First Post
Character Thread (PCs and major NPCs)
Playing the Game Thread
Dalamar: Kerwyn, Dwarven Spellthief (was Suel Human)
Isida Kep'Tukari: Craven Proudheart, Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert
Manzanita: Torn (Rowena Eldred), Human Cleric
Paxus Asclepius: Belaver Thornfoot, Halfling Druid
Pyrex: Raner Bluestone, Dwarven Fighter
Seonaid: Toriah, Goblin Rogue (was Half-elven)
Thanee: Lenya, Rhennee Warlock
Xael: Lylamwyn Aleandlues, Dwarven Wizard (was Gray Elf)
Character Creation Rules
Create a 1st level Player Character as per the Rules in the Players Hand Book. 25 point buy for stats, exactly one half max gold for equipment, maximum hit points at first level. Levels after 1st level will be 1/2 maximum hit points on each dice.
If the campaign lasts long enough, I expect the characters to advance from first level to fourteenth level.
For those of you who can not create a character without using feats, classes, PRCs, races, spells, and other rules from a "splatbook", you are limited to using one rule from a splatbook during the lifetime of your character. i.e. you can only choose one rule (i.e. one non-standard feat, PRC, skill, spell, or race, etc.). PrCs from the DMG are ok.
Return to the Temple is set in the Greyhawk campaign world. Characters will start in the small village of Hommelet. Human characters should pick a specific sub-race for the Greyhawk campaign world (oeridian, suel, baklunish, flan, rhennee, etc.).
Human, Halfling, and Half-orc characters are expected to have grown up in the village of Hommelet (unless they are playing a monk -- monks get a special background).
Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, and Half-Elf characters are expected to have grown up elsewhere and are now living in Hommelet for some reason.
Every character is expected to have a job ... a real means of gainful employment in the village (and not adventurer for hire). This means at least one rank in a profession skill. Jobs that are available: Working in a Bar or Inn or Stable or Store, Baker's Assistant, Miller's Assistant, Housewife, etc.
Every character needs a family tree showing siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Dwarves are proud of their family history and should go back at least five generations. Elves should go back at least one thousand years. All characters should describe the relationships with currently living members of the family.
Today, the group of you are meeting in the Welcome Wench Inn at dinner time. The Welcome Wench Inn has the best food and drink of the three Inns in town, the other two Inns are Terrigan’s and Telna’s Kitchen. You are friends and have been eating and drinking together for several months.
Ten leagues south of the large and well-established city of Verbobonc, within the Kron Hills that lie east of the Lortmil Mountains and just west of the Gnarley Forest, nestles a small settlement with a long and dark history. This unremarkable village, called Hommlet, witnessed the growth of one of the greatest centers of corruption the world would ever know: the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Hommlet is a small town with a population of just under one thousand. Only twelve years ago, it was a hamlet of around one hundred people, although even then most folk referred to it as a village. Since that time, the town has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.
The town is not ruled by a mayor or a town council as many others are. Instead, two ex-adventurers called Rufus and Burne have been granted control of Hommlet and its lands by the viscount of Verbobonc. Not many people in the town look at it that way, however. Most folks simply see the two men as the town "elders," giving them the respect that they have earned. Few grumble when it comes time to pay their taxes to the two lords. Most everyone appreciates the protection Rufus and Burne's soldiers provide, as well as the role the two played in the downfall of the original Temple of Elemental Evil (and the threats they have overcome to protect the town since then).
In such a small town, nothing that costs more than 800 gp commonly can be found for purchase. Exceptions exist, of course -- the Church of St. Cuthbert might have an extra suit of full plate to sell brave heroes who obviously fight against evil, for example. Such exceptions should be rare.
Above all, Hommlet is a peaceful, contented place. Its people are well fed, safe, and happy with their lot. However, they are wary, for their happiness has been threatened more than once in the past. The people, particularly those who have lived in town a long time, watch with interest the comings and goings of suspicious strangers, and they keep an eye on the old moathouse and temple that were sites of not one but two malevolent insurgencies over the years.
Once this area was simply a gentle wilderness. Growing out of a small collection of farmhouses and a roadside shelter, Hommlet expanded quickly. Prosperity came naturally to the fertile land, as herders, farmers, hunters, trappers, and woodcutters made the growing hamlet their home. The town was built on a crossroads between Verbobonc and the Wild Coast, so visitors were frequent. Eventually, these visitors brought trouble.
Brigands and other evil humanoids have been a bane to Hommlet for years. Eventually, thieves, cutthroats, orcs, and even more sinister forces created a settlement of their own -- Nulb. That hamlet was frequented not only by the most evil of people, but by monsters and beasts as well. A chapel dedicated to vice and damnation grew nearby, with increasingly vile creatures coming to worship foul deities there. In time, this chapel became the Temple of Elemental Evil, filled with dark priests and their wicked servants.
While that first temple reigned, the lands around Hommlet grew dark with violence and pestilence. As their power increased, the temple clerics built a small keep, known as the moathouse, not far from Hommlet. From this base, they planned to launch raids and secure their fortunes in the west. Fortunately for Hommlet, those who commanded the temple were not overly concerned with the village but with more powerful strongholds to the north. When their corruption spread, it drew the attention of armies the temple was not yet prepared to deal with.
Forces from the north attacked the temple, some using Hommlet as a base and a point for resupply and rest. When the temple fell, folk in Hommlet saw ochre-robed priests fleeing westward and rejoiced that the evil was gone.
Two men involved with the fall of the original temple, Rufus and Burne, settled in Hommlet and built a tower. Their connections with the lord of Verbobonc to the north were well known, as were their plans to expand their tower into a large keep. The town prospered once again.
But evil was not done with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Slowly, over years, its creatures and servants returned to the place and brought with them the taint of evil that hung like a shadow over Hommlet a second time. This time, however, the inhabitants of Hommlet chose to get involved. A young man named Elmo and his brother Otis worked with Canoness Y'dey of the Church of St. Cuthbert to spy on the temple's activities. They helped small bands of adventurers overcome the evil cleric in the moathouse and the more powerful foes in the temple -- not the least of which was a demon lord who was eventually banished back to the Abyss. This time, the dungeons beneath the temple were collapsed, and it appeared that the place was finally overcome.
In the years that followed, the town prospered as never before. With the temple and Hommlet on the lips of many throughout the countryside, the former hamlet grew into a village and eventually a small town. Burne and Rufus finished their keep and were granted the town and the lands around it to protect and nurture. More churches sprang up to serve the needs of the growing population, and some are even talking now of building a wall around the town.
Town of Hommlet
Hommlet (small town): Nonstandard; AL NG; 800 gp limit; Assets 38,000 gp; Population 950; Mixed (human 79, halfling 7, elf 5, gnome 4, dwarf 3, half-elf 1, half-orc 1).
Authority Figure(s): Rufus, male human Ftr; Burne, male human Wiz.
Important Characters: Yether the Keen, male human Clr (head, temple to Pelor); Canoness Y'dey, female human Clr (head, church of St. Cuthbert); Jaroo Ashstaff, Drd; Elmo, male human Rgr (militia captain).
Notes: Hommlet probably has more than its share of classed characters (some of fairly high level). This is primarily due to its history -- one fraught with danger and adventure.
Playing the Game Thread
Dalamar: Kerwyn, Dwarven Spellthief (was Suel Human)
Isida Kep'Tukari: Craven Proudheart, Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert
Manzanita: Torn (Rowena Eldred), Human Cleric
Paxus Asclepius: Belaver Thornfoot, Halfling Druid
Pyrex: Raner Bluestone, Dwarven Fighter
Seonaid: Toriah, Goblin Rogue (was Half-elven)
Thanee: Lenya, Rhennee Warlock
Xael: Lylamwyn Aleandlues, Dwarven Wizard (was Gray Elf)
Character Creation Rules
Create a 1st level Player Character as per the Rules in the Players Hand Book. 25 point buy for stats, exactly one half max gold for equipment, maximum hit points at first level. Levels after 1st level will be 1/2 maximum hit points on each dice.
If the campaign lasts long enough, I expect the characters to advance from first level to fourteenth level.
For those of you who can not create a character without using feats, classes, PRCs, races, spells, and other rules from a "splatbook", you are limited to using one rule from a splatbook during the lifetime of your character. i.e. you can only choose one rule (i.e. one non-standard feat, PRC, skill, spell, or race, etc.). PrCs from the DMG are ok.
Return to the Temple is set in the Greyhawk campaign world. Characters will start in the small village of Hommelet. Human characters should pick a specific sub-race for the Greyhawk campaign world (oeridian, suel, baklunish, flan, rhennee, etc.).
Human, Halfling, and Half-orc characters are expected to have grown up in the village of Hommelet (unless they are playing a monk -- monks get a special background).
Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, and Half-Elf characters are expected to have grown up elsewhere and are now living in Hommelet for some reason.
Every character is expected to have a job ... a real means of gainful employment in the village (and not adventurer for hire). This means at least one rank in a profession skill. Jobs that are available: Working in a Bar or Inn or Stable or Store, Baker's Assistant, Miller's Assistant, Housewife, etc.
Every character needs a family tree showing siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Dwarves are proud of their family history and should go back at least five generations. Elves should go back at least one thousand years. All characters should describe the relationships with currently living members of the family.
Today, the group of you are meeting in the Welcome Wench Inn at dinner time. The Welcome Wench Inn has the best food and drink of the three Inns in town, the other two Inns are Terrigan’s and Telna’s Kitchen. You are friends and have been eating and drinking together for several months.
Ten leagues south of the large and well-established city of Verbobonc, within the Kron Hills that lie east of the Lortmil Mountains and just west of the Gnarley Forest, nestles a small settlement with a long and dark history. This unremarkable village, called Hommlet, witnessed the growth of one of the greatest centers of corruption the world would ever know: the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Hommlet is a small town with a population of just under one thousand. Only twelve years ago, it was a hamlet of around one hundred people, although even then most folk referred to it as a village. Since that time, the town has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.
The town is not ruled by a mayor or a town council as many others are. Instead, two ex-adventurers called Rufus and Burne have been granted control of Hommlet and its lands by the viscount of Verbobonc. Not many people in the town look at it that way, however. Most folks simply see the two men as the town "elders," giving them the respect that they have earned. Few grumble when it comes time to pay their taxes to the two lords. Most everyone appreciates the protection Rufus and Burne's soldiers provide, as well as the role the two played in the downfall of the original Temple of Elemental Evil (and the threats they have overcome to protect the town since then).
In such a small town, nothing that costs more than 800 gp commonly can be found for purchase. Exceptions exist, of course -- the Church of St. Cuthbert might have an extra suit of full plate to sell brave heroes who obviously fight against evil, for example. Such exceptions should be rare.
Above all, Hommlet is a peaceful, contented place. Its people are well fed, safe, and happy with their lot. However, they are wary, for their happiness has been threatened more than once in the past. The people, particularly those who have lived in town a long time, watch with interest the comings and goings of suspicious strangers, and they keep an eye on the old moathouse and temple that were sites of not one but two malevolent insurgencies over the years.
Once this area was simply a gentle wilderness. Growing out of a small collection of farmhouses and a roadside shelter, Hommlet expanded quickly. Prosperity came naturally to the fertile land, as herders, farmers, hunters, trappers, and woodcutters made the growing hamlet their home. The town was built on a crossroads between Verbobonc and the Wild Coast, so visitors were frequent. Eventually, these visitors brought trouble.
Brigands and other evil humanoids have been a bane to Hommlet for years. Eventually, thieves, cutthroats, orcs, and even more sinister forces created a settlement of their own -- Nulb. That hamlet was frequented not only by the most evil of people, but by monsters and beasts as well. A chapel dedicated to vice and damnation grew nearby, with increasingly vile creatures coming to worship foul deities there. In time, this chapel became the Temple of Elemental Evil, filled with dark priests and their wicked servants.
While that first temple reigned, the lands around Hommlet grew dark with violence and pestilence. As their power increased, the temple clerics built a small keep, known as the moathouse, not far from Hommlet. From this base, they planned to launch raids and secure their fortunes in the west. Fortunately for Hommlet, those who commanded the temple were not overly concerned with the village but with more powerful strongholds to the north. When their corruption spread, it drew the attention of armies the temple was not yet prepared to deal with.
Forces from the north attacked the temple, some using Hommlet as a base and a point for resupply and rest. When the temple fell, folk in Hommlet saw ochre-robed priests fleeing westward and rejoiced that the evil was gone.
Two men involved with the fall of the original temple, Rufus and Burne, settled in Hommlet and built a tower. Their connections with the lord of Verbobonc to the north were well known, as were their plans to expand their tower into a large keep. The town prospered once again.
But evil was not done with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Slowly, over years, its creatures and servants returned to the place and brought with them the taint of evil that hung like a shadow over Hommlet a second time. This time, however, the inhabitants of Hommlet chose to get involved. A young man named Elmo and his brother Otis worked with Canoness Y'dey of the Church of St. Cuthbert to spy on the temple's activities. They helped small bands of adventurers overcome the evil cleric in the moathouse and the more powerful foes in the temple -- not the least of which was a demon lord who was eventually banished back to the Abyss. This time, the dungeons beneath the temple were collapsed, and it appeared that the place was finally overcome.
In the years that followed, the town prospered as never before. With the temple and Hommlet on the lips of many throughout the countryside, the former hamlet grew into a village and eventually a small town. Burne and Rufus finished their keep and were granted the town and the lands around it to protect and nurture. More churches sprang up to serve the needs of the growing population, and some are even talking now of building a wall around the town.
Town of Hommlet
Hommlet (small town): Nonstandard; AL NG; 800 gp limit; Assets 38,000 gp; Population 950; Mixed (human 79, halfling 7, elf 5, gnome 4, dwarf 3, half-elf 1, half-orc 1).
Authority Figure(s): Rufus, male human Ftr; Burne, male human Wiz.
Important Characters: Yether the Keen, male human Clr (head, temple to Pelor); Canoness Y'dey, female human Clr (head, church of St. Cuthbert); Jaroo Ashstaff, Drd; Elmo, male human Rgr (militia captain).
Notes: Hommlet probably has more than its share of classed characters (some of fairly high level). This is primarily due to its history -- one fraught with danger and adventure.
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