[OOC Discussion] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge??)

[MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] just a note on setting material -- as things are set up currently, the most obvious way to get to Daunton from the Kingdom of Jade is to go through a portal to the Isle of Opposition and sail from there. If you're setting up a major trade route through the Crystal Isles, you could reroute the portals so that there's a portal from the Kingdom of Jade to the Crystal Isles, and another that goes from the Crystal Isles to the Isle of Opposition. (This would represent a change to things as they currently stand, but it would make sense.)

Just food for thought.

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[MENTION=14889]Mewness[/MENTION] Thanks. Any input like that is really useful. I don't know if I'm overstepping my bounds by plonking the Crystal Islands into the setting, but I thought the who heaving islands thing is in place so that DMs can add in things so that adventures can fit better.

I'll check out the Isle of Opposition and see how I can make things fit better.

In so far as changing things/adding things in the Wiki, where should I look to see what the process for that is?

Thanks for your help! And please don't hesitate to give more input! You're my favourite PbP DM so I respect your opinion!
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Anyone's allowed to add to the setting, but if you're changing something, you should start a thread to discuss it (although I doubt anyone would object).

Edit: And there are certainly any number of possible explanations for having a setup like the one you first proposed. For example, maybe the portal to the Isle of Opposition is controlled by some faction in the Kingdom of Jade, and another faction that doesn't get along with the first faction has established this alternate trade route so they don't have to deal with their enemies.
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Re: Pets

A Sentinel Druid would actually work pretty well for this adventure to be honest.

The boat ride from one island to the other is not far. You can actually see one island from the other. I'm thinking a long ferry ride is all that is needed, let's say the better part of a day. So if you leave in early in the morning on a quick ship you arrive by late late afternoon. A slow boat might arrive the next morning.

So if that is your only hesitation, it's not a sea based adventure. Bears and Wolves welcome!

Edit: I like warlords, but skill-wise I'm thinking a skald would get the upper hand over the warlord. There will be a decent amount of combat but having a skilled group will be useful as well.

Let's see: Swordmage: Check on Arcana and History +okay on Endurance and Athletics
Rogue: Check on Dex skills so sneaking is all good
Scout: Nature and Perception check
Invoker: Insight and Religion check
So I guess from a quick overview you'll be pretty well covered already except charisma based skills. Rogues can make a decent face but it depends how you build them. Anyway, something to consider.
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Sorry, if you were expecting pirates, boats and sea monsters, well best to quash those expectations before hand rather than during the adventure. It's a ready made adventure that I think is pretty cool. Lots of fighting, lots of roleplay ... but sorry no boating action.

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