Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

HPs: 10/17

Cyrill double moves into the slingshot.

Radio: "Get the hell out of here!"

[OT: Can I man the 2nd gun turret?]
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Carl sprints x4 speed to a position 140feet north of where he is. He hopes that by splitting with the crew he'll be safer from further plasma blasts. This way he can get a couple of shots in before running for the slingshot when the warriors get too close.

Advanced scout is right!

I assume Carl is able to stay in radio contact with the rest of the team should there be any surprises in store.

Melara runs out to help Jacob bear the burden of the fallen trooper, slinging her rifle back over her shoulder.

"Gimme his shoulders! Take his feet, we gotta move it!"

Sharing the load, she makes for the slingshot with as much speed as her partner and safety allow.

Mission 1. Round 12.

Warrior bugs race closer to 600'. Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 does not stand up again after the plasma blast... looks like he is dying.
Trooper #4 opens up on full auto at bug #1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 3 (AB) - 8 (ranged) = 5, a miss).
Kate sounds surprised as she says, "What are you doing? Unlock that door so that I can open it this instant!". She remains at the controls however keeping the slingshot grounded.
The squad can hear the indistinct shouting of the star marshal through Kate's intercom, "Take off or I shoot! TAKE OFF, TAKE OFF I AM NOT GOING BACK!", "BAM, BAM, BAM", shots are heard.
Sergeant Lawson moves around to the front of the slingshot to see what is happening inside, he can see the star marshal aiming his Morita at Robert? As he is still watching he instinctively ducks as he sees muzzle flashes, not that the rounds would pierce the windshield though...
The star marshal fires a 5 round burst at Robert, (Modified ranged attack roll of 15 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) - 4 (Burst fire) = 18, a hit doing 14hp damage!), the bullets rip through Roberts combat flight suit leaving critical wounds in his left shoulder and neck. Robert slumps forward on top of the firing controls spraying the ground to the west of the slingshot with bullets...
Cyrill can't believe his eyes when he gets to the bay door, moved to AA-21, and finds it locked?
Carl moves 140' north of the defensive line.
Melara and Jacob make better progress carrying the injured trooper, they are surprised to hear the heavy gunfire coming from the slingshot.
Rudy takes a shot at bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 7 (AB) - 8 (range) = 9, a miss) while he screams into his intercom, "What is happening back there?", referring to the landing zone.
Trooper #5 having overcome his total fear up until know reacts to what is happening inside the ship and dives on the star marshal from the back, (star marshal gets an attack of opportunity to prevent grapple, Modified ranged attack roll of 2 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 9, a miss) (Trooper #5 grapple roll of 10 + 4 (grapple mod) = 14 vs star marshal grapple roll of 6 + 7 (grapple mod) = 13, success) and manages to grab his arms and wrestle him to the floor, causing the Morita to fall from his grasp.

Squad actions please.


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Carl will start shooting the Warrior bugs.




Unless I state otherwise, my action is to aim and fire for the next few turns.

Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill tries to open the doors to the slingshot using the appropriate security code (if there is such a thing) or skill (computer use? untrained craft check?).

Radio:"What the hell is going on inside? Open the doors now, we need to evac as soon as possible!

Sir, it seems like our Starmarshal is trying to hijack the slingshot. Several shots were fired inside the ship. The doors are closed. I will try to open the doors now. Kowaltzki over!"

Mission 1. Round 13.

Warrior bugs race closer to 400'. Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 looses a hp and is dying.
Rudy yells at Trooper #4, "Grab that downed trooper and pull him back to the landing zone!" after which he takes a shot at bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 4 + 7 (AB) - 6 (range) = 5, a miss). Rudy can't understand why the plasma has not taken another shot since the troopers are sitting ducks?
Trooper #4 slings his rifle across his back while moving to Trooper #2, he clips his lizard line to Trooper #2's back clip and starts dragging, moves to Q-17.
Trooper #5 continues to wrestle with the star marshal, (Trooper #5 grapple roll of 13 + 4 (grapple mod) = 17 vs star marshal grapple roll of 17 + 7 (grapple mod) = 24, fail), however the star marshal manages to break free from his grasp.
The star marshal used his attack to break free from Trooper #5.
Kate draws her peacemaker and takes a shot at the star marshal while leaning around her seat, (Modified ranged attack roll of 6 + 4 (AB) - 4 (melee with Trooper #5) = 6, a miss).
Robert looses a hp and is dying. Luckily his hands have slipped from the fire controls.
Carl who is now only 260' from the warrior bugs takes a shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 20 + 6 (AB) = 26, a hit (Confirm critical of 16 + 6 (AB) = 22, confirmed) doing 13hp damage!), ripping a huge hole in the bugs abdomen, it still seems to be coming though!
Jacob and Mel are now right next to the slingshot, however the door remains closed.
Cyrill franticly punches in the security code to open the door... on the digital display he sees the big letters NO ACCESS flashing and the door does not open, the door has the manual override locked on inside!
Sergeant Lawson talks into his intercom, "Cyrill you continue trying to get that door open, Rudy protect our flank and Mel cover me I want to search that downed launch a bit more thoroughly I don't want any more surprises!". Sergeant Lawson moves to W-28 while mumbling under his breath, "This was supposed to be a simple rescue mission...".

Squad actions please.


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"Yes sir!" Mel barks, and readies her rifle. As the Sarge moves out, she follows him, ready to shoot any bug that gets too close.

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