D&D General Official D&D In Decline. Source Hasbro.


I have to agree that Wotc isn't in a very good spot right now and they'll probably see more layoffs this year.

I do think if the 3D VTT or the big budget sci-fi videogame they're working on does do well they're going to be in even bigger trouble.

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I think we knew the boom during Covid wouldn't last - people will probably never again have the time they had on their hands from a couple of years ago. Management got caught with its pants down, obviously not planning for when things would "return to normal". They're going to have to get serious about tightening their belt, and that's not going to make for a fun year for them.


Page 12 of the power point says "Fourth quarter and full year growth in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (+54% and +76%, respectively)"
I am fully expecting BG3 to have done wonders, but can we say the OGL didn’t have a meaningful lasting impact? Or do we not have info for that?


Page 12 of the power point says "Fourth quarter and full year growth in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (+54% and +76%, respectively)"

Link on that page 12 doesn't reference D&D might be my phone.

The revenue part was what was referenced. We know that they've cleared the warehouses out according to these reports.

What you read is it referencing sales, revenue or something else?


Makes sense that sales are down the year before a new set of core books comes out.
On the other hand, it was the year when the movie came out and when there was a runaway success in video games. You'd expect the inevitable not-a-new-edition dip to be countered by the corresponding bumps from those two, at least partly.

2024 looks like it's going to be a much more interesting year for D&D than by rights it should have been.


On the other hand, it was the year when the movie came out and when there was a runaway success in video games. You'd expect the inevitable not-a-new-edition dip to be countered by the corresponding bumps from those two, at least partly.

2024 looks like it's going to be a much more interesting year for D&D than by rights it should have been.

Movie wasn't a bump it was a 50 million write off.

BG3 was 65 million and counting bump last I heard.

Ballpark figures 10% cut after valves 30%.

Excluding console sales.

Voidrunner's Codex

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