Mission 1. End of round 5.
Bug #2 lunges 5' forward and full attacks Mel, (Modified melee attack rolls of 15 (Claw), 14 (Claw) and 13 (Bite), missing with all three attacks).
Jacob advances 25' forward to Z-14 and takes a single shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 4 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PBS) = 13, a miss).
Trooper 4 moves to AD-13 and takes a single shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 3 = 13, a miss).
Cyrill fires one shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PBS) = 20, a hit doing 2hp damage), the shot hitting the bug in the side but that was enough to cause it to stagger and fall backwards. Bug #2 is dying.
Rudy yells orders saying Trooper 4, Trooper 2 and Sergeant Lawson must head to the West side of the launch and form a line to greet the new bugs as they arrive. Rudy gives Robert the ok for suppresive fire to give the squad some time to rescue any survivors in the launch.
Carl moves as fast as he can towards the 'sardine can launch'. Runs 13 squares to O-14 the launch bay door. The bay door looks pretty busted up from the crash landing.
Mel hotfoots it towards the launch, stopping next to Carl in O-13.
Sergeant Lawson heads to Trooper 3 to see if something can be done for the poor chap, (Heal check of 13 + 1 = 14 vs DC 15, fail), he can't however seem to stop the bleeding.
Kate takes the Slingshot up to 100' and turns towards the oncoming bugs, she says to Rudy, "Best estimate 3 clicks to bugs sir! Better update that ETA to 8min.".
Trooper 3, (Fort save of 4 + 3 = 7 vs DC 20), does not stabalize this round and looses a hp.
Trooper 2 runs to where he was ordered to go, moves to J-7.
Trooper 5 is onboard the slingshot.
Robert takes aim with the twin rotary front cannons, waiting until Kate gets the ship in range before opening up.
Player actions please.
Ammo Status for current magazine:
Jacob 8
Cyrill 19
Carl 29
Mel 25