Doomspace was so egregiously bad, it fully converted me from "desperate for an official 5e Dark Sun campaign guide" to "Afraid of what an official 5e Dark Sun campaign guide might look like." If Doomspace was any indication at all of the lines WotC is thinking along when it comes to updating Dark Sun, I'd rather they just leave it alone. I'm hoping that the references in the new PHB were just meant as mild nostalgia bait and not an indication that they're actually considering taking another crack at it. They're just too bound by the need to "play it safe" politically speaking, and there's just no "safe" way to do Dark Sun justice. It's too deeply, inherently political, and while I happen to think its political message is a good one, I don't think WotC is willing to risk alienating the people that would disagree with me about that. A Dark Sun that doesn't have anything to say is no Dark Sun at all.