WOIN Official Errata Thread


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I am using this post to compile the official errata document for WOIN. Note that there is a final errata pass before the compiled hardcovers come out. If you purchase from DTRPG or RPGNOW, make sure you can receive notifications of updated versions (only about 50% of customers have that setting active).
  • The official N.E.W. errata document can be found on the WOIN website. This applies to N.E.W. The Roleplaying Game, both hardcover and PDF.
  • The official O.L.D. errata document can be found on the WOIN website. This applies to O.L.D. The Rolepaying Game, both hardcover and PDF.
  • Keep an eye on the WOIN Rules FAQ. That document doesn't include errata, but it does include clarifications and advice. It gets updated from time to time.
  • Ensure your copy of N.E.W. is Version 1.2 (see the credits page). If your PDF is not, please redownload it from the site you got it from!
  • Ensure your copy of O.L.D. is Version 1.1 (see the credits page). The hardcovers are all v1.1. If your PDF is not, please redownload it from the site you got it from!

Note. The books below have all already undergone an errata pass after the first printing. Ensure you have the latest version of each book; you can tell you have the latest version by looking at the credits page for the indicators noted below. This post assumes you are working from the latest version. If you don't have the latest version, and you have the PDF of the book, simply redownload it from wherever you got it from - we update the files on the stores we sell the books. If you have any trouble getting the latest version, let us know and we'll help you out. If you have an older/first-run print copy (i.e. not the version mentioned below) you are still entitled to the PDF version. Either redownload the PDF or, if you don't have access to a PDF of the book, contact us and we'll make sure you get it. If you purchase a print version of any book, it will be the latest version.

Look for the version numbers in the locations shown below:


O.L.D. credits page


N.E.W. credits page​

Feel free to reply to this thread with errata you spot. Note that you shouldn't use the replies to apply errata - just this post and the official errata file, which will include errata noted in those posts if verified - as the replies may apply to earlier printings other than the current printing.

Future Careers
If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version has ISBN 978-1-326-69765-5 noted on the credits page. Additionally:

  • All the investigative careers get law as a skill option.

Future Core
If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version has ISBN 978-1-365-21568-1 noted on the credits page. Additionally:

  • Temporary conditions automatically wear off after 5 minutes (or the end of the encounter, in practical terms). Permanent conditions, or those with a fixed duration, do not. Persistent conditions cannot be shaken off, but disappear after a night's rest. Conditions inflicted by environments are persistent.
  • Two conditions missing:
    • Brave. The target gains +4 MENTAL DEFENSE.
    • Drowsy. The target feels sluggish and tired. No other effect.

Future Equipment
If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version also has 8 new pages of full-colour art. The errated version has ISBN
978-1-365-19079-7 noted on the credits page.

Fantasy Careers
If you have the digital version, simply redownload the PDF. Please check that your PDF file is named version 1.1. Additionally:
  • Add appraisal to the list of crafting skills.

Fantasy Equipment
If you have the digital version, simply redownload the PDF. You have the errated version if the Spear is size M, not L.

Fantasy Core
If you have the digital version, simply redownload the PDF. Please check that your PDF file is named version 1.1. Additionally:
  • Page 17, Luck. Add "In normal mode, only one LUC die may be spent at a time. In Cinematic Mode, a character may spend as many of her LUC dice as she wishes."
  • Page 17, Leadership. Add "Your leadership dice come out of your own LUC pool. They are not a separate, additional pool. This action allows you to donate your own LUC to others."
  • Page 18, Replenishing Luck. Replace "...allow for more frequent replenishment" with "...allow an additional daily replenishment. These do not stack, however - you cannot gain more than one additional daily replenishment."
  • Page 24, Critical Hits. Add "Three sixes is always a hit, even if the roll would normally have missed. If more than three sixes are rolled, etc additional six pushes the target one further stage down the relevant status track."
  • Page 25, Removing Conditions. Add "Each subsequent attempt to remove a condition gains a cumulative +1d6 die bonus. You may only make one attempt per turn to remove a condition."

Starship Construction Manual
Please ensure your version of the book or file is version 1.1. If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file.

Elements of Magic
Please ensure your version of the book or file is version 1.1. If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version has new magical enhancements, and changes to the alchemy/spell components section.

If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version also has 3 new sample ships. The errated version has ISBN 978-1-365-22474-4 noted on the credits page.

Building A Universe
If you have the electronic version, simply redownload the file. The errated version has ISBN
978-1-365-25091-0 noted on the credits page.

Wilderness, Strongholds, & Warfare
If you have the electronic version simply redownload the file. The errated version says Version 1.1 on the credits page. Additionally:
  • Page 13, Quick Journey Results table, Penalties. Change to "Conditions are persistent and wear off at a rate of one severity level per day of rest."

All Books Clarification

  • A critical success on an attribute check is achieved with triple-sixes. There may be a legacy reference to double-sixes in older printings.
  • Note that the minimum DEFENSE score of 10 is a universal rule for any DEFENSE value. Any DEFENSE value of less than 10 (including objects, starships, melee, ranged, mental, vehicles, etc.) which is lower than 10 is always treated as 10.
  • This isn't so much errata as it follows logically from the rules, but isn't currently specifically called out. So consider it a clarification. Because DEFENSE scores are basically (averaged) dice pools, they are subject to the Maximum Dice Pool (MDP) like any other dice pool. Take the MDP and multiply by 4; that's the cap on any DEFENSE score prior to any exceptional (non-dice-pool) adjustments.
  • A critical hit (three sixes) always hits even if it does not achieve the target DEFENSE score.


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Future core:
p. 38: "The die penalty is -1d6 for a mild condition, -2d6 for a severe condition, and -3d6 for an extreme condition." Should be "The die penalty is -1d6 for a moderate condition, -2d6 for a severe condition, and -3d6 for an extreme condition", "mild" has no die penalty.


Not sure if these qualify as Errata per say, but nothing in Fantasy Careers tells you how many MP you get, I had to look it up in the online resource. Seems like something that should be mentioned either in the Attribute description for Magic or in the Derived Statistics.

Secondly, I think it might be good to add some sort of call-out or mark to "Criminal Careers" in the actual career write-ups, like a small italic "Criminal Career" line under the Career title, since the listing of what careers are 'criminal careers' is on page 17, the call out that tells you you need to roll to see if your next career is prisoner is an inset on page 18, and pirate and ruffian aren't until pages 32 & 33.


First Post
Starship Construction Manual pg. 26:

Armor, reactive: 1 SOAK per armor point/class vs. impact; 1.5 SOAK per armor point/class vs energy.
Armor, ablative: 1 SOAK per armor point/class vs. energy; 1.5 SOAK per armor point/class vs impact.

"Reactive armor
reacts to impacts to reduce damage and works best against impact damage from projectiles and the like; ablative armor prevents damage by vaporizing, and works best against energy damage."

Either the table or the text is reversed.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Not sure if these qualify as Errata per say, but nothing in Fantasy Careers tells you how many MP you get, I had to look it up in the online resource. Seems like something that should be mentioned either in the Attribute description for Magic or in the Derived Statistics.

It'll be in the magic section. Without that section, MP are meaningless to you anyway! :)


On page 34 of Future Core the chart says "requires move action to return fire" next to cover. The text specifies that a character in cover can return fire without spending a move action, and blocked means you must spend a move action to attack.

On page 61 of Future Careers the Total XP entries on the table are 10 points short starting at grade 3.

Fantasy equipment page 36, fortified states that triple sixes are required vs double sixes to score a critical hit...future core says critical requires trip-six already.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk


Don't know how I didn't spot it earlier, but Future Careers, Page 1:17, the description of Androids included, "Androids make excellent scientists, engineers, and scientists.".
So 2/3rds of those examples are both Scientist.

I'm rather annoyed that all the times I've looked at it, I didn't spot that till now.
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