OD&D 4 me (April Fools)

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
This is a fine start to April.
I marvel at the brave Fools willing to participate.
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Golden Procrastinator
GnomeWorks said:
Man, please, don't do it.
Too late. I already bought the site. From now onwards, the site will be exclusively dedicated to the Italian RPG Kata Kumbas, based on Mediterranean folklore, because frankly I had enough of all this elves, dwarves and assorted pseudo-Germanic nonsense.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Piratecat said:
Russ, I'm well aware that you're pissed. Just don't do anything stupid.

I may be a little drunk and angry right now, but I know what I'm doing. This has been coming for a long time, and you know it.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
hafrogman said:
WOO HOO! It's arrived, it's arrived!


I claim this thread in the name of the off-topic gestalt. Welcome to the new home of the Hive. You will now all be added to the collective. Welcome to the Hivemind.

One of us!
One of us!
Took long enough! This thread was off topic since the OP! This "Morrus' D&D / 4th Edition / d20 News"--nothing about OD&D allowed.


First Post
hafrogman said:
WOO HOO! It's arrived, it's arrived!


I claim this thread in the name of the off-topic gestalt. Welcome to the new home of the Hive. You will now all be added to the collective. Welcome to the Hivemind.

One of us!
One of us!

Can the Hivemind get it's own forum, or a way to stick it on second page? There is enough drivel on the internet as it is!



Victoria Rules
Not sure whether this is an April Fool's act or not, but the optics aren't very good regardless. Someone posts that they're bailing on 4e and going back to 0e (a perfectly reasonable decision to make if the situation warrants) and gets flayed sideways for it...that alone is bad enough; ENWorld already seems to have gained something of a 4e-or-the-highway reputation, deserved or not, and this plays right into it (hence my nagging suspicions of prankishness). But the OP is made by a moderator, and while I don't know the personalities behind the scenes, this sets the others mods and admins off such that the thread gets closed 3 times, moved at least 4 times, and strewn with words in Bad Colours, all over top of a reasonable discussion of the relative simplicity between editions.

So, what gives?

For my own part, I just started a new 1e-based campaign a week or two back, and a mid-week e-mail from one of the players really summed it up for me: "...it's good to see the game going back to its chaotic and non-serious roots!" This from someone who's been playing for 28 years and has never even tried 3e, and who had a character die in the new game's very first session!

Rel's opening post here - whether serious or not - has it right.



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Morrus said:
I may be a little drunk and angry right now, but I know what I'm doing. This has been coming for a long time, and you know it.
You know. The offer's down to 60% now. If you want still to come out winning you should write the name down soon ;).

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