WOIN Official Errata Thread


First Post
OK, new problem. My players were looking at the options for increasing casting time in OLD and ran into some confusion: The table suggests that increasing time actually reduces MP cost but the paragraph description for what increasing casting time does indicates that MP costs shouldn't be reduced. Here's a quote from my player's email:

I have read a few spells in the grimoire; and it looks like they are actually subtracting MP from the costs of spells using longer casting times; as the table suggests. Example:

Mind Wipe Compel Person Cost 14 MP; Skills compulsion 6 Casting Time 1 minute Duration 1 day Range touch; Target one humanoid creature You spend a minute modifying the target’s mind, erasing the subject’s memories and knowledge, leaving him with the mind of an infant. The subject is unaware that his mind has been altered. The subject’s memories return at the end of the spell’s duration. Costs 6 MP mindwipe, 3 MP subtle compulsion, 6 MP duration, 1 MP range, –2 MP casting time.

This contradicts the paragraph on p166:

Casting Time (Reduction). Spells normally take 2 actions to cast. By increasing the casting time, you can exceed your normal maximum MP limit—you can reduce the effective MP cost of the spell for the purposes of determining the maximum MP you can use on one spell, but you still need to actually spend the original MP cost. You cannot reduce a spell’s effective MP by more than 50% by increasing the casting time; neither can you reduce it to 0 MP. If interrupted during casting, the spell fails, the time spent is wasted, and the full MP is still expended. To cast a spell faster than 2 actions, you need to take certain exploits, such as Signature Spell.

Both quantum realities can't exist at once! Which is correct?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Good catch! The "effective MP" phrasing is incorrect; it's the actual MP deducted, but the 50% limit is still correct.


First Post
I kind of figured it'd be that way. I do have another question (that I think I know the answer to). I'm guessing that you intend that the reduced cost of the spell is what's compared to the MP limit from the MAG attribute, but also I'm wondering if it applies to the Skill-Level limit for paying for enhancements. So if I have a single enhancement spell at 5 PM, can I adjust the casting time to reduce it to 3 MP so the enhancement cost ducks under my skill level (say, divination or something)?




Well, that was fun
Staff member
I kind of figured it'd be that way. I do have another question (that I think I know the answer to). I'm guessing that you intend that the reduced cost of the spell is what's compared to the MP limit from the MAG attribute, but also I'm wondering if it applies to the Skill-Level limit for paying for enhancements. So if I have a single enhancement spell at 5 PM, can I adjust the casting time to reduce it to 3 MP so the enhancement cost ducks under my skill level (say, divination or something)?

Sure. Casting spells slower is easier. :)


First Post
Sounds good. I'm thinking about a house rule where, for any spell that utilizes multiple enhancements, any "savings" applied to calculating the reduced costs of enhancements (for purposes of figuring out the minimum skill) must be spread out among all enhancements as evenly as possible. So if you have a multi-skill combo spell where there's an enhancement related to each of two skills, you can't pile on the savings so as to only apply to the enhancement related to the weakest skill. Thoughts?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Sounds good. I'm thinking about a house rule where, for any spell that utilizes multiple enhancements, any "savings" applied to calculating the reduced costs of enhancements (for purposes of figuring out the minimum skill) must be spread out among all enhancements as evenly as possible. So if you have a multi-skill combo spell where there's an enhancement related to each of two skills, you can't pile on the savings so as to only apply to the enhancement related to the weakest skill. Thoughts?

Sounds workable!


First Post

Questions about an exploit

Does vampiric touch get limited by the 1 use a day healing limit or does it apply every time it's used?
And does touch of the grave only apply once a round like a combat exploit or is it a permanent increase to nat damage?
Last edited:


First Post
The racebuilding engine says on page 2 that negative attributes can only save -1 points.

The table on page 12 lists the Venetians as having 4 points in attributes. This is only true if you save both -2 points from their -2 LUC. According to the rule on page 2, they spend 5 points on attributes instead (only the maximum of -1 from the -2 LUC). This should make their total cost 19, not 18.

Apologies if I missed something obvious.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Questions about an exploit

Does vampiric touch get limited by the 1 use a day healing limit or does it apply every time it's used?
And does touch of the grave only apply once a round like a combat exploit or is it a permanent increase to nat damage?

Sorry, I didn't see this!

Vampiric touch, yes. Once per day, as written, although I don't think it would be broken to allow it a bit more often.

Touch of the Grave permanently increases damage.

The racebuilding engine says on page 2 that negative attributes can only save -1 points.

The table on page 12 lists the Venetians as having 4 points in attributes. This is only true if you save both -2 points from their -2 LUC. According to the rule on page 2, they spend 5 points on attributes instead (only the maximum of -1 from the -2 LUC). This should make their total cost 19, not 18.

Good catch!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
As aa side-note, folks, I'm much more likely to see a question if you start a thread with it, rather than burying it in this errata thread. I usually only look through this thread when I come to compile errata.

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