg material are you familiar with the older SWRPGs?

Considering the end of Ep 9 where you see that little kid using the force, yeah count me in on a future SW series set a decade or so after EP9.

Sort of clean slate start. The Jedi and the Sith are rebuilding. The universe is fractured into all these fairly equal powers so no side dominates.

I would watch the heck out of that.

Considering the end of Ep 9 where you see that little kid using the force, yeah count me in on a future SW series set a decade or so after EP9.

Sort of clean slate start. The Jedi and the Sith are rebuilding. The universe is fractured into all these fairly equal powers so no side dominates.

I would watch the heck out of that.

Not a bad idea outside the movies Disney has been doing the high republic (300 years before PT/OT) and they've hinted at old republic stuff.

In legends old republic 4-5000 years before PT/OT and Legacy series (140 years after RotJ).

Old Republic not a Skywalker to be found Legacy had descendents of the Skywalker's and various other characters.

Generally there's always been a huge focus on Sith/Jedi, Skywalker's, and Mandalorians so kinda makes sense why Disney focuses on them.

Spaceships would be another one with multiple games, books and comics.

Considering the end of Ep 9 where you see that little kid using the force, yeah count me in on a future SW series set a decade or so after EP9.

Sort of clean slate start. The Jedi and the Sith are rebuilding. The universe is fractured into all these fairly equal powers so no side dominates.

I would watch the heck out of that.
That was actually the end of Episode 8, but otherwise yeah, I want all of this

That was actually the end of Episode 8, but otherwise yeah, I want all of this

It's not a bad idea episode 8 was just the wrong place to do it. The clue is in the title episode 8.

It's a big galaxy and over Skywalker's anyway due to various reasons.

Disney overall is probably batting better than average it's not like Lucas did everything right either. Ewok movies, holiday special......

Y'know, I think I need to actually rewatch the movies. I've only seen most of them (outside of the original trilogy) once. Might actually be fun. I recently did that with the Marvel movies and man, if you actually watch them all pretty close together (as in over a month or two like I did) so much of the little stuff starts making so much more sense.

I think because I'm usually not one for rewatching very much, I forget so many of the details between movies that all this stuff about ret-cons and contradictions never really matter to me very much because I don't typically remember the details that closely anyway. If Vader's lightsaber was suddenly a different color I doubt I'd even notice. Just don't care about that level of detail.

It's not a bad idea episode 8 was just the wrong place to do it. The clue is in the title episode 8.

It's a big galaxy and over Skywalker's anyway due to various reasons.

Disney overall is probably batting better than average it's not like Lucas did everything right either. Ewok movies, holiday special......
Episode 8 was where Rian Johnson got the opportunity to put it in. Unfortunately Disney had no overarching plan and continuity for the trilogy. While I have my complaints about TLJ, it at least had arcs for the characters, and built in an interesting direction on TFA's tease of Rey coming from nowhere. Johnson went with the idea that it's NOT all about special bloodlines- that power and virtue can spring from "nothing". That any person can have the potential to be heroic, to be a Jedi.

Then RoS went back to "everything is about the magic families". Yuck. In addition to wasting/betraying Vader's whole arc by bringing Palpatine back.

I'll certainly agree that Lucas had his issues too.

Episode 8 was where Rian Johnson got the opportunity to put it in. Unfortunately Disney had no overarching plan and continuity for the trilogy. While I have my complaints about TLJ, it at least had arcs for the characters, and built in an interesting direction on TFA's tease of Rey coming from nowhere. Johnson went with the idea that it's NOT all about special bloodlines- that power and virtue can spring from "nothing". That any person can have the potential to be heroic, to be a Jedi.

Then RoS went back to "everything is about the magic families". Yuck. In addition to wasting/betraying Vader's whole arc by bringing Palpatine back.

I'll certainly agree that Lucas had his issues too.

The idea is a good one just in the wrong place considering Disney was marketing it as the Skywalker Saga. That's the big problem there not that the idea is bad.

It did kind of get explored in the old EU as well. One of my favorites was a force sensitive clone who became force sensitive in a society where they were supposed to be perfect clones Dorsk 81 iirc.

Good idea wrong place and time. Don't need to be a Skywalker to be a powerful force user eg Palpatine, Obi Wan, Windu etc.

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