Unearthed Arcana Official Unearthed Arcana Survey on Psionic Options Open Now

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Filled it. It was complicated. I don’t think the material is bad, I just don’t want that to be 5e psionics. Except for the feats, which I think are very cool.

I agree with it being complicated. There were some ideas I liked, some I just wasn't enthusiastic about, and a few that definitely needed some work done.

I honestly wonder why they made the Psychic Armament one line on the survey, because I had to rate it high for the defensive option, but the offensive option is definitely under par. It feels odd to rate something for only half the ability.


IMHO, the Soulknife was on the right track. It had some problems, such as the fact that the key feature becomes somewhat nullified by a +3 Short Sword. I also would have preferred abilities that enhanced their roguish mobility more rather than the somewhat lukewarm level 3 ability.

Psionic Tradition? Assuming that it's not meant to be a Psion replacement, it just did not seem as competitive with other wizard traditions and kinda boring, almost a one-trick pony built around its level 6 ability.

Psychic Warrior? I would have preferred if it was built more akin to the Eldritch Knight or just made a warrior subclass of the Psion (e.g., Bladesinger, Hexblade, Valor Bard, etc.).


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Filled it. It was complicated. I don’t think the material is bad, I just don’t want that to be 5e psionics. Except for the feats, which I think are very cool.
Well, there’s no reason to think they will be, at least in total.

But we just aren’t likely to get a different system for Psionics. We will get subclasses and hopefully a class. Which is a bummer because I liked the mystic a lot, but it is what it is.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
IMHO, the Soulknife was on the right track. It had some problems, such as the fact that the key feature becomes somewhat nullified by a +3 Short Sword. I also would have preferred abilities that enhanced their roguish mobility more rather than the somewhat lukewarm level 3 ability.

Psionic Tradition? Assuming that it's not meant to be a Psion replacement, it just did not seem as competitive with other wizard traditions and kinda boring, almost a one-trick pony built around its level 6 ability.

Psychic Warrior? I would have preferred if it was built more akin to the Eldritch Knight or just made a warrior subclass of the Psion (e.g., Bladesinger, Hexblade, Valor Bard, etc.).
To me, rather than a new eldritch Knight, just add an “enhancement” that lets the player choose a full caster class to take spells from, using their Spellcasting ability mod.


Lost in Dark Sun
opens survey.

Would you like to rate so-and-so? Yes.

gets distracted by real life, accidentally closes tab.

realizes mistake and clicks on the survey again

You have already taken this survey.


I only had time to verify that I wanted to take the survey and answer the very first question!

Being that I'm familiar overall with psionics since 2e, I have the general opinion that 3.5e psionics were the best and 2e psionics were the worse. So I'm definitely of the opinion that it shouldn't be too different from spells.

Still I don't like the psionic tradition wizard, that should certainly go back to the drawing board, and the others could have some more versatility in options.

Voidrunner's Codex

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