D&D General One Piece of Art- What D&D Art Inspired You to Love a Class?

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Oh no, Max broke the rules! What horrible fate will befall our hero?!

Rhymes with Tart.

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Here is Tarsheva Longreach by di’Terlizzi, a planescape character described as a fighter.

I like di’Terlizzi’s art and was quite into the planes-punk aesthetics back then, even if this one is rather tame. And while I didn’t want to play her specifically, I wanted to play what she represents: a fighter using her head, smart, posed, experienced, lightly armoured, potentially female and if so, not so oversexualized or bad-babe-with-big-boobs (which di’Terlizzi was capable of drawing too). Seems obvious now but at the time, that was kind of a revelation for young-adult me.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
View attachment 256743
Here is Tarsheva Longreach by di’Terlizzi, a planescape character described as a fighter.

I like di’Terlizzi’s art and was quite into the planes-punk aesthetics back then, even if this one is rather tame. And while I didn’t want to play her specifically, I wanted to play what she represents: a fighter using her head, smart, posed, experienced, lightly armoured, potentially female and if so, not so oversexualized or bad-babe-with-big-boobs (which di’Terlizzi was capable of drawing too). Seems obvious now but at the time, that was kind of a revelation for young-adult me.
I love di'Terlizzi's style, and I can't see it without immediately thinking of Planescape or Changeling: The Dreaming.

View attachment 256743
Here is Tarsheva Longreach by di’Terlizzi, a planescape character described as a fighter.

I like di’Terlizzi’s art and was quite into the planes-punk aesthetics back then, even if this one is rather tame. And while I didn’t want to play her specifically, I wanted to play what she represents: a fighter using her head, smart, posed, experienced, lightly armoured, potentially female and if so, not so oversexualized or bad-babe-with-big-boobs (which di’Terlizzi was capable of drawing too). Seems obvious now but at the time, that was kind of a revelation for young-adult me.
diTerlizzi is my favorite dnd artist, though yeah sometimes it’s almost like he would forget to draw pants on his female characters…

Voidrunner's Codex

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