D&D (2024) One D&D is one D&D too much (-)


Yeah, it was. If this is the level of stuff to expect in a couple years, it will be pretty bad stuff. It just frustrates me because I feel like over and over again people keep bringing up the same things and very little of it gets addressed by WotC.
I'm fine with the new stuff. It is still 5e and that is what we want. We have already made the changes we want to 5e, so if it doesn't change much it works for us.
I explained to one of the new players in the Monday night group about Vitality being spent for Force powers and he loved the concept, asked why spells don't use a similar system in D&D? I told him, honestly, I wish they had.
We have version of that (wound/vitality) in our 5e game, but it works for spells and martial abilities.
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Sir Brennen

Because otherwise it'll be nothing but an echo chamber - people in the playtest are likely there because they already like the directions 1D&D is going, meaning the odds are there'll only ever be suggestions for minor tweaks here and there rather than any real directional pushback or serious calls for an outright course change.
To have an informed opinion, one would need to download and at least read the playtest material. Then you can determine if you like the direction or not. I don't see how that creates an echo chamber.

I'd hope the survey isn't open to people who skipped that step, and are only filling it out because they didn't like something "they read in a forum post."


Because otherwise it'll be nothing but an echo chamber - people in the playtest are likely there because they already like the directions 1D&D is going, meaning the odds are there'll only ever be suggestions for minor tweaks here and there rather than any real directional pushback or serious calls for an outright course change.
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.


Astutely put - well done! :)



Well, I don't care for the new "furries" celestial race. Why couldn't they just do to the Asimar what they did to the Tiefling? Is the furry market really that influential? But, I've never been a fan of the race of the month club that seems to have become more prevalent in recent years.

I'm not sure how the seemingly myriad ways to get inspiration will play out. I get that they want players to use it rather than hoard it, so they are want to increase ways to get it, but there were many groups who were not really using it at all. This sounds like a power boost, and devalues precious spells and abilities that give out advantage.

Yeah, I'm a little iffy on that part as well. I've almost always gone for ASIs instead of feats. That being said, a lot of the backgrounds come with abilities that are like half-a-feat, that a lot of PCs just forget about after a few sessions. No one's (okay, most people aren't) going to forget about having Alert, Skilled, or Tavern Brawler.

If feats are coming baked in with backgrounds now, I guess the idea of feats being optional has gone out the window?

That said, the idea of one's background carrying some sort of mechanical ability with it isn't all bad; but I'd still rather see some of that tied to one's species as well e.g. all Dwarves have a chance of sensing sliding or shifting stonework.


Yeah, I'm a little iffy on that part as well. I've almost always gone for ASIs instead of feats. That being said, a lot of the backgrounds come with abilities that are like half-a-feat, that a lot of PCs just forget about after a few sessions. No one's (okay, most people aren't) going to forget about having Alert, Skilled, or Tavern Brawler.
My question is are feats replacing ASIs or are Feats default and ASIs optional? Or will ASIs be a "Feat" that you can take at higher levels.

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