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OOC - Gardens and the Graves - Recruiting! See post #127!

Isida Kep'Tukari

For those interested please go rent or grab your copies of Fantasia, the original version. Then please watch the Nutcracker Suite. Memories refreshed, then you can come back to this thread.

Ok, all watched? All right then. In this game you will be playing one of the creatures from the Fantasia Nutcracker Suite. Dawn fairy, autumn fairy, frost fairy, flower, mushroom, thistle man, or fish are your choices, races that I've either made up or heavily adapted from other sources. These are posted below. (However, the autumn fairy spot has been reserved for Lady Shatterstone.)

The plot would be that all of you are fey spirits, watching over the gardens, grounds, and people of your chosen family. You will guard them from spirits of misfortune, hostile intentions, ward off evil, and protect the children of the family. Your tools for this will be magic and guile. I don't expect to have any fighting in this campaign, unless it is with magic.

You will be invisible to all except the pure of heart (children and the simple minded) unless you choose to show yourself, or are revealed by powerful mortal magic... or simple mundane means. You are living in a fairy tale, with all the strange rules and whatnot thereof.

So... if this bizarre little campaign sounds right up your alley, post away to express your interest.

Our Fey Spirits
hafrogman - Gus - Mushroom
Ashy - Grouse - Thistle
Lady Shatterstone - Oribella - Autumn Fairy
Seonaid - Freyja - Frost Fairy
Dawn Fairy


Notes on the races - Everyone's size is Diminuative (+4 to AC and attacks, +16 to Hide). All spell-like abilities are cast as a sorcerer. Everyone has a quality called Child of Nature - essentially under endure elements at all time, because you live outdoors and are one with nature.

All fairies share the following traits:
-6 Str, +6 Dex, -2 Con, +4 Int, +6 Wis, +6 Cha
Speed - 30ft, fly 90ft (good)
Darkvision 60 ft.
Low light vision
SR 14
DR 5/cold iron
Can cast spells as an 8th level sorcerer
Empower Spell as bonus feat
Can use improved invisibility at will against those who are not pure of heart.
Summon elder spirit - 1/week a fairy can call an elder spirit of their race to help them by providing knowledge. This acts as a commune spell.

Specific fairy races have the following traits:

Autumn - Can rebuke plant creatures and magically controlled plants 5/day as a cleric. Can send plants into dormancy at will (though usually only do this with the cycles, or on the advice of elder spirits).

Dawn - Can awake creatures from natural sleep or give creatures a +4 save on saving throws versus a magical sleep at will. Can cause dew at will (as the dampen variety of prestidigitation).

Frost - Can rebuke fire spirits as a cleric 3/day, and extinguish small fires (no larger than a camp fire) 3/day. Can cause frost at will (as ray of frost).

-8 Str, +8 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, +8 Cha
Sleep and lullaby at will, deep slumber 3/day
Low-light vision
Control plants 3/day
Charm plants at will (in the fairy tale world, darn near everything talks. This spell-like ability gives a +10 to Diplomacy checks for 10 minutes)
Can cast spells like an 8th level druid.
Can use improved invisibility at will against those who are not pure of heart.

+2 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Cha
Low-light vision
Speed 30 ft.
Can use improved invisibility at will against those who are not pure of heart.
Can cast spells as an 8th level bard.
Can use dances to cause the effects of bardic music (and vituoso performances from Song and Silence). As an 8th level bard, they can produce the effects of countersong, fascinate, inspire courage, inspire competence, suggestion, song of freedom, mass suggestion, calumny, jarring song, mindbending melody, greater calumny, magical melody, or revealing melody. These dances bring their own music with them, with no need for instruments or players.
Despite the fact that this level is lower than necessary for some of the effects, they can do them anyway. This simply allows them 8 uses per day and helps determine the strength of the effects.

+4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Wis, +2 Cha
Can use improved invisibility at will against those who are not pure of heart.
Speed 20 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Can create potions as if they had the Brew Potion feat, for any spell up to 4th level. Don't need to spend gold to do so. The potions are actually little mushrooms that one eats to get the effect.
Can produce spores that have any of the the following effects - cause hallucinations as per the major image effect, cause a sanctuary effect, and/or cause a discern lies effect.
Can cast spells as an 8th level cleric.

Aquatic fey
+4 Dex, +4 Con, +6 Cha
Telepathy with any creature within 100 ft.
Swim speed 40 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Low light vision
Psion powers as an 8th level wilder, but can choose from any psionic class list.
Can teleport self to other locations at will. However, if location is not in water, can put oneself in a picture, or as an image in wallpaper, or a drawing on the ground, or something similar.

Character Creation

I'm just going to use a generic class for ease.

You have two good saves, take your pick, and one poor save. Your BAB is medium (though that should only come into play for spells with a ranged touch attack). You have 8+int skill points per level. You have spells or powers each level as according to your racial preferences, and they stack. For example, if the thistle were 8th level, he could cast spells like a 16th level bard.

You are 10th level, 3.5 rules, 38 point buy, standard wealth (49,000gp). Spells, feats, and equipment can be chosen from Core books, FRCS, Player's guide to Faerun (regional feat are off-limits), Races of Faerun, Underdark, Faiths and Pantheons, Oriental Adventures, Expanded Psionics Handboook, Hyperconsciousness, Book of Hallowed Might I & II, Book of Eldritch Might I, II, and III, Way of the Witch, Dragon #277-322, Materia Magica, and Arms and Equipment Guide. If you've ever wanted to take a spell, feat, or equipment that's cool but not too good for battling monsters, this is your time to shine!
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This one is too tempting to pass up. I'd love to join.

I'd be interested in either the littlelest mushroom or one of the Russian Dancer/Thistle types (your radish men?)

Steve Gorak

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
So... if this bizarre little campaign sounds right up your alley, post away to express your interest.

Hey Isida!

I'm eager to join a PBP game that won't die after a few weeks. So, I'd like in. The frost fairy seems right up my alley. Please let me know if that's ok.



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