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[ooc] dnd - the nameless [thread closed]

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doghead said:
Feats: You will need to take a Martial Weapon Proficience (Longbow) to be able to use one without penalty. The Commoner is only proficient with 1 simple weapon.
Skills: I don't think that Humans get any Racial skill (Hide) bonuses. You can take Bluff and Search but need to spend 2 points for 1 rank (so you could take rank 1 in both).

The Cloak of Elvan kind is a little over budget but its fine. It will come into play at the end of the first encounter. Nobody will have those items at the start of the game.

I like the elements in the background, but its a bit chunky for a Commoner1 with a couple of hundred XP under his belt. Even with the combat feats. Here are a couple options

1 :: Archer has indeed done more travelling than many. He travelled as a levy with the Kings army during its campaign, or in the tale of the "Companions" entourage. On occasion he fought. From this he got his stories and some ability to fight and his ability to stay out of trouble. During this time he met and befriended a scout for the Kings "companions" and out of this came a burning desire to one day be found worthy to join them.

2 :: The background is that of Archer's older brother. He did indeed come back with a bag of gold and purchase a share of the inn. Archer idolised his brother, the town hero. But the brother got ansy and frustrated with being tied to the inn, becoming more withdrawn and more prone to get into fights. One day, knives were drawn and Archer's brother was killed. Archer, who saw it all, has been haunted by his brothers last whispered words - "Don't fight unless its something worth dying for." What did he mean? Don't become a soldier? Was his brother really a coward?

Feel free to suggest another approach. As you can see, I am a bit of a fan of the more grim and gritty underdog approach.

I don't have Hide as a skill. I thought that I read Search was a class skill for Commoner, if not, no big deal. I'll remove it and consider the point put towards Bluff.

I don't have skill in the bow. It was another thing left over from his travels (er..his brother's travels..hehe).

Looked in my 3.0 DMG and the cloak was 2000gp, which is why I suggested it. I see it's gone up in value 500gp in the .5 transition. It's your call there.

I'll make corrections directly to the post.

Thanks for the heads up!



I have updated my original with gear, a fix on the modifiers, a change in alignment (to reflect his wild heritage and the fact that he would eventually go into druid if possible) and the addition of background.

edit: Magic Item added to original post :)
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Geez....didn't mean to write a book. I went a little more in depth than necessary but my fingers wouldn't stop typing...



First Post
OK, I correct my ranks, giving one more in Jump.

For the dog, yeap, copy/paste, nothing more. The tricks I give him are all in the book except one, but it will be a pretty useless one for a futur adventurer...

I finally choose the item, a ring of protection +1. Always handy, as nothing was interesting.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Velmont- if Doghead will accept custom item requests, I think something that does Charm Animal 1/day is 1,800 gp.

Cromwell up in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Cromwell of Saint Richard's
Half-Orc warrior 1
Hit dice: 1d8+3 (hp 11)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares); normally 30 ft., modified by scale mail
Armor Class: 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield), Touch 10, Flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4
Attack: +5 Melee (1d8+3, Heavy mace) or or +4 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal, sap) or +1 ranged (1d6+3, javelin)
Full Attack: +5 Melee (1d8+3, Heavy mace) or or +4 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal, sap) or +1 ranged (1d6+3, javelin)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, Orc blood
Saves: Fortitude +5, Reflex +0, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) +3, Knowledge (Local Area) +3, Intimidate +2
Feats: Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
Equipment: Backpack, bedroll, winter blanket, dagger, explorer's outfit, flint and steel, wooden holy symbol of St. Cuthbert, 5 javelins, heavy mace, manacles, belt pouch, 50 feet of hemp rope, sap, scale mail, heavy steel shield, 4 torches, waterskin, wetstone, 7 gold pieces, 3 silver pieces, 4 copper pieces.

Cromwell speaks Common, Orc, and Goblin.

See above for bio.

For nifty item- if it doesn't have to be magic, mundane masterwork full plate would be kickin' (and a masterwork heavy mace would bring it to 2,012). If it does, a phylactery of faithfulness (preferably in necklace form- wrapping it around your forhead seems somewhat silly to me....)
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Hey all,

Haven't had time to read everything, but its sounding like we're near done. Need to get some sleep now. I'll go over everything tomorrow night (24 hours) when I have the time to do it properly.



TH: There is no reason that it has to be magic - the masterwork full plate and mace would be fine. The only thing I was wondering about was the practicality of wondering about in such gear. It couldn't be that comfortable. I suspect that the knights, when they were not facing a battle, had their squires dealing with that. The other consideration might be people's reactions. While dnd is stuffed with taverns filled with people sitting around in full plate, I don't think this world will be. Let me know. If you want the phaxi thingie - you can take one as a torc - a twist of metal worn around the neck.

PS - this character layout has been used by a few people and is quiet easy to read. If you have no objections, we will adopt it as standard.

Greegan: The new background looks good. The Cloak of Elvankind is fine. I just noticed the Craft (alchemy). Interesting choice. I'll see what I can do ... :)

Sorry, I was getting cross eyed by the time I finished looking over the characters. I meant to say "I don't think that Humans get any Racial skill bonus to Spot" (but I mixed up spot and ride to get hide ???).

Dr Zombie:
Reasoning :I took 3 different craft skills for smithing, I dunno if you think that's a bit over the top. I applied the feat skill focus to all 3 of em to compensate. You make a ruling.

I have no idea. The SRD isn't particularly forthcomming on how narrow the subcatagories are. Instinctively, I would think that blacksmith covers a three - at least in most of the stories I have read, the blacksmith could make weapons and armour. My gut feeling would be to combine (weapon and armour smithing) into one and take another skill such such as silversmithing, etching or leatherwork. The skill focus could apply to both blacksmithing skills. There may be some room to allow you to stack half of your armourer skill (weapon and armour smithing) onto your basic smithing skill when making weapons. Suggestions anyone?


First Post

Greegan: The new background looks good. The Cloak of Elvankind is fine. I just noticed the Craft (alchemy). Interesting choice. I'll see what I can do ... :)

Sorry, I was getting cross eyed by the time I finished looking over the characters. I meant to say "I don't think that Humans get any Racial skill bonus to Spot" (but I mixed up spot and ride to get hide ???).

Whoops...that's my fault for copying from another character template. Nix'd it.


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