Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


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" almost looks like they're trying to get to the marshall," Mel gasps as she trots to keep up with the Sarge and sees the situation near the slingshot. "They're all -protecting- him!"

Then she stiffens as she catches a glimpse of the towering blue-green abdomen of the plasma bug in the distance. The plasma bug that had barely done anything this whole fight.

"Don't kill the marshall!" she bellows into the comm. "He may be the only thing keeping that plasma bug off our asses!"

She takes an aimed shot at Bug 3, hoping to finish it off and clear their rears.

(Move to Z25 and shoot Bug 3)
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Since there is no impeding terrain and Carl can move in a straight line - Carl would have sprinted last turn instead of double-moving. But actually it looks like the map already reflects that. :)

He breathed a sigh of relief when the bugs ran past him. But a touch of nervousness fills him because it suggests the bugs are capable of having clarity of purpose.

Carl moves to the edge of cover, allowing him a weapon swap, and switches to his pistol and his knife. He point-blank pistol-caps the bug that should be ~10 ft from him.
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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Radio:"Good point, Mel! Let's kill the many legged freaks, capture this marshal thing and get out of here. And someone look after the wounded! Kowaltzki Over!"

Cyrill takes a (5 ft.) step to Z 24 and puts another bullet in bug #2


Mission 1. Round 17.

Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 unconcious and stable.
Kate tries to keep the slingshot stable after tipping it last round, she shouts, “Let’s get going! I don’t want any of those bugs onboard!”.
Jacob moves back a bit to Z-23 and takes a single shot at Bug #1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 4 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 12, a miss).
The fake star marshal seems almost pleased that the bugs are now here… he smiles as he steps back and takes a shot at Trooper #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 4 (melee with bugs) = 13, a miss).
Cyrill takes a (5 ft.) step to Z-24 and takes another shot at Bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 12, a miss).
Mel moves to Z-25 and takes a shot at Bug #3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 12 + 7 (AB) = 19, a hit doing 9 hp damage!), the well placed slug slamming straight into the bugs head ripping it wide open, the bug falls limp to the ground. Bug #3 is dying.
Bug #4 shift 5’ to U-16 and full attacks Rudy, (Modified melee attack rolls of 17 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 22, claw hit doing 6hp non lethal damage, 15 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 20, a claw miss, 18 + 4 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 18, a bite miss). Rudy falls to the ground unconscious after the bug slammed him against the head with a claw.
Rudy is unconscious.
Trooper #4 drags Trooper #2 onto the slingshot and dumps him in a seat. He then gets ready to try and help Trooper #5 next round.
Trooper #5 (Fort save of 12 + 3 = 15 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Robert is unconscious and stable.
Carl moves to S-13 and takes a shot at Bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 11 + 6 (AB) 17, a hit doing 4hp damage!), luckily the shot hits the wounded bug in the centre of the abdomen ripping a neat hole into it. This wound was too much for the bug and it stumbles and falls to the ground. Bug #4 is dying.
Sergeant Lawson moves up to Trooper #3, Bug #2 gets a free attack, (Modified melee attack roll of 18 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 23, a miss), just ducking under the bugs claw and grabs Trooper #3 under the shoulder and dumps him into the slingshot. “Come on apes!”, he shouts as he heads towards the slingshot doors again.
Bug #1 shifts 5’ to AA-20 and full attacks Jacob, (Modified melee attack rolls of 14 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 19, a claw miss, 17 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 22, claw hit doing 3hp damage, 15 + 4 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 15, a bite miss). Jacob is protected by his power suit but the strong blow from the bugs claw still causes him pain as it slams into his chest.
Bug #2 shifts 5’ to AB-22 and full attacks Mel, (Modified melee attack rolls of 17 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 22, a claw miss, 4 + 9 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 9, a claw miss, 3 + 4 (AB) – 4 (non lethal) = 3, a bite miss).
Bug #3 is dying.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo / Current HP / Non-Lethal Damage
Jacob 28 / 18 / 8
Cyrill 10 / 10
Carl 20 or 14 / 19
Mel 17 / 18


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Mel risks snapping another 5 round burst off at Bug 2 even at close range, then retreats into the slingshot and covers the ramp with her rifle.

"Anyone got the ship guns?" she asks tensely. "Once we're in the air, that plasma bug's gonna light up like a Christmas tree."


Mission 1. Round 18.

Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 unconcious and stable.
Kate keeps the slingshot stable as the squad keeps boarding.
Jacob tosses one of his grenades at AC-20, (Modified ranged attack roll of 12 + 7 (AB) - 4 (range) = 15 vs 10, a hit). As the grenade lands Jacob sees Bug #2 dive on top of it! The grenade detonates moments later sending a shower of bug juice and bits into the air killing Bug #2. As Jacob moves past Bug #1 it gets a free attack, (Modified melee attack roll of 17 + 9 (AB) - 4 (non lethal) = 22, a hit doing 5hp non lethal damage!), and clobbers him with a claw accross his back as Jacob moves to W-22.
The fake star marshal takes a shot at Cyrill, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 20, a hit doing 8hp damage!), hitting him hard in the side. The relative light armor from the Raider suit not helping much.
Cyrill changes aim at Bug #1 as he sees Bug #2 disapear into a green mist, (Modified ranged attack roll of 8 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 15, a miss), and moves to X-21.
Mel fires a 5 round burst at Bug #1 since Bug #2 is no longer a target, (Modified ranged attack roll of 7 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) - 4 (burst) = 11, a miss), and moves into the slingshot to Y-21.
Bug #4 continues to bleed.
Sergeant Lawson shouts, "Is that everyone? Where is my corporal! Kate rotate!", as he moves to the open bay door clipping his lizard line into a hook at the door. "Somebody move this trooper!", he shouts refering to Trooper #5 at his feet.
Rudy is unconscious.
Trooper #4 drags Trooper #5 out of the way and tries to help, (Modified heal check of 11 + 1 = 12 vs DC 15, fail), but does not stop the bleeding.
Trooper #5 (Fort save of 19 + 3 = 22 vs DC 20, success) stabilizes this round and will not loose anymore hp.
Robert is unconscious and stable.
Carl is still outside the dropship.
Bug #1 starts digging!
Bug #2 is dead.
Bug #3 is dying.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo / Current HP / Non-Lethal Damage
Jacob 28 / 18 / 13
Cyrill 9 / 2
Carl 20 or 14 / 19
Mel 12 / 18


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