WOIN Official Errata Thread


NEW v1.2:

p212, Ion Weapons: "Half of the damage is applied to the ship's SS, and half is applied to its CPU capacity"
p213, Ion Weapons: "Shields only gain half their normal SOAK vs. an ION weapon, and any damage which gets through reduces CPU, not SS"

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Really loving the books I just got in the Bundle of Holding! I just have two questions:

In the Modern Core book, page 28, it states that "Humans gain a +1 to any die roll made to shake off a condition". However, in the Action Careers Supplement, Page 10, it says nothing about this in any exploits. Is it supposed to be listed there?

Where do I go to discuss/talk with others about Modern Core stuff? The official website doesn't seem to have dedicated forums for this, since most of it appears to talk about O.L.D. and N.E.W. Is Modern Core not as big of a system for your guys?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Really loving the books I just got in the Bundle of Holding! I just have two questions:

In the Modern Core book, page 28, it states that "Humans gain a +1 to any die roll made to shake off a condition". However, in the Action Careers Supplement, Page 10, it says nothing about this in any exploits. Is it supposed to be listed there?

Yes that’s a standard human exploit in all three games.

Where do I go to discuss/talk with others about Modern Core stuff? The official website doesn't seem to have dedicated forums for this, since most of it appears to talk about O.L.D. and N.E.W. Is Modern Core not as big of a system for your guys?

There’s just one the one official WOIN forum and you’re already here! :)

Modern was only released about two weeks ago. It’s pretty new!


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

Shall I let you know about any questions I have for Modern here, or in a separate thread as I read along? I'm really intrigued by the idea of running a more modern-themed game, and I love what you've done in preparing so many usable skills and backgrounds for a modern-themed campaign.

Also, Errata question: the Pained condition says you take 1d6 damage for taking a second action, and 1d6 for any action. That doesn't make a ton of sense. Is it 1d6 per "move" action (just missing a word), is it 1d6 for any action at all (regardless of first or second action), or is it 1d6 for any action, and an additional 2d6 for a second action?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Separate threads please. This one is for collating errata. :)

Conditions have two levels of effect. The first level is 1d6 for taking a second action. The second level is worse as it’s 1d6 for any action.


It seems that the Action Careers chapter isn't updated to v1.2. There are references to the stunned and immobilized conditions in several career exploits. The universal exploits all seem to be the old versions as well.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It seems that the Action Careers chapter isn't updated to v1.2. There are references to the stunned and immobilized conditions in several career exploits. The universal exploits all seem to be the old versions as well.

Redownload it! You’ll know you have the right file if the character sheet is at the end.


NOW has a few holdovers from pre-v1.2.

Pg. 72 says mental defense is determined by INT, LOG, or WIL instead of WIL or CHA.

Pg. 86 the combust weapon trait references a status track.

Pg. 87 the trap weapon trait references the immobilized condition.

Pg.87 the vicious weapon quality seems to assume the old status tracks.

Pg. 143 the forming a luck pool sidebar references the old version of cinematic mode.

Pg. 71 the sidebar for cinematic mode in NOW doesn't have the bit about ignoring skill requirements for high quality gear like NEW does.

Also, I don't see anything about armor skill ranks reducing defense penalties. I don't see that in errata for OLD either, though. So maybe that's just in NEW?


OLD Pg.72 in the table it lists Longsword as a Medium weapon, implying it can be used 1 handed, but on Pg. 73 in the description it says it is designed for 2 handed use, which would make it Large. Also the damage in line with 2 handed weapons.

Voidrunner's Codex

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