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[OOC] Halfling Quest - [Calling EvilHalfling]

Ferrix said:
Kain ya haven't missed out, I'm choosing characters probably in a couple days from the run of completed characters. So make one up, if anything the character might get integrated into the town anyways.

Okay I'll try for a rogue tonight or tomorrow. (going to change the point spread.. I tried the board you refered..and got like nothing above a 12 and 2 6's.. eek.. script dice hate me!)

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Ringly Softpetal, Male Halfling Wizard 1

Ringly Softpetal; CG Halfling Wizard 1; Small Humanoid; CR 1; HD 1d4+2+3 (hp 9); Init +3 (dex); Speed 20 ft.; AC 13 (+3 dex), flatfooted 10, touch 13, ACP 0, spell failure 0%; BAB +0, grapple -2 (-2 str); Atk +5 (+3 dex, +1 size, +1 racial) ranged (1d3, 20x2, sling, small); Full Atk +5; SV fort +3 (con, racial), ref +4 (dex, racial), will +2 (base, racial); Str 6, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 11

Skills and Feats (20 skill points, 4/2 max ranks): Concentrate +6 (4 ranks, 2 con), Decipher Script +5 (2 ranks, 3 int), Hide + 9 (2 ranks, 3 dex, 4 racial), Knowledge (arcana) +7 (4 ranks, 3 int), Knowledge (engineering) + 5 (2 ranks, 3 int), Search +5 (2 ranks, 3 int), Spellcraft +7 (4 ranks, 3 int); Toughness

Class and Race Features: +2 dex, -2 str; Small (+1 attack & AC, +4 to hide, 3/4 carrying capacity, base speed 20 ft.); +2 to Climb, Jump, Move Silently, Listen; +1 racial to all saving throws; +2 against fear; +1 to attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings; Native Common & Halfling; Favored Class: rogue; Summon Familiar; Scribe Scroll, Arcane Wizard Spells

Possesions: Backpack (2gp), Bedroll (1sp), Spell Book (15 gp), Spell Component Pouch (5 gp), Sling (small), Bullets (20) (1sp), Inkpen (1sp), Waterskin (1gp), Trail Rations (5sp), Flint & Steel (1gp), Traveller's Outfit (free), Slinky (cat familiar)

Spells (3/2); Base Save DC 13 (int) + spell level
0th - all
1st - Alarm, Shield, Color Spray, Reduce Person, Burning Hands, Cause Fear

0th - Ghost Sound, Read Magic, Daze
1st - Color Spray, Shield

Like his father, the town’s cartogropher, Ringly is a small, short man, even for a halfling. However, his stoutness, nimbleness, and most of all his intelligence more than make up for his lack of size. Ringly’s most common facial expression is that of intense concentration, his eyes darting back and forth, his mind lost in whatever text he is presently reading. Ringly is by no means bad-looking for a halfling, but his reticence and his extraordinary penchant for language has kept him from most social circles. Ringly has brown eyes and a shock of unkempt, light brown hair. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether the brown streaks are hair pigments or just dirt. Although his appearance is not strictly unpresentable, per se, he cares little for hygiene and cleans more out of habit than out of self-conciousness.

His youth, spent amidst the books of his father’s hobby (that of a scholar and writer), has molded him into a shy, quiet figure. As expected of most societies, he was somewhat outcast from the normality of his age-group; that is, Alton, Jerran, Bubbles, and their popular circle of friends. Where they wanted to wrestle and rough-house, he wanted to read. This has proved to be an immense barrier between him and his fellows for numerous years, and his solution to deal with the problem has usually been to become less attached to the village and more attached to his literature and his studies.

Ringly, throughout his entire life, has been regarded simultaneously as the family prodigy and the black sheep. He is a twice-removed cousin of Neb and Iss, but the connection is large enough to warrant his spotlight in town affairs. Half the town seems to view him as a genius; the other, a menace.

Growing up amidst his father’s books, surrounded by scores of tomes, he developed a passion for reading and language. The literature he read was of both high variety and high quality, and as a result Ringly’s knowledge of the world grew exponentially with his age. However, his intellect brought him both arrogance and rebelliousness; Ringly longed to be away from home, in the real world, where he could see, and experience, rather than pick up from text. By adolescence, Ringly’s parents could stand it no longer, and he was sent to be an apprentice to Wellsly Ironspoke, who seemed to be the only man shrewd enough to simultaneously tame Ringly and satisfy his lust for knowledge.

During this time, Ringly had his first encounter with Slinky, who eventually became his companion. Slinky was originally part of a pack of cats who made their residence near Wellsly’s hut. The man hated them, and wouldn’t allow a single one inside his house, but they became fond of Ringly and he took to the pack as well. Still, they seemed more close to Wellsly by experience than to Ringly by preference. Slinky was different, however – less attached to Wellsly and less dependent of his hut. Ringly noticed Slinky always following him around, but didn’t really acknowledge her presence, until he completed his summon familiar ritual, and Slinky started talking to him. He had actually thought the spell had failed – the cat was there, the spell was done, but there was no puff of magic, no portal. His magical attachment to an intelligent creature was knew to him; the relationship was mutual, but moreso there was a certain degree of affection between them, an emotion that Ringly had never experienced before, not even with Wellsly and definitely not with his “prestigious” family.

After six and a half years, Ringly was disgusted with his teacher and guardian. Initially hoping for a portal into excitement, he found what he thought was a lunatic. Fortunately, however, Ringly was able to pick up the basics of Wellsly’s arcane lore, which aided Ringly in his quests for social equality and personal satisfaction. Although he never gained acceptance into the normal social circles, he gained something that was just as good: respect. These days, Ringly hardly spends any time with Wellsly; he is often out in the wild, going out at dawn with nothing but his spellbook, a lunch, a sling, and a good book. He spends some time with Coyo and Clara, as her abode is the farthest away from the core of the town. He has also met Kiylea, hiking through the woods. He feels closer to her than any other villager in Amblestock; she has saved his life more than once, finding him lost, exhausted, and hungry deep in the woods, and guided him back to the relative safety of the town. Ringly learns something new everyday, and his life often seems relaxed and peaceful. But his sights are farther, into the mysteriousness, danger, excitement, and knowledge of the larger world.
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This is pretty tentative, but I wanted to put something out there so I get into the game.

I took some liberties with his history and with some of his relationships. If anyone has a problem please let me know and I will alter promptly. Also, the stats for his familiar aren't shown - but they are pretty standard.


Please list the prices of all your equipment and your total spent, just so I don't have to do lots of math. The more you show, the easier it is for me to go over all of the characters.

ender wiggin

I doubt the village would actually be big enough to have a full-time bookbinder. What else would Ringly's father do?

Also, Wellsly isn't that much of a lunatic. He's a bit cloistered, an obsessive compulsive, very clever and knowledgeable about the world. Also, he'd never have a gang of cats in his house, it's too meticulously cleaned and prepared for that. He'd probably ask you to keep any "pets" outside.

About the Peddlefoots, what exactly is the relation? Just so I know.

Do you mind rerolling your stats under your profile on invisible castle?


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Ferrix said:
Please list the prices of all your equipment and your total spent, just so I don't have to do lots of math. The more you show, the easier it is for me to go over all of the characters.

Done, Ferrix! :)



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He's sufficiently nerfed. Knocked nearly 20 points off of his worth :D

I'll probably have to throw away some of his equipment now though, my strength took a huge hit and he probably can't carry everything I bought... can I make some changes for his purchases since I can't carry everything?


First Post

This is actually pretty hard, but any profession that would require a constant presence of a lot of books would suffice. Easier said than done in a village of 200...a bookshop would be out of the question right? Or a writer....or some kind of reviewer/editor for a larger-world publisher....you have any ideas?

Ok, I modify the description of the cats so that they live outside his house. I know Wellsly isn't that crazy. But Ringly is a little crazy in his own right, so the difference there is appreciable (he thinks Wellsly is farther out than he really is).

And about the relationships, I was just thinking something simple, like mother's brother's husband's sister's sons. It doesn't matter; the purpose of the relationship is so Ringly is under scrutiny from the rest of the village.

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