WOIN Official Errata Thread


Page 138 of NOW has "To add some flavor to a chemical task, roll d66 four
times on the following table and read off the result in the
format alpha a mixture of beta and gamma (e.g. “boil a
mixture of zinc oxide and glucose”). Tis doesn’t result in
“real” chemical terminology, but it can add some flavor."

There are only 3 columns, so it should be roll 3 times?

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Page 65 of NOW... "Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged
combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in
the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either
the Aim or Feint exploit for free."

Should it be The attack action must come immediately after the aiming action.

'The Moons of Boria' has the star as a blue luminous, Catalog Code A7-5Gc-H9iv-8moB

But in 'Building A Universe' Star Type (A) is a White main sequence star and no code is given for Blue luminous, but would be B2.
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Not sure if this was mentioned, but under Future Careers -> Academy for the Command School exploit it says:
You automatically gain a military rank and the leadership skill at 1 rank

However, the Errata 2.0 says:
Leadership is now an exploit. This exploit allows you to donate your own LUC to others

Does this means that the leadership skill should be removed in all places (also it appears under Mental Defense calculations), or just that its utility is removed in this one place (leadership as a dice pool you can donate)?

Steven Barker

First Post
Does this means that the leadership skill should be removed in all places (also it appears under Mental Defense calculations), or just that its utility is removed in this one place (leadership as a dice pool you can donate)?

I'm pretty sure you still can have leadership as a skill. Skills are a keyword system, so you can have anything as a skill, subject to GM approval (both for picking the skill, and for applying it on any given roll). In addition to mental defense, you are likely to be able to add it to CHA tests when doing things like making speeches, and maybe some tests when you're bossing people around.

On Page 121 of NEW Core Rulebook, states "The number of customizations a weapon or set of armor can support is based on its size and quality (see page 111).

This table is on the bottom of 126.


In the printed version of NOW< page 65 is missing the Universal Exploits heading, the first paragraph, and part of the second paragraph (the first sentence). The page begins with "terms of attribute..." This is present in the PDF.

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