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Of Sound Mind III


Seraphina hooks the smaller lump of crystal with her foot, and kicks it down through the hole. It misses Kerrick by inches, shattering on the floor.

Jason leaps forwards, pure anger clear in his eyes. With a whirlwind of kicks and punches, he quickly renders Haldik senseless, the guard captains defence insufficient to fend off the ball of fury that faced him.

The townsfolk continue to rush into the tower, blocking the stairway with a a press of bodies. The hammering on the door behind Seraphina increases in volume, the frame of the door starting to produce alarming creaking sounds.

Kerrick gives the bellrope another tug with all his strength, and produces the loudest chime so far. It echoes around the tower, and the crystal makes several loud snapping sounds. Seraphina throws herself back from it as it explodes in a burst of brilliant sapphire light. Sharp fragments of crystal fly around the room, one nicking Seraphina's arm as it whistles past.

Then, all is silent. A slow, confused murmuring starts outside the tower and quickly spreads inside as the townsfolk regain their senses...

(Jason does well in his attack, getting a critical and dealing 19 points of damage. I think my dice must like rolling high this week :) Seraphina takes another 2 points of subdual damage from the bell, and a point of damage from the crystal shard. The crystal itself is no more.)

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Other Guy

First Post
Jason Master

Jason breathes heavily and calms himself as he looks around at the freed men and women around him. He sighs and wipes the sweat from his forehead before speaking, “Alright, allow me to clear up some of the confusion. You were all possessed by a powerful psychic. It looks like we’ve managed to kill him—or her, I’m not really sure—but you’ve all managed to hurt us a little bit. My friend needs a healer, so at the very least somebody please help me bandage his wounds.”

He smiles. “I’m guessing you should all be safe now, so go through that door and thank the ones who saved you.”

Kerrick Jonez

With a sigh of releif KJerrick lets the rope go, "Is everyone alright? Sure is a good thing i got here when i did, you guys would be in big trouble without me."

[OOC: :D :p ]
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At Jason's explanation, the confusion seems to die down at little, but the murmuring of the townsfolk grows in both volume and amount as everyone starts discussing the monk's words. A man pushes his way up the stairs to the door, and runs his hand along the top of the door frame, taking down a small key.

Seraphina hears a *click* from behind her, and the door swings open to reveal several (rather more sane-looking) townspeople standing there. A small cheer goes up as they spot Seraphina, and a few make their way over to examine the shards of crystal littering the room.

Back on the ground floor, the call for a healer goes out, and a few moments later Thorlenn steps into the tower. Picking her way past the various senseless townspeople, she utters a brief prayer to Pelor, and some of Gholog's wounds heal over. He's still unconscious, but his breathing has evened and he's no longer losing blood.

"How did this happen?" She asks Jason, her gesture including Gholog, the slowly recovering townsfolk and the shattered crystal fragment.


What the-! Oh, they're alright...

Seraphina gives a sigh of relief as she sees that the entering townspeople appear sane.

"Don't touch that!" She says as they approach the crystal, however. "I don't know what it is, or if it still works, but... don't touch it. Not yet. Just leave it alone, for now."


(OoC: Bump...

Don't let the fact that Thorlenn's question was directed towards Jason stop anyone else from answering her.)

Kerrick Jonez

Kerrick walks over to the gathered villagers and responds tot he question, "Well to put it bluntly, you under the domination of that thrice damned crystal we just destroyed."
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The townspeople seems to heed Seraphina's warning, backing away from the crystal shards. There's a general flow of people back down the stairs and out into the square, leaving the way clear for Seraphina to rejoin the rest of the party.

"How in God's names could this have happened?" Thorlenn starts, then turns as she hears something called from outside. "No, never mind, we can find out later. Follow me." She briskly makes her way into the plaza, the crowds parting to let her and the party pass.

Outside, Mayor Waterman and Lucius Krekket wait. A handful of the town guard stand beside them, most still dressed in their civilian clothes.

"Ah, gentlemen. And lady." The Mayor address the group as they approach. "We've been told we have you to thank for breaking whatever spell lay over our village." He approaches closer, dropping his voice a little.

"I'm not entirely clear on the detail, or just what's been going on here for the last half-hour or so. If you'd be so good as to accompany me to the town hall, I'd greatly appreciate an explanation..." He gives you all a small worried smile.


Seraphina nods. "Sure, we can tell you what happened. Though I think we're a little shaky on the details ourselves..."

I think we're at something of an awkward pause...

Voidrunner's Codex

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