[OOC Discussion] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge??)


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Hiya folks!

jbear, are we waiting for a more affirmative post from Son of Meepo about Wat's desires?

Yeah, partly. I was thinking of wrapping things up because it seems at least fairly clear what Wat is going to wish for. I think I have an adventure but to be honest I have been VERY busy the last two weeks and I don't know when things will let up. Possibly not for a good 4 months or so. So I am a little hesitant to kick things off.

I am not one to up and disappear. If I was definitively going to decide not to carry on I would make sure I let you all know s that you are not left wondering as happens so often in pbp. But I know how that sucks so I never want t do that myself.

I think, if we all were of the understanding that the pace would be slow but steady at least for the initial first chunk, and we were all okay with that, then I wuld be okay with beginning a new adventure.

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WEContact I prefer to have everyone at the same level, so if you are levelling up, just stop at level 9 so that you are on par with everyone else, rather than a step ahead. Thanks.

Also, as L4W is dead (we all agree it is dead apart from us, right?), I will be running the adventure without any real concern for the norms, rules or conventions of L4W. That doesn't mean that I will be doing anything that you (the players) might consider unfair or the likes. I'll just handle things as I would if you were playing at my table (which is pretty much what we have been doing anyway). I only say that in response to your comment about DM points. Not necessary. Just level up to the indicated level and don't worry about the book keeping.


By the looks: @Son of Meepo 's Wat is levelled, just needs to add recently awarded boon @Neil1889 's Rain is levelled, just needs boon @Mewness ' Kenku is at level 7; bump to level 9 with same XP as Sir Flib would have ... not sure what you want to do with boon as it was earned by Sir Flib. @Nemesis Destiny 's Sabnhya has not been levelled yet; also take boon @WEContact 's Haaku is at level 5 and needs to be levelled; bump XP to Sir Flib's XP score (sorry no bonus boon; there has to be some advantage for having played with me for however many years the others have been with me now).

Nemesis: Does your wife want to create her character? No pressure whatsovever with the level of posting: she can fade in and out as needed; you can NPC her when this happens during combat. In any case she is more than welcome :) Things will certainly move at a gentle pace I suspect.

NB. There are a few loose ends to tie up in this adventure before I can wrap it up, the first being whether or not you consent to leaving Juliana and Orlando where they are, or insist on them returning with you home.
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Nemesis Destiny

@jbear - I'm updating Sabynha now. I have another question; how do you feel about me retraining one of her skills for Endurance?

Also, I'm not entirely sure what the boon thing is all about. What does that give me?

EDIT: Sabynha is as up to date as I can do without knowing the answers to my questions.

For reference, I spent all but 2000 of my gold upgrading and buying new items, and chose all my powers and feats. I also retrained some stuff that was underperforming.


EDIT #2: I think I missed the boon part the first time around. I will take care of that. By level +5, do you mean 9+5 or our old level +5?
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First Post
@jbear - I'm updating Sabynha now. I have another question; how do you feel about me retraining one of her skills for Endurance?

Also, I'm not entirely sure what the boon thing is all about. What does that give me?

EDIT: Sabynha is as up to date as I can do without knowing the answers to my questions.

For reference, I spent all but 2000 of my gold upgrading and buying new items, and chose all my powers and feats. I also retrained some stuff that was underperforming.


EDIT #2: I think I missed the boon part the first time around. I will take care of that. By level +5, do you mean 9+5 or our old level +5?

Yes, retrain anything you like (That goes for all of you).

I think the boon in the adventure is intended for a lvl 9 or 10 boon, but you are now level 9, so I prefer it be an especially cool reward for you. In which case lvl 9+5= up to lvl 14 boon.

A boon is basically a special magical reward. In my offline character builder boons are found in the shop, like other magic items, except under th eboon category. I am not sure what system you use to update your characters. Do you have access to finding different boon options?

Nemesis Destiny

Yes, retrain anything you like (That goes for all of you).

I think the boon in the adventure is intended for a lvl 9 or 10 boon, but you are now level 9, so I prefer it be an especially cool reward for you. In which case lvl 9+5= up to lvl 14 boon.

A boon is basically a special magical reward. In my offline character builder boons are found in the shop, like other magic items, except under th eboon category. I am not sure what system you use to update your characters. Do you have access to finding different boon options?
I worded that poorly. I know what they are, but I wasn't sure which book SoM is.

I can't remember if I asked or not already, but with our reward money/time gold, can we use
that to buy other boons from the builder? I've mostly updated, but if that is allowed, there may be a few changes that I'd make.

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