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OOC: [Gestalt] The Standing Stone, Game 2.

Steve Gorak

Rayex said:
Steve Gorak, I would like to see Fash posted here as well please.

As requested! ;)

Name: Fash Daergel
Class: Warlock 6 / Rogue 5 / Fighter 1
Race: Whisper gnome
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Gnome Pantheon

Str: 12 +1 (14 base -2 racial)    		Level: 6	XP: 21 000
Con: 16 +3 (14 base +2 racial)			BAB: +5		HP: 46 (5d6+1d10 + 18)
Dex: 17 +3 (14 base +2 racial +1 level)		Grapple: +2	Dmg Red: 1/cold iron
Int: 16 +3 			   		Speed: 30'	Spell Res: 0
Wis: 10 +0 					Init: +7	Spell Save: +0
Cha: 8 -1 (10 base -2 racial) 	  		ACP: 0		Spell Fail: 0%

Age: 24
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 57lb
Eyes: Deep Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: tan

[b][u]Armor class[/b][/u]
	[b]Total[/b]	Base Armor Defl Shld Dex Size Nat Misc 
Armor: 	 [b]22[/b]	10    +5   +0	+2   +3  +1   +1  +0   
Touch: 	 14 		Flatfooted: 18
[size=1]Note: +1 ac to avoid traps, +4 dodge bonus against monsters of the giant type[/size] 

	[b]Total[/b]	Base Mod Misc 
Fort:   [b]+8[/b]	  4   +3  +1    
Ref:    [b]+10[/b]	  6   +3  +1    
Will:   [b]+7[/b]	  6   +0  +1    
[size=1]Note: +1 to saves to avoid traps [/size]

[b][u]Weapons [/b][/u]
					Attack 		Damage 		Type	Critical	Range
Eldrich blast (ranged touch attack)	+9 (+10 <30ft)	3d6 (+1 <30ft)	Magic	20/x2		60
Hammer, gnome hooked (hammer head)	+7		1d6+1		B	20/x3		-
Hammer, gnome hooked (hook head)	+7		1d4+1		P	20/x4		-
Daggers (melee)				+7		1d3+1		P S	19-20/×2
Daggers (ranged)			+9		1d3+1		P	19-20/×2	10

[size=1]Note: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears) [/size]

[b][u]Languages: [/b][/u]Common, gnome, Draconic, Infernal

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day -- silence (must be centered on whisper gnome's body). 
1/day -- ghost sound, mage hand, message. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + whisper gnome's Cha modifier + spell level.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type 
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids 
Low-Light Vision: A whisper gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Darkvision: Whisper gnomes can see in the dark out to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and whisper gnomes can function just fine with no light at all.

  Light, medium, heavy armor & shields
  Melee weapons

  Eldrich Blast 3d6
  Deceive item: can take 10 one use magic device checks even when threatened or distracted 
  Detect magic at will
  DR: 1/cold iron

    least (3)
     - Darkness: as the spell (10 min./level, 20 ft magical darkness, 20% miss chance (concealment), blinded creatureshave 50% miss chance) 
     - Devil's sight: see normally 30ft in regular and magical darkness
     - Hideous blow: channel eldrich blast in melee attack
     - Spiderwalk: Gain a climb speed of 20, retain AC bonus while climbing

    lesser (1)
     - Flee the scene: Dimension door 25+5ft/2 level + major image for 1 round

  Sneak attack +3d6
  Trap sense +1 
  Uncanny dodge 

[b][u]Feats: [/b][/u]
- Precise shot (level 1)
- Improved initiative
- Extra invocation: spiderwalk (level 6)
- point blank shot (Warrior 1)

Skill Points: 88+5=93 
 			Total	Ranks	Mod	Racial	Size	Synergy		Misc	
Balance			+5	0	3   	 		2 tumble			
Bluff		 	+8	9 	-1    	 				
Concentrate 		+12	9 	3   					
Disable Device		+14	9	3					+2 Masterwork thieve's tools						
Diplomacy	 	+1	0 	-1  			2 bluff	
Disguise		+12	1	-1			2 bluff		10  hat of disguise 
Hide			+19	8	3	4	4			
Jump			+3	0	1    			2 tumble	
Listen			+2	0	0	2				
Move silently		+16	9	3	4				
Open locks		+14	9	3					+2 Masterwork thieve's tools
Sleight of Hand		+8	3 	3			2 bluff	
Search			+12	9	3	 				
Spot			+11	9	0	2				
Tumble			+12	9	3    	 				
Use Magic Device	+8*	9 	-1    	  				
*[size=1]Note: Deceive item (Warlock ability): can take 10 one use magic device checks even when threatened or distracted [/size]	

[b][u]Equipment: [/b][/u]
				Quantity Cost Weight	Location
+1 Mithral Shirt (+5 ac)	 1	 2100	 5	Worn
Hat of disguise			 1	 1800	 0	Head
Ring of sustenance		 1	 2500 	 0	Left hand

+1 Mithral buckler		 1	 2165	 1.25	Left forearm
Traveler's Outfit 		 1 	    1	 1.25	Worn
Cloak of Resistance +1		 1	 1000	 1	Worn

Gnome hooked hammer		 1	   20	 3	Strapped to back
Daggers				 3	    6	 1.5	Left ankle (hidden),left side of belt and strapped to left forearm (hidden under buckler)
Ring of feather falling		 1	 2200	 0	Right hand

Amulet of natural armor +1	 1	 2000	 0	Worn
Masterork thieve's tools	 1	  100	 1	Strapped against chest, under clothing and armor
Tanglefoot bag			 1	   50	 4	Strapped to belt

Belt Pouch			 1	    1 	 0,125	left back side
  Caltrops			 2	    2 	 4 	Left pouch 
  Thunderstone 			 2	   60	 2  	Left pouch 

Belt Pouch			 1	    1 	 0,125	right back side
  Holy water (metal flask)	 1	   25 	 1 	Right pouch
  Antitoxin (metal vial) 		 1	   50	 0	Right pouch					
  2 Sewing Needles		 1	    0	 0	Right pouch
  Chalk				 1	    0	 0	Right pouch					

Wand of Prot. Against Evil	10 chrgs  150	 0	Worn on a black string around neck, under clothes
Wand of Reduce			12 chrgs  180	 0	Worn on a blue string around neck, under clothes
Wand of Cure Light wounds	18 chrgs  270	 0	Worn on a white string around neck, under clothes

Wand of True strike 		6 chrgs	   90	 0	Worn on a yellow string around neck, under clothes
Wand of Mending 		6 chrgs    45	 0	Worn on a grey string around neck, under clothes
Wand of Detect Poison 		20 chrgs  150	 0	Worn on a red string around neck, under clothes
[size=1]Note: Fash has already successfully used his wands, he therefore gets +2 to use magic device checks.[/size]

Total Weight: 25.375 lb Money: 34 gp (in a small bag attached to his belt, uunder his clothes)

		Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 	 32  64 98  196  480

[b][u]Class progression[/b][/u]	
1: Warlock/Rogue			
2: Warlock/Rogue	
3: Warlock/Rogue	
4: Warlock/Rogue	
5: Warlock/Fighter	
6: Warlock/Rogue

Gestalt BAB and Save calculation [sblock]
Warlock Side
Saves (F/R/W) Attack
+0 +0 +2 +0
+0 +0 +1 +1
+1 +1 +0 +1
+0 +0 +1 +1
+0 +0 +0 +0
+1 +1 +1 +1

rogue/fighter Side
Saves (F/R/W) Attack
+0 +2 +0 +0 Rogue 1
+0 +1 +1 +1 Rogue 2
+1 +0 +1 +1 Rogue 3
+0 +1 +0 +1 Rogue 4
+2 +0 +0 +1 Fighter 1
+0 +0 +0 +0 Rogue 5

Total for character:
Saves (F/R/W) Attack
+0 +2 +2 +0
+0 +1 +1 +1
+1 +1 +1 +1
+0 +1 +1 +1
+2 +0 +0 +1
+1 +1 +1 +1
_________ ___
+4 +6 +6 +5

Fash Daergel was unusual, even for a wisper gnome. His natural roguish talents flourished in his clan, but he also had unusual powers that made is kin uneasy. He left his clan early to find his own way.
He met an adventuring group about a year ago, and they learned to respect his skills as a scout, rougue and as a subtle fighter.

Tactics & Personality:
When scouting, Fash prefers to walk on walls an activate his darkness incantation, if necessary, to avoid detection.
Fash is definitely sneaky, and has more than one trick up his sleeve. In combat, he likes to use his flee the scene invocaction to dimension door behind his opponents and backstab them (using hideous blow) or just to blast them. He'll also use his darkness and devil's sitght invocations in conjunction so his foes won't be able to see him.

Chances are one won't remember seing Fash. He's a nondescript gnome, with a grey cloak and regular adventuring attire. He does his best not to be noticed. He regularly use his hat of disguise to change his features when the occasion calls for it.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Here is my stab at developing a relationships. Comments welcome.

History with and Views of the Others

Tobias has been a Sword of Heironius for some time, and has travelled the work bring His light via his example. He has been working with Kolan, Sylas, and Fash for some time, though with each slightly differently.


Tobias has known Kolan the longest. It was in an unusual place for a paladin---a strength contest. It was a fair day in Vhelen, and a wrestling match became one of the highlights of the day. Tobias was feeling adventurous, and without regrets, entered into the contest. Soon, it was just the holy warrior and---and a giant, moving wall of stone. The "combat" was epic, and Tobias had to use all the holy might of Heironious to bring it to a draw, but a draw it was. Or that is the way Tobias tells it. Its not a violation of faith if its just a story, right?

Tobias is fairly close to Kolan, and trust him with his life.


Tobias first encountered the strange halfling while investigating raides upon villages in Blacke Forrest. When Kolan and the paladin began investigating, they found a strange "speaker to the wilderness" also on the trail. Though a bit wary of each other of first, Sylas' cruicial actions against the undead Worgs and Tobias' destruction of the corrupt tree spirit gave each other a sense of mutual respect.

Tobias respects Sylas' beliefs, though he finds some his habits a bit disconcerting. His knowledge of nature is second-to-none, however, and Tobias defers to that knowledge when needed.


Fash did not make much of an impression on Tobias initially, manly because Tobias did not notice him at first. Deep within the Mines of Menance, both were seeking the same thing---the Vail of Hopelessness. An evil wizard had been using it to terrorize the local population, and Tobias sought to put and end to it. It was never clear to Tobias why Fash was there except to stop the wizard. While Tobias felled many foes, Fash struck from the shadows at what Tobias did not see. Eventually, they both confronted the wizard, and Fash's arcane knowledge was the keystone that allowed Tobias to break his magical barrier and bring the wizards ways to an end.

Tobias grudgingly respects Fash, but sometimes feels uncomfortable around him---the gnome is too silent for his own good sometimes.

Steve Gorak

Hey Stonegod!

Nice backstory, I like it. I think it would make things easy if Tobias was the one that assembled all of us together, say 6 months ago, for some specific quest and we've been adventuring together since.

Fash will respect Kolan and Tobias for the hulking brutes they are ( ;) ) and for the fact that they're good at making way too much noise in battle, distracting opponents, something that Fash uses to his advantage.

He'll appreciate Sylas as a fellow aracane practionner, and as a great guy for healing him those couple of times things were just too close for comfort. Also, the fact that he doesn't need to stand on a chair to have an eye to eye conversation is much appreciatiated.




First Post
I am sure Fash and Sylas see eye-to-eye on a number of subjects. Also, literally.

Tobias's spirituality impresses Sylas. He recognizes that Tobias, like himself, has been called by a higher power to perform great things in this life. Sylas sees himself as an advisor on spiritual matters, and looks to provide Tobias guidance on his destiny whenever possible.

Kolan seems to be very nearly a Stone Nature Spirit in man-form. In fact, Sylas was quite alarmed that he hadn't detected this very obvious spirit of nature before it was quite on top of him. Realising that he was only a mortal set Sylas at ease, though, and he has come to recognize the protection Kolan represents.


First Post
I am sorry for being MIA the last few days, but due to a brief visit to the hospital I've been unable to come online. I asked my better half to write a notice in the Talking the Talk forum, but I cannot find it there, so now I wonder where he posted... Poor thing barely know the difference between a mouse and a keyboard :p
Anyway, I'm busy tonight, but I will be back and continue tomorrow evening.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rayex said:
You have listed your bonus on turning chekcs as +8, I figured it was +6, where does the last +2 come from?
Turning Check: +4 from Chr, +2 from synergy with Knowledge (religion) + 2 from Glory Domain
Turning Damage: 2d6 base + 4 Chr + 6 lvl + 1d6 from Glory domain

Glory domain is from Complete Divine


First Post
stonegod said:
Turning Check: +4 from Chr, +2 from synergy with Knowledge (religion) + 2 from Glory Domain
Turning Damage: 2d6 base + 4 Chr + 6 lvl + 1d6 from Glory domain

Glory domain is from Complete Divine

Ah, I forgot about the domain. Note taken, will remember from now.

Steve Gorak said:
If the horseman doesn't position himself so Fash can flank him, Fash will not waste his turn: he'll still shoot him with his eldrich blast.

Edited the post to reflect this change.
Last edited:


First Post
Things have happened a bit quicker than I anticipated, and I am now on what is officially called "summer vacation". I have access to computers and internet, but not to any of my books or such. I'll be on vacation till about 20th-24th, not entirely sure when I will be home yet. Untill then, we'll have a break, enjoy the summer-sun people!

Steve Gorak

Rayex said:
Things have happened a bit quicker than I anticipated, and I am now on what is officially called "summer vacation". I have access to computers and internet, but not to any of my books or such. I'll be on vacation till about 20th-24th, not entirely sure when I will be home yet. Untill then, we'll have a break, enjoy the summer-sun people!

Kewl, enjoy your vacation!
I'm looking forward to starting the game up.



Voidrunner's Codex

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