[OOC Discussion] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge??)


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[MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] I think Kartuus is all done, made the recommended changes as well as some slight adjustments. Have completed the fluff section - it needs more meat - but enough there to get approved (I think).

Any issues with the backstory, let me know and I will adjust accordingly.

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[MENTION=6690636]Daeja[/MENTION] [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION]
I managed to fix the first half of Zuri's character sheet but the second half just gave me a headache as soon as I saw it. I'll get back to fixing it when I can (I understand it's hard to understand the formatting at first)


Yeah, I haven't loved the character sheet formatting, but your changes didn't help *me* at all ;) I really should have just grabbed pencil and paper and done it that way before transposing it into the sheet. Poor planning on my part, really.
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Partially, it's because you're not using it properly or you messed up some coding...somewhere. Anyway, what you should have done was copy another character's sheet then use that as a skeleton.

But what's done is done and I'll do my best to fix everything up. (And who's changes are you referring to?)


I copied the template, and then copied in the power templates, so I guess any errors I've made have been accidental since then (I did delete a few things that weren't applicable to my character at the moment, so maybe that's part of the problem (e.g. the line re: auras)).

And I mean your changes ;) jbear had msged me with a stack of things I needed to go in and change/correct/add and while I was doing it, you put in all that work to get the formatting fixed, which is genuinely appreciated, but now I'm trying to navigate through it.... :D


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Just spam F5 while your character sheet magically pretties itself up :D
EDIT: I was wondering how come the HP values at the top magically update themselves.
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*grin* okay... is the person prettying it up also going to make the last few updates/changes/additions to the sheet for me too? :D If you're done or can let me know when you're done, I'll go in and try to figure out how to add the stuff I still need to add, rather than trying to wade into the middle of the metamorphosis

- also, what's the two weapon style flashing blade mastery business?


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Ahh, that's leftover formatting from my some of character sheets (not sure which character sheet that's from, I have about 5 characters I've made in Wiki format on my laptop)


Oh okay, phew. For a minute I was worried there were even more things of which I was unaware.

It looks like you've got all the tables in there now - should I go in now and start editing in my details?
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