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[ooc] dnd - the nameless [thread closed]

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First Post

Will post character tonight, AND you know i'm a regular poster..
gotta go to work now, spotted this thread just in time.


I've added a Situation Summary to the first post. I'll update it as necessary. An edited version of the first post will be the start of the IC thread.

A quick IC style guide.

I am not a fan of different colours. There always seems to be problems with everyone being able to read it, and some of the colours make my brain hurt. The following is based on what I use, something along these lines is good.

I'm doing this.
"I saying this aloud."
I'm thinking this.
Thats right, thinking. You should try it some time. Lucky you can't hear me, you big dumb monster. ~I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS~ "Ahhhh!"

ooc: size=1 will get you this small font for ooc comments, game mechanics notes etc.

Argent Silvermage: Yep, Halfling is one. Pretty much vanilla dnd. let me know and I'll let you know.

Dr Zombie: You are welcome. Your lampoon of Xiao was spot on. Allocation of slots is based on getting up the basic concept and stats.

I've got some observations, suggestions and alterations for some of the characters, but I'll do them as individual posts.


Oscar De Reign.

Argent Silvermage said:
Oscar De Reign.
Human, 1st-Level Aristocrat (dishonored house)
Medium Humanoid (Human)

The numbers look fine. Could you add the rank to the skills ie Hide 0/+2.
The amulet is fine. You can take a horse, but not a warhorse.

Oscar stikes me as being a bit "finer" than a typical country lords son. Let me know what you think of the suggestion below. You are welcome to keep it as is if you want to.

Suggestion :: Oscar arrived about a year ago from a larger city closer to the centre of the kingdom. He was sent to live here with a distant uncle/friend for reasons unknown to Oscar by his Grandma. Oscar was particularly displeased as he had begun to establish himself amoung his peers in the court of the Duke.

Thats about it for now.
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NeuroZombie said:
Male Halfling
Adept level 1

Nice stats - I'm assuming the +2 Dex and -2 Str are incorporated.
Does the +1 size bonus also apply to ranged attacks? Skills: Hide (+5? dex). I'm not much of a number cruncher, but it seems ok. Nifty little bloggers these haflings.

Thats about it till some background goes up.
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Hewik Leafwing

Velmont said:
Hewik Leafwing
Male Tallfellow Halfling Commoner 1

Took me a moment to find the Tallfellows - they are in the monster section! Skills: Jump should be -1 (Rank 1, Str -2), but you have only spent 19 points and have (2+3)x4 = 20, I think.

Haven't checked the dog but it looks like a cut and paste from the SRD. So seems good.
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Cromwell of St. Richard's

Thomas Hobbes said:
Character concept:
Cromwell of St. Richard's
Half-orc Warrior 1

Cromwell doesn't know who birthed him, and doesn't care. His family are the priests who raised him, and the family patriarch is St. Cuthbert, whom he regards as a strong, strict, but loving father figure. Cromwell (named by the monks of the monastary of St. Richard) was given to the church as a baby, the unwanted and unfortunate byproduct of an Orcish raid. He believes with a fanatic's blind faith in everything St. Cuthbert stands for, and although the Saint of the Cudgel has choosen to give others greater talents in spellcasting and fighting, he will serve wherever his God sends him. Currently, that is as a roaming lawman, enforcing the laws of [whatever noble, king, or other authority you find useful, or simply of the Church], or as a member of a village malitia, or what have you.

Basic stats: rolled 16, 14, 14, 13, 8, 8. Total of 27 points, add 3 points (1 to the 13, making it 14, and 2 to an 8, making it 10). Distribute it for Strength 16, Dexterity 10, Consitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 8. After racial modifiers, that becomes Strength 18, Dexterity 10, Constitution 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6. Put skill ranks into Knowledge: Religion, Knowledge: Local (or whatever gives knowledge of the law) and Intimidate.

Cromwell's a tank. Scale mail, heavy steel shield, heavy mace. First level feat is weapon focus: Mace. He's proboably going to stick with warrior until he's allowed to take either Cleric or Fighter, or an appropriate PrC. Nifty item will proboably be Full Plate (if that's kosher; magic weapon or shield if not. Or maybe... yeah, a phylactery of faithfulness! Hmm, we'll see....)

At this stage, town watch or milita. But I'll get back to you when I've seen more. Magic shield or +1 weapons are an option, but magic Full Plate probably costs a bit more than 2,000.


First Post
Nathan Ay'Tennar
Male Human Specialist 1 (Blacksmith)
Black hair, Black Eyes
6'3" / 210
Lawfull Good
Age: 17

Str 17 (+3)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 10 (+0)

HD: 1d6
HP: 8
Fort +0/+2=+2
Reflex +0/+1= +1
Will +2/+2=+4

Init +1 = 1 (dex)

AC: 11 = 10 + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) + 1 (Dex)
Base Attack Bonus +0

Skills (36):
Craft (blacksmith) 4+2+2 = 8
Craft (weapons & armor) 4+2+2= 8
Craft (silversmith) 4+2+2= 8
Handle Animal 4+1 = 5
Knowledge (engineering) 3+2 = 5
Open Lock 3+1 = 4
Search 4+2 = 6
Spot 4+2 = 6
Diplomacy 3+1 = 4
Sense Motive 3+2 = 5

Reasoning :
Handle animal for shooing horses, engeneering for the basic iron moving parts of carriages and suck, ir things used in building, open lock for fixing the things, search and spot for looking for flaws in constructions and craftworks, diplomacy and sense motive for dealing with merchants and greedy housewives.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnomisch

Power Attack
Skill focus : craft

Reasoning : power attack : fairly simple, he knows how to hit things hard. I thought of cleave as a second feat but thought two combat feats at 1st level for a non-warrior a bit much, so i chose skill focus.

Melee: +3 smiths hammer (heavy mace) 1d8+3 (x2)
Ranged : +1 sling 1d4

Race Feature:
+4 Skill Points at 1st Level / +1 each additional level
+1 Bonus Feat at 1st Level
Any Class Cross Level

Travellers outfit
Camping gear (the usual)
Donkey and small cart.
Smith's tools.
Smith's hammer.
20 bullets.

Money : you decide

Magical item:
Have no clue whatsoever, will take anything (squireship to the knight would be fine with me instead of the item, you pick something)

Nathan grew up as a farmers son, fourth son in a large family. He was a sturdy, strong lad and was apprenticed at the age of ten to Master Hurdan, the village smith. The time at the forge made him only stronger. He has finished his apprentenceship, and is now a wandering journeyman,learning his skills at the dwarven holdn and is now going from village to village with his cart and fixing the things thad need fixing, using the small village ovens, carrying his tools with him. He doesn't feel comfortable enough yet to craft his masterwork yet, for he feels he still has a lot to learn.
He stays at his masters forge, helping out on the days he isn't on the road. He enjoys a good beer in the evening, and is often found listening to the wild tales of his friend. He dreams of being the squire of a good knight, fighting to protect the weak and innocent.
He is a goodnatured fellow, often called "my big bear" by Alana, the serving maid, of whom he (and the rest of the village boys) is secretely enamored, a fact he vehemently denies with a beet-red face. He is secretely crafting a silver rose, as lifelike as he can make it. (he's taking 20 for the rose, but is only about halfway)
Considered slow and maybe a bit dim-witted, he is actually fairly intelligent. He just likes to think things through before saying anything, lest people think him stupid. He moves with care because of his great size and strength, afraid to knock things (or people) over.
He is a tall broad-shouldered feller, with unkempt black curly hair, and sports a shaggy beard with sideburns.

Edit : adjusted skills, worked them into my background
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Archer Pathfinder

Greegan said:
Archer Pathfinder
Male Human Commoner 1
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
6'1" / 187

Feats: You will need to take a Martial Weapon Proficience (Longbow) to be able to use one without penalty. The Commoner is only proficient with 1 simple weapon.
Skills: I don't think that Humans get any Racial skill (Hide) bonuses. You can take Bluff and Search but need to spend 2 points for 1 rank (so you could take rank 1 in both).

The Cloak of Elvan kind is a little over budget but its fine. It will come into play at the end of the first encounter. Nobody will have those items at the start of the game.

I like the elements in the background, but its a bit chunky for a Commoner1 with a couple of hundred XP under his belt. Even with the combat feats. Here are a couple options

1 :: Archer has indeed done more travelling than many. He travelled as a levy with the Kings army during its campaign, or in the tale of the "Companions" entourage. On occasion he fought. From this he got his stories and some ability to fight and his ability to stay out of trouble. During this time he met and befriended a scout for the Kings "companions" and out of this came a burning desire to one day be found worthy to join them.

2 :: The background is that of Archer's older brother. He did indeed come back with a bag of gold and purchase a share of the inn. Archer idolised his brother, the town hero. But the brother got ansy and frustrated with being tied to the inn, becoming more withdrawn and more prone to get into fights. One day, knives were drawn and Archer's brother was killed. Archer, who saw it all, has been haunted by his brothers last whispered words - "Don't fight unless its something worth dying for." What did he mean? Don't become a soldier? Was his brother really a coward?

Feel free to suggest another approach. As you can see, I am a bit of a fan of the more grim and gritty underdog approach.
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