WOIN Official Errata Thread


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OK, found some new stuff I think. Looking at Selena in OLD pg 292, she appears to have 2 more attribute points than she should, and she's got three exploits (Flaming Touch, Firebolt, Fire resistance) that she could only get from her firemage careers, but she only took those careers twice.

Also, confused as to how her melee and ranged defenses are 18 each. By my reckoning, they should be 14, based on 4d6: two from AGI and two from dodging. My guess is that someone looked at the dodging 3 and treated it like 3d6 by accident.

While I'm at it, for Gimnor on the previous page, I'm not sure where the Shy exploit comes from - can't find it in the book.
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Quick questions:
Reading through the errata document I see that the Armour skill have been added to various careers (which is great since there wasn't a way to get them without ad hoc advancement), but the skill requirements for higher quality gear have been removed. What is the purpose of the armour skills then? I didn't think they were used to calculate the defenses

I see a reference also to this new Vitality Defense, but not where you would have a situation to use it. What attacks will target this defense? Is it for magic that affects your health?

Also, the shaking off section of diseases is supposed to be remove, but none of the new statuses seem to cover how to get rid of them now.

In general, I see a lot of good things in there, but some that take a little more of the nuance out (like simplifying poisons). I will probably apply them here and there to our game as I see how they affect the way things are played.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Quick questions:
Reading through the errata document I see that the Armour skill have been added to various careers (which is great since there wasn't a way to get them without ad hoc advancement), but the skill requirements for higher quality gear have been removed. What is the purpose of the armour skills then? I didn't think they were used to calculate the defenses

You are correct; in fact my players pointed that very thing out last night. The armour skills no longer have a use.

I see a reference also to this new Vitality Defense, but not where you would have a situation to use it. What attacks will target this defense? Is it for magic that affects your health?

Yep. Or poisons, etc.

Also, the shaking off section of diseases is supposed to be remove, but none of the new statuses seem to cover how to get rid of them now.

I'm not sure I understand the question there? You need three medical checks to cure a disease.


First Post
Enduring. Humans may not be the fastest or
the strongest, but they are known for their
resilience. Humans get +1 to their 1d6 die roll
to shake off a temporary condition.

With the changes to how conditions are applied and shaken off from the base rules, does this mean that humans roll 2d6 instead of 1d6 and will be successful if they roll a 5 or 6 on either die? Or is this a holdover from the old rules for conditions?

Helmets (p. 104)Helmets grant +1 to rolls to shake off theDazed condition.

Similarly, is this adding +1d6 or just a static +1 to the roll (which essentially means increasing the range of successful rolls by one)?

Equipment Quality (p. 127)Remove the reference to the minimum skillrequirements for higher quality equipment.

What was the reasoning behind this change? It seemed like a reasonable requirement before.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
With the changes to how conditions are applied and shaken off from the base rules, does this mean that humans roll 2d6 instead of 1d6 and will be successful if they roll a 5 or 6 on either die? Or is this a holdover from the old rules for conditions?

Humans get +1 to their 1d6 roll to shake off a condition, not +1d6.


First Post
Humans get +1 to their 1d6 roll to shake off a condition, not +1d6.

Ah. Misread. Thanks. That clarifies the question I edited in on helmets as well (didn't expect such a fast response!).

What was the reason behind taking out the skill requirement for using higher quality items?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ah. Misread. Thanks. That clarifies the question I edited in on helmets as well (didn't expect such a fast response!).

What was the reason behind taking out the skill requirement for using higher quality items?

I've been running a campaign for a couple of years - beyond the playtests - and it became apparent that at high grades, players don't care about equipment quality. While equipment was never supposed to be the focus - it's more Star Trek than Traveller - it should still be an option. This way, players choose between skills or equipment quality. It's not likely that they'll have the dice pool capacity to benefit fully from both.

Of course, the danger there is that players will simply pay to max out their dice pools. For that reason, it’s important that they can’t just buy high quality gear willy-nilly. The GM should hand it out rarely, and shops shouldn’t just sell it.
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Lucas Yew

Some points here;

SRD: (Origins) The archaic Farmhand's LUK +2 is not updated here, yet.

Future Careers: As of now, of all hardcover (+ would be so) careers post-errata, the Talent origin is the one and only career to give a total of +3 attributes, not the usual +4.


First Post
Jumping. A vehicle can jump a distance equal to its acceleration times 20' at maximum speed as long as it has a ramp. For every point of speed below maximum, reduce the jump distance by 20'. For example, a generic compact automobile can jump 40' while moving at SPEED 5, and a sports bike can jump 100' while moving at SPEED 11.

There's a problem with the equation of jump distance = (accel)*20-[(max speed-current speed)*20]. This leaves weird situations where a very fast vehicle is unable to jump if it is driving at any speed equal to or below (max speed - accel). Using the sample of a swoop bike (max speed 28, accel 8), if it was driving at a speed of 20 or lower, its jump distance would reduce to 0'.

Confusingly, both of the examples on the vehicles page use vehicles driving at half their max speed but still able to jump their max distance of (accel)*20.

This would probably work better with either current speed multiplied by a set amount or a specific threshold for vehicles to hit their max jump. I'm not sure if a relative threshold (e.g. 50% max speed) or a flat threshold (e.g. speed 8) would be better.

Voidrunner's Codex

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