Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


First Post
'Yessir' Jacob tells the Marshal. Jacob will then reload trooper #3's rifle.

[sblock=expendable temporary equipment]
30rounds , 1 full TW-203-a mags left
15rounds in clip, 2 full TW-1020s mags left
2 M-901 HE grenades
1 MedKit[/sblock]

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Mission 1. Round 9.

The warrior bugs race closer to 1200'. The plasma stands at 1880'.

As the squad watches the approaching bugs they see the plasma bug in the background launch a ball of plasma. It trails skyward, but at an angle... "Incoming! Hit the deck", shouts Sergeant Lawson as he sees the ball reach the pinnacle of its trajectory. The plasma bug was a little off with this first shot with the plasma ball exploding just short of the squad, about 80' out.
Rudy climbs to his feat and yells, "We need to get better cover until our ship gets here! Any ideas?". He squeezes off a shot at the lead warrior bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 6 + 7 (AB) - 18 (range) = -5, a miss).
Cyrill takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 6 (AB) - 12 (range) = 7, a miss).
Sergeant Lawson turns to the star marshal and says, "You must stay behind some cover, your light combat armour is not designed for the battle field".
Jacob reloads trooper #3's rifle with a spare mag.
Mel sees the star marshal and Sergeant Lawson talking but can only vaguely make out what the star marshal was saying, since he is not wearing a tactical helmet, over the sounds of battle. She hears, "...have you got a ship...weapons on board...". (Modified Perception check of 7 + 7 (skill) - 5 (distracted) - 10 (Battle) = -1 vs DC 0 (Person Talking). She takes a single shot over the heads of her squad mates at the approaching bugs, (Modified ranged attack roll of 3 + 7 (AB) - 18 (range) = -8, a miss).
Kate continues towards the squad at full speed, "Sir I will be coming in hard, so be careful where you stand, as there won't be much time to slow down." (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 600', Current air speed: 400, Altitude: 50'). (Modified Pilot check of 14 + 13 (Skill) = 27 vs 15 (Emergency Deceleration), success).
Robert changes aim to the warrior bugs getting closer to the squad, (Modified ranged attack roll of 19 + 2 (AB) - 8 (range) = 13, a miss).
Carl takes another shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 6 (AB) - 18 (range) = 5, a miss).

Squad actions please.

Ammo Status for current magazine:
Jacob 30 (Trooper #3's rifle)
Cyrill 15
Carl 25
Mel 23

OCC: If you want your characters to investigate or search you need to say so explicitly so that I can roll for spot checks etc.


First Post
Carl will double move (70ft due to Increased Speed talent) to Square R11.

During this double move he will reload his rifle. (I believe it is legal to swap weapons and reload during a double move - if it isn't then he won't.)


First Post
Jacob will Defend trooper #3

[sblock=expendable temporary equipment]
30rounds , 1 full TW-203-a mags left
15rounds in clip, 2 full TW-1020s mags left
2 M-901 HE grenades
1 MedKit[/sblock]


First Post
Melara perks up at the snippit of overheard conversation. She quickly pounds her way to the two officers so she can hear better, since it's obvious that shooting the bugs is premature at this stage.

"Sorry to interrupt, sir, but did the Marshall just say there were heavy guns on his ship?" she asks, as soon as there's a conversational pause, or her presence is acknowledged.


Mission 1. Round 10.

The warrior bugs race closer to 1000'. The plasma stands at 1880' taking aim at the squad.

Rudy squeezes off a shot at the lead warrior bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 7 (AB) - 16 (range) = 4, a miss).
Cyrill takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 18 + 6 (AB) - 10 (range) = 14, a miss).
Sergeant Lawson seems anoyed with the star marshal and says, "What are you talking about? What do you want to know about our dropship?".
Jacob is defending trooper #3.
Melara moves to Y-23 so as to be able to listen to the conversation, the star marshal seems to be ignoring her approach and continues to talk to the Sergeant. Melara thinks that his body language seems to be rather strange, (Modfied perception check of 8 + 7 (skill) vs 12 (Bluff), success), he seems to be far more agitated than need be.
Carl will double move (70ft due to Increased Speed talent) to Square R-11.
Kate continues towards the squad trying to slow down as quick as possible, "Almost there sir!" (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 300', Current air speed: 300, Altitude: 50'). (Modified Pilot check of 3 + 13 (Skill) = 16 vs 15 (Emergency Deceleration), success).
Robert aims at the warrior bugs getting closer to the squad, (Modified ranged attack roll of 8 + 2 (AB) - 8 (range) = 2, a miss).
Carl takes another shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 6 (AB) - 16 (range) = 3, a miss).

Squad actions please.
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First Post
Intrigued, and getting concerned, Mel stays close to the commander and Marshall, and keeps listening. So as not to be a complete lump though, she raises her rifle to her shoulder and sights the closest warrior bug. She doesn't fire right away, instead taking careful aim and waiting for it's approach to carry it within range.

(Holding action, will fire on closest bug when it gets close enough that the range penalty is less than -10..assuming that happens before we can evac. Also continue snooping in on the conversation.)


First Post
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Driven by his sniper ambition Cyrill keeps on shooting the bugs. He only takes a quick look around to check the other troopers' positions.

Using his comset he says: "If we have any support weapons around bring'em to bear! This bugs are hard to kill."


Mission 1. Round 11.

The warrior bugs race closer to 800'. The plasma stands at 1880'.

Trooper #2 takes a shot at bug #3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 12 + 3 (AB) - 12 (range) = 3, a miss).
Trooper #4 takes a shot at bug #1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 3 (AB) - 12 (range) = 8, a miss).
Kate shouts, "You guys keep your heads down, incoming!", as she drops the slingshot down to the deck. (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 0', Current air speed: 0, Altitude: 0'). (Modified Pilot check of 10 + 13 (Skill) = 23 vs 15 (Hard Climb), success). Using all the skill she can muster Kate yanks back on the yoke putting the nose of the slingshot up in the air while gunning the air brakes, the craft shakes and shudders as it battles to stay in the air and comes down hard! Sergeant Lawson, Melara and the star marshal have to dive out of the way as the slingshot skids to a halt. Kate, Robert and Trooper #5 take 5hp non lethal damage each.
Sergeant Lawson gets to his feet shouting in the direction of the defensive line, "Well done pilot!, Now apes let's get the...", the Sergeants words are cut short by the explosive sound of plasma hitting the defensive line!
The plasma bugs shot hits the squad, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 25 (AB) - 16 (range) = 26 vs 10 (Defense of target square), a hit doing 14hp damage!). The squad took damage as follows: (DR does not count against the plasma blast)
Trooper #2, (Ref save of 8 + 2 (bonus) + 7 (cover) = 17 vs DC 20, fail), takes 14hp damage!
Cyrill, (Ref save of 16 + 6 (bonus) + 7 (cover) = 29 vs DC 20, pass), takes 7hp damage!
Trooper #4, (Ref save of 20 + 2 (bonus) + 7 (cover) = 29 vs DC 20, pass), takes 7hp damage!
Carl, (Ref save of 18 + 6 (bonus) + 7 (cover) = 31 vs DC 20, pass) takes 7hp damage!
Rudy, (Ref save of 11 + 3 (bonus) + 7 (cover) = 21 vs DC 20, pass) takes 7hp damage!

The star marshal gets to his feet and runs onboard the slingshot through the open bay door.
Melara gets up from where she dove to avoid the slingshot, and sees the star marshal run behind the slingshot.
Rudy peers up again after the gravel stops falling and takes a shot at the warrior bug #1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 18 + 7 (AB) - 12 (range) = 13, a miss). He shouts, "We need to wait for that bug to reload before leaving cover troopers!".
Cyrill takes a single shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 19 + 6 (AB) - 8 (range) = 17, a hit, doing 7hp damage!), with his skillfull shot he created a nice hole in the bugs top mandible!
Jacob picks Trooper#3 up over his shoulder and moves slowly under the heavy weight towards the slingshot.
Carl takes another shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 16 + 6 (AB) - 12 (range) = 10, a miss).
Robert continues to man the guns.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo Current HP
Jacob 30 18
Cyrill 13 10
Carl 23 19
Mel 23 18

OCC: The break in the line denoting the slingshot indicates where the bay door is.


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